氏名 |
坂内 真三 |
氏名(カナ) |
バンナイ シンゾウ |
氏名(英語) |
Bannai Shinzo |
所属 |
理学部 応用数学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000000212 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2025/03 Poncelet’s closure theorem and the embedded topology of conic-line
arrangements Shinzo Bannai , Ryosuke Masuya, Taketo Shirane , Hiro-o Tokunaga, and EmikoYorisaki 共著 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
- 2023/04 Ramified and split models of elliptic surfaces and bitangent lines or quartics S.Bannai, H.Tokunaga and E.Yorisaki 共著 Comment. Math.Univ. St. Paul.
- 2023/04 Torsion divisors of plane curves and Zariski pairs E.Artal Bartolo, S.Bannai, T.Shirane and H.Tokunaga 共著 St. Petersburg Math. J
- 2023/04 Torsion divisors of plane curves with maximal flexes and Zariski pairs E.Artal Bartolo, S.Bannai, T.Shirane and H.Tokunaga 共著 Math. Nachr.
- 2022/04 Trisections on Certain Rational Elliptic Surfaces and Families of Zariski Pairs Degenerating to the same Conic-line Arrangement S.Bannai, N.Kawana, R.Masuya and H.Tokunaga 共著 Geom. Dedicata