Inductive Learning, Sketch, Line Drawing, Reconstruction, Learning Interface
Generally sketches as line drawings are important tools for designers when they create new mechanical parts and so forth. Since decades, many methods of reconstructing solid models from sketches have been proposed. However, it was difficult for them to handle sketches including curved lines. Recently we proposed a method that could handle curved lines in sketches drawn in CAD. In the method, firstly sketch features were defined, and when a sketch was input, each sketch feature was detected and extracted repeatedly from the sketch until all lines were deleted in the sketch. After a feature was extracted from a sketch, the sketch would be broken and meaningless. Therefore, we applied our inductive learning technique for the issue. In this paper, we propose a new user interface for the learning technique by using simple CAD operations such as copy & paste, and also propose more simplified and clarified algorithm than our past methods.
CAD’17, Okayama, Japan, August 10-12, 2017
Research papers (proceedings of international meetings)