AIM: To estimate the number of cephalograms needed to re-learn for different quality images, when artificial intelligence (AI) systems are introduced in a clinic. SETTINGS AND SAMPLE POPULATION: A total of 2385 digital lateral cephalograms (University data [1785]; Clinic F [300]; Clinic N [300]) were used. Using data from the university and clinics F and N, and combined data from clinics F and N, 50 cephalograms were randomly selected to test the system's performance (Test-data O, F, N, FN). MATERIALS AND METHODS: To examine the recognition ability of landmark positions of the AI system developed in Part I (Original System) for other clinical data, test data F, N and FN were applied to the original system, and success rates were calculated. Then, to determine the approximate number of cephalograms needed to re-learn for different quality images, 85 and 170 cephalograms were randomly selected from each group and used for the re-learning (F85, F170, N85, N170, FN85 and FN170) of the original system. To estimate the number of cephalograms needed for re-learning, we examined the changes in the success rate of the re-trained systems and compared them with the original system. Re-trained systems F85 and F170 were evaluated with test data F, N85 and N170 from test data N, and FN85 and FN170 from test data FN. RESULTS: For systems using F, N and FN, it was determined that 85, 170 and 85 cephalograms, respectively, were required for re-learning. CONCLUSIONS: The number of cephalograms needed to re-learn for images of different quality was estimated.