データ指向統計解析システム, eラーニング, 解析ストーリー, Webベースシステム
A web-based statistical system “Data-oriented Statistical System” or DoSS@d has been developed and located at http://mo161.soci.ous.ac.jp/@d/, which archives data sets and the corresponding analysis stories (reports of how to analyze the data in practice) and perform statistical analysis on these data sets on the web. DoSS@d consists of DoDStat@d (data and story database), DoAStat@d (online analysis system) and DoLStat@d (learning courses).
The analysis stories and learning statistics using them are very useful but the number of stories is not enough and the fields of stories stored in DoDStat@d are not well-balanced. So we have started to collect a number of examples, classify them under statistical points and transfer them to DoSS@d analysis stories. We performed this based on four books, which include lots of real examples mainly from economics, business and data mining. Totally 123 stories have been created, which can be used for statistical education using DoSS@d system. Since we installed many analysis stories into DoSS@d from several fields, it is expected that statistical education using those analysis stories make learners have the ability of correct statistical analysis - selecting a suitable method, operating statistical packages correctly and then interpreting the results properly.