氏名 |
青木 宏之 |
氏名(カナ) |
アオキ ヒロユキ |
氏名(英語) |
Aoki Hiroyuki |
所属 |
機構 教育推進機構 基盤教育センター 科学技術教育部門 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
5000032364 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2014/03 潤滑油中の油性剤分子の金属面への吸着速度の測定 蜂谷和明、青木宏之 岡山理科大学技術研究所年報
- 2013/03 EDTAを添加した水-グリコール系作動油中の水の役割について 蜂谷和明 青木宏之 岡山理科大学技術科学研究所年報
- 2012/07 Photodegradation of Environmental Mutagens by Visible-Irradiation in the Presence of J. Odo, S. Torimoto, S. Nakanishi, T. Niitani, H. Aoki, M. Inoguchi, and Y. Yamasaki Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin
- 2010/00 Interaction between AuCl4- and CTA+ ions in water Enthalpies for the formation of the precipitate M. Takezaki, H. Aoki, M. Kodama, T. Tominaga J. Therm. Anal. Calorim
- 2008/00 Structural property and function of D-erythro asymmetric chain sphingomyelins as studied by microcalorimetry and electron microscopy H. Aoki, S. Kosakabe, M. Inumaru, A. Kuboki, S. Ohira and M. Kodama J. Thermal. Anal. Cal.
- 2005/06 Water Behavior in the Conversion process of Gel to Subgel Phase in Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine-Water System as Studied by DSC. H. Aoki and M. Kodama Thermochim. Acta
- 2005/05 Identification of a key amino acid residue of Streptomyces phospholipase D for thermostability by in vivo DNA shuffling T. Negishi, T. Mukaihara, K. Mori, H. Nishikido, Y. Kawasaki, H. Aoki, and M. Kodama Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 2004/09 Components and fractions for differently bound water molecules of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine–water system as studied by DSC and 2H-NMR spectroscopy. M. Kodama, Y. Kawasaki, H. Aoki and Y. Furukawa Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 2003/00 Hydration Properties of Lipid Bilayer Systems Studied Using DSC and 2H-NMR Spectroscopy. M. Kodama, Y. Kawasaki, H. Aoki, E. Yamamoto, and Y. Furukawa Recent Res. Devel. Chem. Phys. Lipids 1, 85-98
- 2002/00 Estimation of Differently Bound Water Molecules for the Gel Phase of Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine-Water System as Studied by DSC and 2H-NMR Spectroscopy. H. Aoki Y. Kawasaki and M. Kodama J. Biol. Phys. 28, 237-252
- 2001/00 Calorimetric Investigation of Conversion to the Most Stable Phase of Phosphatidylethanolamine-Water System. H. Aoki and M. Kodama J. Thermal Anal. Cal. 64, 299-306
- 2001/00 Comparison of Differently Bound Water Molecules in the Gel and Subgel Phases of a Phospholipid Bilayer System. M. Kodama, H. Kato, and H. Aoki J. Thermal Anal. Cal. 64, 219-230
- 2001/00 Thermodynamic Investigation of Interaction between Ca Cation and Negatively Charged Phospholipid Bilayers as Studied by DSC and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. M. Kodama, H. Aoki, K. Hirata, and Y. Tsutida Calorimetry & Thermal Anal. 28, 129-134
- 2000/00 Calorimetric Determination of the Number of Differently Bound Water Molecules in Phospholipid Bilayer Systems. M. Kodama and H. Aoki Calorimetry & Thermal Anal. 27, 19-29
- 2000/00 Role of Water Molecules in Conversion of the Gel to Subgel Phases in Phospholipid-Water Systems as Studied by a Calorimetric Method. M. Kodama and H. Aoki Recent Res. Devel. Biophys. Chem. 1, 27-40
- 2000/00 The Behavior of Water Molecules in the Most Stable Subgel Phase of Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamne-Water System as Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. M. Kodama, H. Kato, and H. Aoki Thermochim. Acta 352-353, 213-221
- 1999/00 Effect of Na+ Concentration on the Subgel Phases of Negatively Charged Phosphatidylglycerol. M. Kodama, H. Aoki and T. Miyata Biophys. Chem. 79, 205-221
- 1998/00 Calorimetric Investigation of the Behavior of Interlamellar Water in Phospholipid-Water Systems. H. Aoki and M. Kodama Thermochim. Acta 308, 77-83
- 1998/00 The Behavior of Water Molecules associated with Structural Change in Negatively Charged Phosphatidylglycerol Assemblies as studied by DSC. M. Kodama, J. Nakamura, T. Miyata, and H. Aoki J. Thermal Anal. 51, 91-104
- 1997/11 The behavior of water molecules in semi-crystalline bilayer structure of phosphatidylethanolamine DSC study H. Aoki and M. Kodama J. Thermal Anal.
- 1997/06 リン脂質分子の2分子膜組織化特性は親水頭部によってどのように影響されるか 児玉 美智子、 宮田 貴裕、 青木 宏之 表面
- 1997/04 Interlamellar water in dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine-water sytem as studied by calorimetry and X-ray diffraction M. Kodama, H. Aoki, H. takahashi, and I. Hatta Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 1997/00 Behavior of Ice–Water Transition in Dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine-Water System. H. Takahashi, H. Aoki, H. Inoue, M. Kodama and I. Hatta Thermochim. Acta, 303, 93-99
- 1997/00 On Exothermic Transformation from Metastable Gel Phase to Stable Crystalline Phase of Fully Hydrated Dimyristoylphosphatidyl- ethanolamine in Heating Scan. H. Takahashi, H. Aoki, M. Kodama and I. Hatta Chem. Phys. Lipids 89, 83-89