Basic information |
Name |
Imayama Takeshi |
Belonging department |
Occupation name |
researchmap researcher code |
R000007525 |
researchmap agency |
Okayama University of Science |
Thematic issue: Evolution of Nepal Himalaya, Preface
Sakai, H., Iwano, H., Imayama, T.
Our contribution range in age from 1900 to 1 Ma, and we provide newmethodology of fission-track dating by means of laser ablation (LA)-induc-tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP)-MS in Iwano, Danhara,et al. (2020), results of examination of location of the Main Central Thrust(MCT) using strain rate distribution in Sato et al. (2020) and geochemicalanalyses of basaltic and granitic intrusions in the lower part of the Protero-zoic Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS). Nakajima et al. (2020a, 2020b)deals with northward lateral cooling of Kathmandu and Kuncha napperevealed by zircon fission-track (ZFT) dating. Distribution of non-metamorphosed LHS along the southern margin of the Lesser Himalayawas confirmed by the zircon fission - track and Pb–Pb dating by Kobayashiet al. (2021). Uplift and erosion history of the Himalaya was discussed onthe basis of heavy mineral composition of sandstone of the Siwalik Groupand sediment core of the Bengal Deep Sea Fan in Yoshida et al. (2021).