氏名 |
河村 実生 |
氏名(カナ) |
カワムラ ミナル |
氏名(英語) |
Kawamura Minaru |
所属 |
工学部 電気電子システム学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
1000113791 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2009/00 Linear Preparation Method of Pseudo-Pure States while Correcting Errors and Enhancing Signals for NMR Quantum Computer Minaru Kawamura, Hitoshi Sakai and Yoshinori Manmoto AIP conf. proceedings
- 2007/00 Effective error correction method for quantum information processing Minaru Kawamura, Takuji Morimoto, Yoshiyuki Mori, Ryuichi Sawae, Kenichi Takarabe, Yoshinori Manmoto, Toshio Sakata International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
- 2006/00 Decoherence of a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state in a Five-qubit NMR quantum computer M. Kawamura, T. Morimoto, R. Sawae K. Takarabe Y. Manmoto International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
- 2005/00 Experimental investigation of decoherence in maximally entangled mixed states Minaru Kawamura, Takuji Morimoto, Takashi Kumaya, Ryuichi Sawae, Kenichi Takarabe, Yoshinori Manmoto International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
- 2005/00 Quantum circuits for an effective pure state in NMR quantum computer Yoshiyuki Mori, Ryuichi Sawae, Minaru Kawamura, Toshio Sakata, Kenichi Takarabe International Journal of Quantum Chemistry
- 2004/00 Fast preparation method of effective pure states for NMR-quantum computer with controlled-not gates Minaru Kawamura, Ryuichi Sawae, Takashi Kumaya, Kenichi Takarabe, Yoshinori Manmoto, Toshio Sakata Int., J. Quantum Chem. 100, (2004) 1033-1037
- 2003/00 Gray code and the initialization problem of NMR quantum computers R. Sawae T. Sakata M. Tei K. TakarabeM. Manmoto International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Vol. 95, pp.558-560
- 2003/00 Study of Decoherence in a NMR Quantum Computer using Tetrafluoropyridine M. Tei Y. Mizuno Y. Manmoto R. Sawae K. Takarabe International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Vol. 95, pp.554-557
- 2002/00 Quantum Random Walks on the Contingency tables R. Sawae,K. Takarabe,M. Tei ,Y. Mizuno,Y. Mori,Y. Manmoto International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Vol. 90, pp.1321-1325
- 2002/00 NMRによる量子コンピュータ実験 鄭実生、水野陽一、萬本義徳、澤江隆一、財部健一 岡山理科大学紀要、38A,(2002) 77-84
- 2000/00 Effects of Cooling Rate on Growth of Bi-2212 Superconducting Whiskers M. Tei, Y. Manmoto, T. Yoshimochi and M. Nobori JJAP suppl. 39-1,(2000) 527-528
- 1999/00 Determination of Off-Center Displacements in NaBr:F– by Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance Y. Manmoto,M. Tei, J. Nogami,M. Furuyama International Journal of Quantum Chemistry Vol. 75, pp.961-965
- 1998/00 Investigation of Off-Center Displacements in NaCl:OH– by Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance Y. Manmoto, M. Tei, J. Nogami, M. Furuyama and T.Iwami Bull. Okayama Univ. Sci. No. 34A (1998) 57-64
- 1995/00 高温超電導体YBa2Cu3O7-δにおける核四重極共鳴の横緩和 鄭実生、本安竜平、萬本義徳、佐藤三雄、坂本浩一、溝口憲二、久米潔 岡山理科大学紀要 No.30A (1995) 103-113
- 1991/00 Anomalous Transverse Relaxation of Cu NQR in YBa2Cu3O7 M. Tei,K. Mizoguchi,K. Kume Physica C Vol. 185-189,pp.1227-1228
- 1990/00 Anomalous Sharp Peak at 35K in Transverse Relaxation Rates of 63Cu and 65Cu Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in Copper Oxide Superconductors YBa2Cu3O7-X (Tc~92K) M. Tei,K. Mizoguchi, K. Kume Solid State Comm. Vol. 74, pp. 1117-1118
- 1990/00 Cu NQR Study on Transverse Relaxation Rate below Tc in YBa2Cu3O7 M. Tei,H. Takai,M. Mizoguchi,K. Kume Zeit. Naturforsch Vol. 45a, pp. 429-432
- 1990/00 89Y NMR Study of the Exchange Coupling Coupling Constant between the CuO2 layer and the Gd ion in GdX Y1-XBa2Cu3O7-δ H. Sakamoto,M. Tei,H. Takai,M. Mizoguchi,K. Kume Physcal Review B Vol. 41, pp. 9513-9515
- 2015/12 超伝導無誘導モーターの開発 猪谷亘希、寺田潤哉、原田祥太郎、佐藤弘明、河村実生 低温工学・超電導学会
