Yi Yang, Eiji Akiyama, Thayne Currie, Ruobing Dong, Jun Hashimoto, Saeko S. Hayashi, Carol A. Grady, Markus Janson, Nemanja Jovanovic, Taichi Uyama, Takao Nakagawa, Tomoyuki Kudo, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Masayuki Kuzuhara, Lyu Abe, Wolfgang Brandner, Timothy D. Brandt, Michael Bonnefoy, Joseph C. Carson, Jeffrey Chilcote, Evan A. Rich, Markus Feldt, Miwa Goto, Tyler D. Groff, Olivier Guyon, Yutaka Hayano, Masahiko Hayashi, Thomas Henning, Klaus W. Hodapp, Miki Ishii, Masanori Iye, Ryo Kandori, Jeremy Kasdin, Gillian R. Knapp, Jungmi Kwon, Julien Lozi, Frantz Martinache, Taro Matsuo, Satoshi Mayama, Michael W. Mcelwain, Shoken Miyama, Jun-Ichi Morino, Amaya Moro-Martin, Tetsuo Nishimura, Tae-Soo Pyo, Eugene Serabyn, Hiroshi Suto, Ryuji Suzuki, Michihiro Takami, Naruhisa Takato, Hiroshi Terada, Christian Thalmann, Edwin L. Turner, Makoto Watanabe, John P. Wisniewski, Toru Yamada, Hideki Takami, Tomonori Usuda, Motohide Tamura
We analyzed the young (2.8 Myr-old) binary system FS Tau A using near-infrared (H-band) high-contrast polarimetry data from Subaru/HiCIAO and submillimeter CO (J = 2-1) line emission data from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Both the near-infrared and submillimeter observations reveal several clear structures extending to ∼240 au from the stars. Based on these observations at different wavelengths, we report the following discoveries. One arm-like structure detected in the near-infrared band initially extends from the south of the binary with a subsequent turn to the northeast, corresponding to two bar-like structures detected in ALMA observations with an local standard of rest kinematic (LSRK) velocity of 1.19-5.64 km s-1. Another feature detected in the near-infrared band extends initially from the north of the binary, relating to an arm-like structure detected in ALMA observations with an LSRK velocity of 8.17-16.43 km s-1. From their shapes and velocities, we suggest that these structures can mostly be explained by two streamers that connect the outer circumbinary disk and the central binary components. These discoveries will be helpful for understanding the evolution of streamers and circumstellar disks in young binary systems. |