氏名 |
米加田 徹 |
氏名(カナ) |
メカタ トオル |
氏名(英語) |
Mekata Tohru |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000288235 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2022/09/Concentration and reduction efficiency of vancomycin-resistant heterotrophic bacteria and vanA and vanB genes in wastewater treatment unit processes/Takashi Furukawa,Tohru Mekata,Mohan Amarasiri,Kazunari Sei/Joint Author/Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
- 2022/09/Immunostimulation of shrimp through oral administration of silkworm pupae expressing VP15 against WSSV/Jirayu Boonyakida,Takafumi Nakanishi,Jun Satoh,Yoshiko Shimahara,Tohru Mekata,Enoch Y. Park/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2021/12/Identification of antigenic domains and peptides from VP15 of white spot syndrome virus and their antiviral effects in Marsupenaeus japonicus/Jirayu Boonyakida,Jian Xu,Jun Satoh,Takafumi Nakanishi,Tohru Mekata,Tatsuya Kato,Enoch Y. Park/Joint Author/Scientific Reports
- 2021/12/Strategy for understanding the biological defense mechanism involved in immune priming in kuruma shrimp/Tohru Mekata/Sole Author/Developmental and Comparative Immunology
- 2021/10/Infections of kudoa septempunctata (myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in wild grass puffer takifugu alboplumbeus and japanese whiting sillago japonica/Sho Shirakashi,Sang Phil Shin,Tohru Mekata,Ikunari Kiryu/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2021/10/Application of environmental DNA for monitoring red sea bream iridovirus at a fish farm/Yasuhiko Kawato,Tohru Mekata,Mari Inada,Takafumi Ito/Joint Author/Microbiology Spectrum
- 2021/09/Mass mortality of pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata (Gould)) in Japan in 2019 and 2020 is caused by an unidentified infectious agent/Tomomasa Matsuyama,Satoshi Miwa,Tohru Mekata,Yuta Matsuura,Tomokazu Takano,Chihaya Nakayasu/Joint Author/PeerJ
- 2021/07/Isolation and characterization of hirame aquareovirus (HAqRV): A new Aquareovirus isolated from diseased hirame Paralichthys olivaceus/Yasuhiro Kawato , Tohru Mekata , Toyohiro Nishioka , Ikunari Kiryu , Takamitsu Sakai , Tomoki Maeda , Satoshi Miwa , Kanae Koike , Masahiro Sadakane , Koh-ichiro Mori./Joint Author/Virology
- 2021/06/Early infection dynamics of the beko disease in seriola spp/Soetsu Yanagi,Jun Satoh,Yoshiaki Imaoka,Hidemasa Kawakami,Shogo Harakawa,Tohru Mekata,Chihaya Nakayasu,Koh Ichiro Mori/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2021/06/Chemical treatment of beko disease in Seriola fishes: Laboratory trials of commercially available fishery and veterinary medicines/Soetsu Yanagi,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata,Takamitsu Sakai,Hidemasa Kawakami,Shogo Harakawa,Sho Shirakashi,Shogo Hamano,Kei Fukudome,Kazuhiko Wada,Masatoshi Yamasaki,Toyohiro Nishioka,Chihaya Nakayasu,Koh Ichiro Mori/Fish Pathology
- 2021/06/Development of quantitative real-time PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for detection of microsporidium seriolae/Tohru Mekata,Jun Satoh,Chihaya Nakayasu,Yuji Ishii,Shogo Harakawa,Hidemasa Kawakami,Soetsu Yanagi/Fish Pathology
- 2021/04/Complete genome sequence of carp edema virus isolated from koi carp/Tohru Mekata,Yasuhiko Kawato,Takafumi Ito/Joint Author/Microbiology Resource Announcements
- 2021/01/Immune toxicity of phenanthrene and its combined effects of white spot syndrome virus on the survival of kuruma shrimp (Penaeus Japonicus)/Mana Ito,Jun Satoh,Takeshi Hano,Tohru Mekata,Katsutoshi Ito/Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
- 2020/06/Antigenic properties of VP15 from white spot syndrome virus in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus/Jirayu Boonyakida,Jian Xu,Jun Satoh,Takafumi Nakanishi,Toru Mekata,Tatsuya Kato,Enoch Y. Park/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2020/04/Development and characterization of a skin cell line (SGA) from the mosquitofish Gambusia affinis and its susceptibility to fish Betanodavirus/Jyotsna,Parameswaran Vijayakumar,M. Ravi,Raja Sudhakaran,Tohru Mekata,T. Rajaswaminathan/Joint Author/Aquaculture
- 2019/07/Histopathological Features of Mycobacterium chelonae Infection in Two Farmed Japanese Pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes)/Y. Ishii,H. Kawakami,T. Mekata,A. Sugiyama/Joint Author/Journal of Comparative Pathology
