氏名 |
尾崎 眞啓 |
氏名(カナ) |
オザキ マサヒロ |
氏名(英語) |
Ozaki Masahiro |
所属 |
工学部 生命医療工学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- 2018/11 維持透析患者における妊娠時の透析経験 中国腎不全研究会会誌27:209~210(2018)
- 2017/11 長期間透析を拒否した患者の報告 原誠人、林国人、松浦由美子、角田光男、尾崎眞啓 中国腎不全研究会誌
- 2014/12 BV計および電気インピーダンスを用いた水分分布についての検討 尾﨑眞啓,宮森栄望,竹谷潔,藤本ひとみ,原誠人,林国人 日本血液浄化技術学会雑誌
- 2014/12 廃液ロートに沈着する炭酸塩除去に関する検討 藤本ひとみ,宮森栄望,竹谷潔,藤井和子,川井伸一郎,尾﨑眞啓 臨床透析
- 2014/04 Evaluation of Urea Reduction Ratio Estimated From the Integrated Value of Urea Concentrations in Spent Dialysate Masahiro Ozaki,Jun'ya Hori,Tohru Okabayashi Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis
- 2010/00 Urea Monitor Based on Chemiluminescence and Electrolysis as a Marker for Dialysis Efficiency Masahiro Ozaki,Tohru Okabayashi,Teppei Ishimaru,Kunihito Hayashi, IEEJ Trans.SM
- 2006/12 A novel sensing system for glucose in a solution based on Cataluminescence Ozaki.M,Okabayashi.T,Ishimaru.T,Yamashita.N,Nakagawa.M ,IEICE Transaction on Electronics
- 2020/12 血液透析の各工程での血液曝露についてルミノール反応を用いて調査した結果 小山敬祐,林国人,松浦由美子,角田光男,尾﨑眞啓 第105回岡山透析懇話会
- 2019/11 当院使用の穿刺針の使用可能流量についての検討 中塚翔太,永島香,大原ひとみ,宮森栄望,大森翔太,小野美保,尾崎眞啓 中国腎不全研究会
- 2016/09 Observation of Flow in Hollow Fiber Dialyzer by Using Ultrasound iMAING AND mICRO-bUBBLES Jun'ya Hori,Kunihito Hayashi,Hideto Suzuki,Masahiro Ozaki 34th Congress of the International Society of Blood Purification
- 2014/04 Analytical Deduction of Urea Clerance Based on 2-Pool Model Yoshie Asahara,Tohru Okabayashi,Yuuma Morimoto,Masahiro Ozaki,Jun 7th Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis
- 2014/04 Evaluation of the Solute Reduction Estimated from the Solute Removal of Urea,Beta2-microgloblin and Alphal-icrogloblin Hiroki Monzaki,Ryohei Nibu,Yoshio Nagake,Jun'ya Hori,Masahiro Ozaki,Masuo Nakagawa 7th Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis
- 2014/04 The Significance of Urea Clerance Estimated from the Time-Dependence of Urea Concentration During Dialysis Hiroki Monzaki,Yoshio Nagake,Jun'ya Hori,Masahiro Ozaki,Tohru Okabayashi,Masuo Nakagawa 7tht Congress of the International Society for Hemodialysis
- 2012/09 Evaluation of the mass reduction ratio of urea estimated from the integrated value of urea concentration in spent dialysate Msahiro Ozaki,Tohru Okabayashi,Junya Hori,Hiroki Monzaki,Masuo Nakagawa,Shinichiro Kawai International Society of Blood Purification
- 2010/03 UREA MONITOR BASED ON ELECTROLYSIS OF SPENT DIALYSATE Masahiro Ozaki,Tohru Okabayashi,Tetsushi Yamaguchi and Masuo NakagawaA Europt(R)odeⅩ
- 2008/09 A high sensitive urea monitor for hemodialysis Ozaki.M, Ishimaru.T,Okabayashi.T, Hori.J ,Hayashi.K, ,Nakagawa.M International Society of Blood Purification
- 2007/09 A new monitoring system of urea in a waste dialysate for hemodialysis Ozaki.M,Okabayashi.T,Ishimaru.T,Hayashi.K,Hori.J,Nakagawa.M International Society of Blood Purification