氏名 |
麻谷 淳 |
氏名(カナ) |
アサタニ ジュン |
氏名(英語) |
Asatani Jun |
所属 |
工学部 情報工学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000342559 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/03 工学部情報工学科研究等プロジェクトの立ち上げと運用 尾﨑, 亮,上田, 千晶,小田, 哲也,近藤, 真史,麻谷, 淳,片山, 謙吾 共著 岡山理科大学教育実践研究
- 2021/08 LDPC符号に対する雑音付き勾配降下ビット反転復号法のしきい値調節の改良 麻谷 淳,近藤 祐哉 IEICE ESS 和文論文誌A
- 2019/03 On a Soft-decision Recursive Decoding Algorithm for u
u+v Codes 得重仁、麻谷淳 共著 Proceedings of the 2019 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2016/11 An Improved Noisy Gradient Descent Bit-Flipping Decoding Algorithm for LDPC Codes J.Asatani, Y.Kondo, K.Katayama, E.Kulla, H.Tokushige Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2016/03 On a Soft-decision Iterative Minimum Distance Search Decoding Algorithm for Binary Linear Block Codes Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani Proceedings of the 2016 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2016/03 リード・マラー符号に対する最小重み探索を用いた軟入力軟出力ハイブリッド復号法 麻谷淳,得重仁 IEICE ESS 和文論文誌A
- 2015/07 Frequency Memory based Gradient Descent Bit Flipping Algorithm Jun Asatani, Hiroaki Kawanishi, Hitoshi Tokushige, Kengo Katayama IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- 2014/10 An improvement of performance to layered index-less indexed flash codes Jun Asatani, Mitsuaki Honji Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2014/03 An Improvement in Performance of a Gradient Descent Bit Flipping Algorithm Jun Asatani, Hiroaki Kawanishi, Hitoshi Tokushige and Kengo Katayama Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2013/03 A Iterative Minimum Distance Search Decoding Algorothm for Reed-Solomon Codes Yoshia Bandoh, Hitoshi Tokushige, Jun Asatani Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2012/03 A Concatenated Coding Scheme for Reducing the Decoding Errors Fumiya Mitani, Hitoshi Tokushige, Jun Asatanni Proceedings of the 2012 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2011/03 A Joint Generation Method of Competing Codewords using OSD and MDS for Reed-Muller Codes Jun Asatani and Hitoshi Tokushige Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2011/03 FFT成分を用いた微分波形と積分波形の表現式 東恒人,麻谷淳,島田恭宏 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2011/03 FFT成分を用いた応答波形の表現式 麻谷淳,東恒人,島田恭宏 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2010/03 An Iterative Bounded-distance Decoding Algorithm for Reed-Solomon Codes Makoto Suga, Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani Proceedings of the 2010 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2010/03 On a Video Watermarking Method using a LT Code Shuta Mishima, Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani Proceedings of the 2010 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2010/03 On an Iterative Bounded-distance Decoding Algorithm with a Learning Function for Binary Linear Block Codes Yasunori Yanagida, Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani Proceedings of the 2010 International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communication and Signal Processing
- 2008/01 Structural Analysis of Minimum Weight Codewords of the (32,21,6) and (64,45,8) Extended BCH Codes Using Invariance Property Jun Asatani, Takuya Koumoto, Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
- 2006/10 Method for Generating a Competing Codeword Using a Chain of Minimum Distance Searches Jun Asatani, Takuya Koumoto, Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications
- 2004/10 Iterative decoding of product codes using minimum distance search based soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm J. Asatani, H. Tokushige, K. Tomita, T. Fujiwara, and T. Kasami Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2004/06 Soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm of linear block codes based on minimum distance search J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, T. Fujiwara and T. Kasami Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
- 2004/00 Selection method of test patterns in soft-input and output iterative bounded distance decoding algorithm H. Tokushige, J. Asatani, M.P.C. Fossorier, T. Kasami Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic
- 2003/10 Reduced complexity iterative decoding using a sub-optimum minimum distance search J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, K. Tomita and T. Kasami IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