- 2018/10/First report of thelohanellus testudineus (Myxosporea) from the skin of goldfish carassius auratus in Japan/Jumpei Arakawa,Tohru Mekata/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2018/08/Molecular characterization and gene expression analysis of hypoxia-inducible factor and its inhibitory factors in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus/Yo Okamura,Tohru Mekata,Gehad Elsaid Elshopakey,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2017/12/Rapid and sensitive real-time loop meditated isothermal amplification for the detection of Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei of shrimp/K. Karthikeyan,Ankith Sharma,T. Mekata,T. Itami,R. Sudhakaran/Joint Author/Aquaculture
- 2017/10/White spot disease: WSD (= penaeid acute viremia: PAV)/Mari Inada,Tohru Mekata,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2017/10/Morphological and molecular comparisons between Japanese and Korean isolates of Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in the olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus/Hiroshi Yokoyama,Tohru Mekata,Jun Satoh,Toyohiro Nishioka,Koh Ichiro Mori/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2017/05/Purification and characterization of bioactive peptides RYamide and CCHamide in the kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus/Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Jun Satoh,Morikatsu Yoshida,Kenji Mori,Takahiro Sato,Mikiya Miyazato,Takanori Ida/Joint Author/General and Comparative Endocrinology
- 2017/01/Modification of PCR program for detection of infectious myonecrosis virus/Mari Inada,Christina Retna Handayani,Yasuhiko Kawato,Tohru Mekata,Kei Yuasa,Satoshi Miwa/Joint Author
- 2016/09/Detection of Kudoa septempunctata in the Japanese flounder by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) targeting the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions/Gouranga Biswas,Hirono Kodama,Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Hiroshi Yokoyama,Masahiro Sakai,Jun Ichi Hikima/Joint Author/Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- 2016/08/New method for detecting Kudoa septempunctata from adult flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by muscle biopsy/Nariaki Inoue,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata,Toyohiro Nishioka,Koh Ichiro Mori/Joint Author/Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition)
- 2016/07/Protective efficacy of active compounds from Phyllanthus amarus against white spot syndrome virus in freshwater crab (Paratelphusa hydrodomous)/Dinesh Sundaram,Karthikeyan Kesavan,Hemalatha Kumaravel,Roohi Fatima Mohammed,Mekata Tohru,Itami Toshiaki,Sudhakaran Raja/Joint Author/Aquaculture Research
- 2016/07/Pathogenicity of two Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis genetic variants against three abalone species (the genus Haliotis)/Toyohiro Nishioka,Takashi Kamaishi,Jun Kurita,Tohru Mekata,Ikunari Kiryu,Kei Yuasa,Yoshiko Shimahara,Junko Hyoudou,Takehiro Ryu,Tomohiro Takase,Yuushi Uchimura,Mitsuru Ototake,Norihisa Oseko/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2016/03/Efficacy of sand filtration and ultraviolet irradiation as seawater treatment to prevent Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) infection in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus/Toyohiro Nishioka,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata,Koh Ichiro Mori,Kengo Ohta,Taizo Morioka,Meibi Lu,Hiroshi Yokoyama,Tomoyoshi Yoshinaga/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2016/02/Maximum prey size estimation of longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus, using morphological features, and predation experiments on juvenile cannibalism/Nariaki Inoue,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata,Takashi Iwasaki,Koichiro Mori/Joint Author/Aquaculture Research
- 2016/01/Therapeutic efficiency of Portieria hornemannii (Rhodophyta) against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in experimentally infected Oreochromis mossambicus/M. Roohi Fatima,S. Dinesh,T. Mekata,T. Itami,R. Sudhakaran/Joint Author/Aquaculture
