Optical, Electron, and Mass Spectroscopy and Other Related Properties
We have examined the matrix effect on the excitation spectra of Xe atom that is embedded in a solid state para-hydrogen (p-H2)n at liquid helium temperature, making use of the ab-initio molecular orbital calculation. The crystal structure of the solid (p-H2)n is hexagonal (hcp) and is known to be a quantum solid that may yield almost free ligand field for an atom located at a lattice point. However, the vibronic states made of p-H2 molecules coupled with the excited states of Xe atoms, which reflected significant matrix effect on the absorption spectrum in the ultraviolet-visible region. Similar effect on the emission spectra was also studied.
XXVIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2013)
Matrix effect on the vibronic state of an atom embedded in a solid para-H2
Research papers (academic journals)