4,4'-Dipyridyl disulfide, 4pds, reacted with ZnX2 to afford M:L 1:2 one-dimensional coordination polymers [Zn(SCN)(2)(4pds)(2).(DMF)(2)](n) [1.(DMF)(2)], [Zn(NO3)(2)(4pds)(2)](n) (2), [Zn(NO3)(2)(4pds)(2)(H2O)(2).(CH3OH).(H2O)](n) [2(H2O)(2).(CH3OH).(H2O)], [Zn(NO3)(2)(4pds)(2)(H2O)-(H2O)(4)](n) [2(H2O).(H2O)(4)]n [Zn(ClO4)(2)(4pds)(2)(DMSO)(2)](n) [3(DMSO)(2)], and [Zn(ClO4)(2)(4pds)(2)(H2O)(2).(4pds)(4)](n) [3(H2O)(2).(4pds)(4)]. These compounds have repeated rhomboidal structures and show a variety of guest inclusion properties without modification of the rhomboidal backbone. The clathration properties and the chirality of the products are dependent on recrystallization solvents. Compounds 1.(DMF)(2) and 2(H2O)(2).(CH3OH).(H2O) have an achiral chain structure, accommodating guest molecules between the chains. Compounds 2, 2(H2O)-(H2O)(4), and 3(DMSO)(2) have a chiral structure, constructed from only one enantiomer of 4pds. In 2(H2O).(H2O)(4), each chain is linked by counteranions and guest water molecules via hydrogen bonding to construct a three-dimensional architecture. Compound 3(H2O)(2).(4pds)(4) also shows a chiral chain structure, carrying free 4pds molecules via hydrogen bonds with coordination water molecules. Compound 3(DMSO)2 crystallizes in a chiral space group, while others are achiral.
Research papers (academic journals)