基本情報 |
氏名 |
篠塚 康典 |
氏名(カナ) |
シノヅカ ヤスノリ |
氏名(英語) |
Shinozuka Yasunori |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
7000022273 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
Examination of the microbiota of normal cow milk using MinIONTM nanopore sequencing
Yasunori SHINOZUKA , Kazuhiro KAWAI , Tomomi KURUMISAWA , Yuko SHIMIZU , Tadashi IMANISHI , Ayumu OHNO , Mano TAKAHASHI , Sohei KANEKO , Naoki SUZUKI
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiota of normal milk in dairy cows and their relationship with host factors, such as the age of the cow (Age), somatic cell counts in milk (SCCs), and days in milk (DIM). We investigated 48 milk samples from 22 cows with no systemic or local clinical signs using MinIONTM nanopore sequencing for a 16S rRNA gene amplicon. Bacterial richness was positively correlated with the DIM (P=0.043), and both the Shannon-Wiener Index and Simpson’s Index, which are metrics of alpha-diversity, were also significantly positively correlated with the SCC (P<0.001). The composition ratios of both Actinobacteria at the phylum level and Kocuria spp. at the genus level in the milk microbiota were significantly correlated with the SCC (P<0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). In the beta-diversity test, the one-way analysis of similarities test showed a significant difference (P=0.0051) between the low- and high-SCC groups. This study clarified that the composition of the normal milk microbiota in this herd was related to the SCC. It also raised the possibility of variations in bacterial genera in the normal milk microbiota between the low- and high-SCC groups. However, to clarify the actual condition of the milk microbiota and to elucidate the relationship with the SCC, it is necessary to perform further analyses taking into account not only the relative abundance, but also the absolute abundance of microbes.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science