Numerical simulation, Discrete element method, Fine particle, Fluidized bed, Geldart group C, Agglomerate
2-dimensional (2D) DEM simulation was conducted to investigate the mechanism of agglomeration in a fluidized bed of cohesive fine particles. For the present simulation, granules were numerically generated from Geldart group C particles starting from initial agglomerates of an intermediate size. Particle pressure and agglomerate sizes were measured numerically. The behavior of agglomerates around a bubble were tracked in detail. Breakage of agglomerates above a bubble as assumed in the development of the Iwadate and Horio (1998a) model (I-H model) was numerically confirmed. Spots of high in-bed compression force, where agglomerate growth is supposed to take place, was clearly observed in the wake region below each bubble. Numerical results for agglomerate sizes compared fairly well with those predicted by the I-H model redeveloped for 2D cases to validate its mechanistic picture for agglomerate size determination.
Research papers (academic journals)