- 2015/11/New validated rapid screening methods for identifying Kudoa septempunctata in olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)/Yoshiko Sugita-Konishi,Yutaka Fukuda,Koh Ichiro Mori,Toru Mekata,Toyohiko Namba,Makoto Kuroda,Akiko Yamazaki,Takahiro Ohnishi/Joint Author/Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
- 2015/10/Development of simple, rapid and sensitive detection assay for grouper nervous necrosis virus using real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification/T. Mekata,J. Satoh,M. Inada,S. Dinesh,P. Harsha,T. Itami,R. Sudhakaran/Joint Author/Journal of Fish Diseases
- 2015/09/Adjuvant effects of poly I: C and imiquimod on the immunization of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus) with a recombinant protein, VP28 against white spot syndrome virus/Tomoya Kono,Gouranga Biswas,Jean Fall,Tohru Mekata,Jun ichi Hikima,Toshiaki Itami,Masahiro Sakai/Joint Author/Aquaculture
- 2015/08/Quantification of vancomycin-resistant enterococci and corresponding resistance genes in a sewage treatment plant/Takashi Furukawa,Reina Hashimoto,Tohru Mekata/Joint Author/Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
- 2015/06/Infection dynamics of Kudoa septempunctata (Myxozoa: Multivalvulida) in hatchery-produced olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus/Hiroshi Yokoyama,Meibi Lu,Koh Ichiro Mori,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata,Tomoyoshi Yoshinaga/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2014/12/II-4. Prevention and control of viral diseases/Koh Ichiro Mori,Jun Satoh,Tohru Mekata/Joint Author/Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition)
- 2014/06/Recombinant VP28 produced by cell-free technique confers protection in Kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus) against white spot syndrome virus/T. Kono,J. Fall,H. Korenaga,R. Sudhakaran,G. Biswas,T. Mekata,T. Itami,M. Sakai/Joint Author/Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- 2013/03/Disinfection of fertilized grouper eggs with electrolyzed seawater for prevention of viral nervous necrosis/Ken Ichi Watanabe,Kentaro Ide,Takashi Iwasaki,Jun Satoh,Koh Ichro Mori,Tohru Mekata/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2013/02/Deciphering of the Dual oxidase (Nox family) gene from kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus: Full-length cDNA cloning and characterization/Mari Inada,Keisuke Kihara,Tomoya Kono,Raja Sudhakaran,Tohru Mekata,Masahiro Sakai,Terutoyo Yoshida,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2013/02/The SOCS and STAT from JAK/STAT signaling pathway of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus: Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis/S. Okugawa,T. Mekata,M. Inada,K. Kihara,A. Shiki,K. Kannabiran,T. Kono,M. Sakai,T. Yoshida,T. Itami,R. Sudhakaran/Joint Author/Molecular and Cellular Probes
- 2012/02/Molecular cloning and characterization of the nadph oxidase from the kuruma shrimp, marsupenaeus japonicus: Early gene up-regulation after vibrio penaeicida and poly(I:C) stimulations in vitro/Mari Inada,Raja Sudhakaran,Keisuke Kihara,Junichi Nishi,Maki Yoshimine,Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Masahiro Sakai,Terutoyo Yoshida,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Molecular and Cellular Probes
- 2011/07/Deciphering the DNA repair protein, Rad23 from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus: Full-length cDNA cloning and characterization/R. Sudhakaran,S. Okugawa,T. Mekata,M. Inada,M. Yoshimine,J. Nishi,C. Ozono,T. Kono,M. Sakai,T. Itami/Joint Author/Letters in Applied Microbiology
- 2011/07/Myxobolus supamattayai n. sp. (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae) from Thailand parasitizing the scale pellicle of wild mullet (Valamugil seheli)/Kittichon U-Taynapun,Norasing Penprapai,Phuwadol Bangrak,Tohru Mekata,Toshiaki Itami,Chutima Tantikitti/Joint Author/Parasitology Research
- 2011/07/Double-stranded RNA-mediated silencing of the white spot syndrome virus VP28 gene in kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus/Raja Sudhakaran,Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Mari Inada,Shogo Okugawa,Maki Yoshimine,Terutoyo Yoshida,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Aquaculture Research
