In human medicine, the risk of occupational exposure to anticancer drugs is well recognized, and standard procedures have been developed to ensure the safety of healthcare workers. However, little is known in veterinary practice about exposure risk awareness and safe handling of anticancer drugs. In this study, members of the Japan Veterinary Cancer Society answered a survey about anticancer drug exposure and handling. From 213 valid responses, over 90% of the participants understood the risks of anticancer drug exposure and took at least partial measures to prevent it. However, most only wore gloves and masks, with only 19.5% and 11.7% reporting the use of safety cabinets and closed-system drug transfer devices, respectively. Additionally, 95.7% of the respondents expressed concern about exposure risk, and 94.4% indicated a need for continuous education about this issue. Our results show high awareness and concern about anticancer drug exposure risk among veterinarians, highlighting the need to establish appropriate safety measures. |