Hypothermia is one of the peri-anesthesia complications of general anesthesia. Administration of warmed intravenous fluid is known as one of the preventive measures, but there are little reports on the effect of warmed infusion on the body temperature of animals under general anesthesia. In this study, dogs under general anesthesia were administered warmed fluid intravenously(10 ml/kg/ h)using a small animal infusion warmer(F-CARE) or a conventional dry electric infusion warmer
(ANIMEC). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of warmed intravenous fluid administration on rectal temperature. After induction of anesthesia with propofol, inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane was maintained, and rectal temperature was recorded every 5 minutes from immediately after the start of anesthesia maintenance to 1 hour after the end of inhalation anesthetic administration. Warmed fluids administration using any of the infusion warmers did
not significantly suppress the decrease in rectal temperature. However, a warmed fluid administration using F-CARE tended to reduce the decrease in rectal temperature compared to the case of ANIMEC. In addition, the time required for rectal temperature to recover to 37 °C and the duration of shivering tended to be shortened.
Research papers (academic journals)