DEM simulation requires the classification of heat transfer into 3 groups, i.e. convection, conduction and contact heat transfers. The authors adopted the thermal resistance model to estimate the contact heat transfer between two contacting particles. In the thermal resistance model, the local characteristics, e.g. exact contact area and heat flux distribution on particle surface, are needed. However, it is difficult to measure such factors experimentally. Accordingly, the authors utilized a direct numerical simulation (DNS) in the present study. The thermal resistance was modeled by placing a tiny solid block between the contacting spheres in the simulation. The simulated result has a temperature profile similar to measured one. On the other hand, the time variation of temperature at the center of each sphere has poorly agreed with the experimental one. From this result, the contact force and surface roughness are needed to analyze in more detail. However, the present result indicates the possibility that the present model can simulate the thermal resistance between two contacting particles.
the 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference
Research papers (proceedings of international meetings)