The Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry reference method (JSCC method) is used to measure alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity only in Japan. Other countries use the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) reference method to measure ALP activity. Since April 2020, human medical institutions in Japan have been gradually switching to the IFCC method. However, it is unclear whether the supply of reagents required for the JSCC method will be steady in the future. Additionally, the comparison of the performances and accuracies of these two methods for measuring ALP values remains uncertain in several animal species. In this investigation, we measured canine ALP activity using both methods and developed a formula to interconvert the two resulting values. The regression formula for ALP values measured using the modified JSCC (x) and IFCC (y) methods was determined as log10 y=0.960 log10 x−0.395 (r=0.997). However, the correlation between values based on JSCC and IFCC methods can change depending on the composition of ALP isozymes. Therefore, the developed formula can currently serve as a provisional strategy in calculating ALP levels. Nevertheless, this formula might avoid confusion in the clinical field during the transition from the JSCC to the IFCC method when both measurement values co-exist.
Research papers (academic journals)