- 2003/01 Selection Method of Test Patterns in Soft-input and output Iterative Bounded Distance Decoding Algorithm Hitoshi Tokushige, Jun Asatani, Marc Fossorier and Tadao Kasami Proceedings of Workshop On Coding, Cryptography and Combinatorics
- 2002/10 A soft-decision iterative decoding algorithm using a top-down and recursive minimum distance search J. Asatani, K. Tomita, T. Koumoto, T. Takata and T. Kasami IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
- 2002/10 An evaluation method of error performance of Reed-Muller codes by using a minimum distance search J. Asatani, K. Tomita, T. Takata and T. Kasami Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2002/10 Reduced complexity soft-decision iterative decoding of Reed-Muller codes based on a suboptimal minimum distance search J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, K. Tomita and T. Kasami Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 1998/10 Suboptimum soft-input/soft-output decoding of decomposable codes J. Asatani, T. Takata and T. Kasami Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
- 2017/09 局所修復可能符号の構成法について 麻谷 淳・直原裕太・得重 仁 平成29年度電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会
- 2015/09 On an Iterative Minimum Distance Search Decoding Algorithm for Binary Linear Block Codes Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani The 68th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineerings in Kyushu
- 2015/09 リード・マラー符号に対する最小重み探索を用いた軟値入出力復号法と積符号の反復復号法への適用 麻谷 淳,得重仁 平成27年度(第68回) 電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会
- 2014/08 Index-less Indexed フラッシュ符号の平均性能の改善について 麻谷淳,本地光暁 平成26年度電気関係学会東北支部連合大会
- 2013/09 2元線形符号に対する逐次型最小距離探索復号法について 堀尚樹, 得重仁, 麻谷淳, 大野将樹, 獅々堀正幹 平成25年度電気関係学会四国支部連合大会
- 2013/09 GDBF復号法における局所解脱出法について 麻谷淳,川西宏明,得重仁 電気関係学会九州支部第66回連合大会
- 2013/09 On a Soft-decision Decoding Algorithm using Minimum Distance Search for Binary Linear Block H.Tokushige Y. Bandoh and Jun Asatani Proceedings of the JCEEEK
- 2013/09 On an Iterative Minimum Distance Search Decoding Algorithm for RS Codes Y. Bandoh, H. Tokushige, J. Asatani, K. Morita, and M. Fuketa Proceedings of the 2013 SJCIEE
- 2010/01 On a soft-input decoding algorithm of concatenated LT codes Hitoshi Tokushige and Jun Asatani Technical Report of IEICE
- 2006/10 VoIP Security - SPIT Preventing for Home User Md. Sahar Nan, Jun Asatani, Masaharu Komatsu 電気・情報関連学会中国支部第57回連合大会
- 2006/10 並列チャネルにおけるパケットインタリーブFEC方式のスループット特性 西山 和彦, 麻谷 淳, 小松 雅治 電気・情報関連学会中国支部第57回連合大会
- 2006/10 無線パケット通信におけるマルチSDU選択再送ARQ方式 西村 和紀, 麻谷 淳, 小松 雅治 電気・情報関連学会中国支部第57回連合大会
- 2006/05 Structural Analysis of the minimum weight codewords of extended (32,21,6) and (64,45,8) BCH codes using invariance property Jun Asatani, Takuya Koumoto, Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami 2006 Hawaii, IEICE and SITA Joint Conference on Information Theory
- 2005/11 The structure of the set of minimum weight codewords of the extended (32,21,6) and (64,45,8) BCH codes 麻谷淳, 甲本卓也, 藤原融, 嵩忠雄 情報理論とその応用シンポジウム
- 2004/03 Soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm using a structure of the set of minimum weight codewords of Reed-Muller codes J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, T. Fujiwara, and T. Kasami 情報理論研究会
- 2003/12 Soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm based on iterative minimum distance search for Reed-Muller codes J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, Toru Fujiwara, T. Kasami 情報理論とその応用シンポジウム
- 2003/03 A soft-input and output iterative bounded distance decoding algorithm H. Tokushige, J. Asatani, M. P. C. Fossorier, T. Kasami 情報理論研究会
- 2003/03 Reduced complexity iterative decoding using a sub-optimum minimum distance search J. Asatani, T. Koumoto, K. Tomita, T. Kasami 情報理論研究会
- 2002/12 Soft-input and output decoding algorithm for block turbo codes H. Tokushige, J. Asatani, M. P. C. Fossorier, T. Kasami 情報理論とその応用シンポジウム
- 2002/03 Soft-decision iterative decoding algorithm using a top-down and recursive minimum distance search J. Asatani, K. Tomita, T. Koumoto, T. Takata, T. Kasami 情報理論研究会
- 2001/03 A new iterative soft-decision decoding algorithm using list decoding of minimum weight sub-trellis search J. Asatani, K. Tomita, T. Koumoto, T. Takata, T. Kasami 情報理論研究会
- 2000/10 Recursive maximum likelihood decoding for the set of minimum weight codewords of Reed-Muller codes J. Asatani, K. Tomita, T. Takata, M. Mori, T. Kasami 情報理論とその応用シンポジウム
- 1998/03 分解可能符号に対して軟判定繰り返し復号を用いた準最尤復号 J. Asatani, T. Takata, T. Kasami 情報理論研究会