- 2011/05/The concentration of white spot disease virus for its detection in sea water using a combined ferric colloid adsorption- and foam separation-based method/Yoshihiro Suzuki,Takahiko Suzuki,Tomoya Kono,Tohoru Mekata,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Journal of Virological Methods
- 2011/04/Class B scavenger receptor, Croquemort from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus: Molecular cloning and characterization/Tohru Mekata,Shogo Okugawa,Mari Inada,Maki Yoshimine,Junichi Nishi,Tomoya Kono,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami,Raja Sudhakaran/Joint Author/Molecular and Cellular Probes
- 2010/04/Molecular cloning and characterization of the nitric oxide synthase gene from kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus/Mari Inada,Tohru Mekata,Raja Sudhakaran,Shogo Okugawa,Tomoya Kono,Amel Mohammed El Asely,Nguyen T.H. Linh,Terutoyo Yoshida,Masahiro Sakai,Toshifumi Yui,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2010/04/A novel gene of tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily from kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus/Tohru Mekata,Raja Sudhakaran,Shogo Okugawa,Mari Inada,Tomoya Kono,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2010/01/Molecular cloning and transcriptional analysis of a newly identified anti-lipopolysaccharide factor gene in kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus/T. Mekata,R. Sudhakaran,S. Okugawa,T. Kono,M. Sakai,T. Itami/Joint Author/Letters in Applied Microbiology
- 2009/07/A simple non-enzymatic method for the preparation of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) DNA from the haemolymph of Marsupenaeus japonicus using FTA matrix cards/R. Sudhakaran,T. Mekata,T. Kono,K. Supamattaya,N. T.H. Linh,Y. Suzuki,M. Sakai,T. Itami/Joint Author/Journal of Fish Diseases
- 2009/06/The expression analysis of innate immune-related genes in kuruma shrimp Penaeus Japonicus after DNA vaccination against penaeid rod-shaped DNA virus/Tomoya Kono,Kohei Sonoda,Yoichi Kitao,Tohru Mekata,Toshiaki Itami,Masahiro Sakai/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2009/02/Removal of noroviruses from municipal wastewater by foam separation using dispersed air-bubbles and surface-active substance/Yoshihiro Suzuki,Shougo Narimatsu,Takashi Furukawa,Thoru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami,Hiroyuki Katayama/Joint Author/Separation Science and Technology
- 2009/01/Real-time quantitative loop-mediated isothermal amplification as a simple method for detecting white spot syndrome virus/T. Mekata,R. Sudhakaran,T. Kono,K. Supamattaya,N. T.H. Linh,M. Sakai,T. Itami/Joint Author/Letters in Applied Microbiology
- 2009/01/Real-time reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of yellow head virus in shrimp/Tohru Mekata,Raja Sudhakaran,Tomoya Kono,Kittichon U-taynapun,Kidchakan Supamattaya,Yoshihiro Suzuki,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Journal of Virological Methods
- 2008/12/Rapid detection and quantification of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus in whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei using real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification/Raja Sudhakaran,Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Kidchakan Supamattaya,Nguyen Thi Hue Linn,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish Pathology
- 2008/06/Identification and expression analysis of ghrelin gene in common carp Cyprinus carpio/Tomoya Kono,Yoichi Kitao,Kohei Sonoda,Ryohei Nomoto,Tohru Mekata,Masahiro Sakai/Joint Author/Fisheries Science
- 2008/01/Identification of cDNA encoding Toll receptor, MjToll gene from kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus/Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Terutoyo Yoshida,Masahiro Sakai,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Fish and Shellfish Immunology
- 2006/08/Detection of yellow head virus in shrimp by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)/Tohru Mekata,Tomoya Kono,Ram Savan,Masahiro Sakai,Jiraporn Kasornchandra,Terutoyo Yoshida,Toshiaki Itami/Joint Author/Journal of Virological Methods