- 2014/07 Radiant cooling of rotator in superconducting induction motor Koichi Omachi, Koki Inotani, Siti Saqinah Binti Abdul Halim, Minaru Kawamura International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference
- 2013/07 Measurement of quantum superposition states of a single spin with a superconducting resonator Nurul Ain Binti Adnan, Fauziah Binti Abdul Aziz, and Siti Saqinah Binti Abdul Halim, Minaru Kawamura ISEC2013
- 2012/08 Observation of single spin by transferring the coherence to a high energy macroscopic pure state Ryouhei Kunitomi, Kosuke Araki and Minaru Kawamura The International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing
- 2012/07 Observation of quantum superposition state without wave function collapse Ryouhei Kunitomi, Kosuke Araki and Minaru Kawamura The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics
- 2011/09 Development of a superconducting motor with an orthogonal magnetic system in a simple vacuum thermal insulation structure Kazuaki Inooka, Tastuya Mizukawa, Takahiro Oba, Minaru Kawamura Superconductivity Centennial Conference
- 2011/09 Implementation of quantum logic gates with strongly modulated composite pulse Minaru Kawamura KwaZulu-Natal大学における講演
- 2010/09 Separability of Highly Mixed States in NMR Experiments Revisited and An Efficient Preparation Method for Creating Large Scale Pseudo-Pure States Minaru Kawamura Quantum Africa 2010
- 2010/08 超伝導が切り開くモーターの新しい可能性について 河村実生 おかやま電池関連技術研究会
- 2009/09 An efficient method for creating pseudo-pure states for use in large scale NMR quantum computers with simultaneous error correction within a given tolerance Minaru Kawamura 4th International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control
- 2008/08 Linear Preparation Method of Pseudo-Pure States while Correcting Errors and Enhancing Signals for NMR Quantum Computer Minaru Kawamura Ninth International Conference on QCMC
- 2008/08 Realization of effective pure state of NMR quantum computer and the error corrections Minaru Kawamura the Centre for Quantum Technology
- 2006/12 A Simple Error Correction Method for NMR Quantum Computer Minaru Kawamura1, Takuji Morimoto2, Yoshiyuki Mori3, Ryuichi Sawae3, Kenichi Takarabe4, Yoshinori Manmoto1 and Toshio Sakata5 quantum communication, measurement and computing
- 2006/08 Multiqubit quantum logic gates and Quantum random walk in quantum computer M. Hatamoto, M.Kawamura, Y. Mori, R. Sawae, G. Shiino, K. Takarabe International Congress of Mathematicians
- 2006/03 Decoherence of a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state in a Five-qubit NMR Quantum Computer M. Kawamura, T. Morimoto, R. Sawae, K. Takarabe, Y. Manmoto Sanibel Symposium
- 2005/09 エンタングルド混合状態に関する実験的研究 河村実生、森本卓治 日本物理学会
- 2005/08 The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and the bulk ensemble NMR quantum computer Ryuichi Sawae, Toshio Sakata, Minaru Kawamura, Yoshiyuki Mori PHYSICS and CONTROL
- 2005/05 NMR量子コンピュータ上のエンタングルド混合状態に関する実験的研究 河村実生、森本卓治、澤江隆一、財部健一、萬本義徳 量子情報研究会
- 2005/03 Experimental investigation of decoherence in maximally entangled mixed states Minaru Kawamura, Takuji Morimoto, Takashi Kumaya, Ryuichi Sawae, Kenichi Takarabe, Yoshinori Manmoto Sanibel
- 2005/03 Quantum Circuits for an Efective Pure State in NMR Quantum Computer Sanibel
- 2005/03 Study on Off-Center Defects in NaBr:F Crystal by DNMR Sanibel
- 2004/03 Electric Field Gradient and Off-center Displacements in NaBr:F‐ by Nuclear Magnetic Double Resonance Yoshinori Manmoto, Minaru Kawamura, Yuichiro Imatoh and Kazuma Fukumitu Sanibel
- 2004/03 Fast preparation method of effective pure states for NMR-quantum computer with controlled-not gates Minaru Kawamura, Ryuichi Sawae, Takashi Kumaya, Kenichi Takarabe, Yoshinori Manmoto, Toshio Sakata Sanibel
- 2003/09 制御ノットを用いたNMR量子コンピュータの高速初期化法 鄭, 熊谷,澤江, 財部,萬本 日本物理学会
- 2003/07 芳香族化合物を用いた高キュービットNMR量子コンピュータの検討 熊谷, 鄭,水野, 澤江,財部, 豊田 応用物理学会