Crystal structures and non-linear optical properties of cluster compounds [MAu2S4(AsPh3)2] (M = Mo or W)
gold molybdenum tungsten sulfide cluster prepn; molybdenum gold arsine sulfide cluster prepn; crystal structure gold molybdenum tungsten cluster; structure gold molybdenum tungsten sulfide cluster; tungsten gold arsine sulfide cluster prepn; nonlinear optical property gold sulfide cluster [MAu2S4(AsPh3)2] (M = Mo 1 or W 2) were synthesized by reactions of [NEt4]2[MS4] (M = Mo or W), HAuCl4.4H2O and AsPh3 in CH2Cl2 soln. X-ray crystallog. structure detns. show that the coordination of Mo(W) is slightly distorted from tetrahedral and those of the Au are distorted from trigonal planar. High nonlinear susceptibilities of these Au-contg. clusters were also obsd. for the 1st time. Z-Scan data measured with 532 nm nanosecond laser pulses showed that effective 3rd-order nonlinearities a2 = 7.9 x 10-5 and 13 x 10-5 dm3 cm W-1 mol-1 and n2 = -8.0 x 10-1 and 19 x 10-10 dm3 cm2 W-1 mol-1, resp., for a 0.64 mmol dm-3 soln. of 1 and a 0.54 mmol dm-3 soln. of 2. |