Lectotypification of Carex (Cyperaceae) described by Shigeo Akiyama in the Herbarium of Hokkaido University Museum (SAPS) (2)
Seven taxa of Carex (Cyperaceae) described by Dr. Shigeo Akiyama, C. hotaizanensis Akiyama, C. insaniae Koidz. f. angustifolia Akiyama, C. okushirensis Akiyama, C. pseudosadoensis Akiyama, C. rikuchiuensis Akiyama, C. thunbergii Steud. var. pallidisquama Akiyama, and C. yezoalpina Akiyama, are lectotypified based on specimens preserved in the herbarium of the Hokkaido University Museum (SAPS) and the herbarium of Kanazawa University (KANA). |