氏名 |
後藤 聡 |
氏名(カナ) |
ゴトウ アキラ |
氏名(英語) |
Goto Akira |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
R000002414 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/08
タイストール飼養におけるホルスタイン種搾乳牛の飛節スコアを含めた身体モニタリングを用いた運動器および飼育状況の評価 久枝啓一 , 林 皓貴 , 後藤 聡 , 井上陽一 , 篠塚康典 共著 産業動物臨床医学雑誌
- 2024/04/
Supplementation of rumen‐protected lysine during the close‐up period improves vaginal discharge clearance in Holstein dairy cows/Chiho Kawashima , Hina Hayakawa , Aki Taniguchi , Yusuke Sugimoto , Nobuyuki Kusaba , Norio Yamagishi , Akira Goto/Joint Author/Reproduction in Domestic Animals
- 2024/02/
Effect of 2% meloxicam injection in Holstein dairy cows on acute clinical mastitis without systemic symptoms/Keiichi HISAEDA , Masakatsu NOHARA , Naomi OHTA , Akira GOTO , Yoichi INOUE , Akihisa HATA , Yasunori SHINOZUKA/Joint Author/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2024/01/
Association between somatic cell count or morbidity of chronic subclinical mastitis and longevity in dairy herds in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan: a cross-sectional study./Akira Goto , Mitsuo Yokoi , Yoichi Inoue , Keiichi Hisaeda , Yasunori Shinozuka , Ken Nakada/Joint Author/The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2023/12/
Postmortem magnetic resonance imaging findings of tricuspid atresia with ventricular and atrial septal defects and subvalvular pulmonic stenosis in a Japanese native Noma horse/Kenji KUTARA Sho KADEKARU Keiichi HISAEDA Keisuke SUGIMOTO Tetsushi ONO Yoichi INOUE Shinichi NAKAMURA Ryohei YOSHITAKE Emi OHZAWA Akira GOTO Eri IWATA Kenichi SHIBANO Yumi UNE Hitoshi KITAGAWA/Joint Author/Journal of Equine Science
- 2023/07
ホルスタイン種搾乳牛の乳房の深さと身体モニタリング値, 乳量および乳質との関係 久枝啓一 , 前谷布美 , 後藤聡 , 井上陽一 共著 家畜衛生学雑誌
- 2023/05/
Efficiency of immunocastration with an anti-gonadotropin-releasing hormone vaccine on cryptorchid bulls/Akira Goto Nanako Yoshida Ken Nakada Yoichi Inoue Keiichi Hisaeda Toshio Inaba Nanami Domoto Yuki Ishiguro Megumi Itoh Eiji Takahashi Motoki Sasaki Motozumi Matsui/Joint Author/The Journal of veterinary medical science
- Effect of the locational relationship between the 1st wave dominant follicle and the corpus luteum on conception rate after embryo transfer: data analysis of 297 embryo transfers from a commercial embryo production program/Akira Goto
Koh Hayama Manami Urakawa Yoshio Oono Ken Hazano Mitsunori kayano Shingo Haneda Ken Nakada Motozumi Matsui/Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
- The effects of maternal supplementation of rumen‐protected lysine during the close‐up dry period on newborn metabolism and growth in Holstein calves/Chiho Kawashima
Hako Oie Riku Mashimo Akira Goto Nobuyuki Kusaba Norio Yamagishi/Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
- Equine nonneoplastic abnormal ovary in a draft mare with high serum anti-Müllerian hormone: a case study/Akira GOTO
Masaaki TAGAMI Fumiki KATO Tsukasa SUZUKI Takashi YAMAGA Harutaka MURASE Fumio SATO Munkhtuul TSOGTGEREL Tadamasa NIIKURA Tomoe MORIYAMA Akiko CHIBA Ken-ichi WATANABE Nao TSUZUKI Yasuo NAMBO/Journal of Equine Science
- Fertility risk factors in transferring Japanese Black embryos into dairy heifers: An epidemiological study/Akira Goto
Koh Hayama Manami Urakawa Yoshio Oono Ken Hazano Mitsunori Kayano Shingo Haneda Ken Nakada Yrjö Tapio Gröhn Motozumi Matsui/Veterinary and Animal Science
- Effects of the formation and regression of accessory corpus lutea during pregnancy on plasma progesterone concentration and pregnancy status in cross-bred beef heifers/Ken Hazano
Takafumi Miki Akira Goto Mitsunori Kayano Shingo Haneda Dung Van Bui Ryotaro Miura Motozumi Matsui/Animal Reproduction Science
- Sustained high progesterone concentrations during estradiol-progesterone based estrus synchronization protocol in Japanese Black cows affects fertility by influencing preovulatory follicle size and its ovulation/Daisaku Ueno
Akira Goto Ken Hazano Shingo Haneda Motozumi Matsui/Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research
- 2021/07 貫通固定ピンキャスト(TPC)で治療したホルスタイン育成牛の橈尺骨骨折の1例 森山友恵
後藤聡 都築直 川島秀平 近藤拓 山岸 則夫 産業動物臨床医学雑誌
- Detection of Mycoplasma wenyonii and “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos” from Japanese Black breeding cows in Kyushu and Okinawa region, southern part of Japan/Fumio TATSUKAWA
Rika NOHARA Takako TANIGUCHI Akira GOTO Naoaki MISAWA Hiromu KATAMOTO/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- Consecutive changes in serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme 3 activities in Holstein heifers during the first 18 months of life/Akiko CHIBA
Kaoru HATATE Rurika ONOMI Chiho KAWASHIMA Masaaki HANADA Tomoe MORIYAMA Akira GOTO Norio YAMAGISHI/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- Peripartum changes in serum activities of three major alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in Holstein dairy cows/A. Chiba
R. Onomi K. Hatate T. Moriyama A. Goto N. Yamagishi/Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
- 2020/09 観血去勢後の手術部位感染により陰嚢膿瘍を形成した黒毛和種去勢牛の3 例 後藤聡
千葉暁子 森山友恵 飯野君枝 山岸則夫 産業動物臨床医誌
- 2020/08 Development of a highly sensitive method for the detection of Cryptosporidium parvum virus type 1 (CSpV1) Shehata Ayman Ahmed
Bando Hironori Fukuda Yasuhiro Kabir Mohammad Hazzaz Bin Murakoshi Fumi Itoh Megumi Fujikura Atsushi Okawa Hiroaki Takuto Endo Akira Goto Kachi Masayuki Nakayama Toshie Kano Yuto Oishi Shoko Otomaru Konosuke Kazama Kei Essa Mohamed Ibrahim Kato Kentaro Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research
- Agarose gel electrophoresis pattern of serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in Holstein cows during lactation/Chiba, A
Hatate, K Onomi, R Moriyama, T Goto, A Yamagishi, N/Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
- Distribution of Cryptosporidium species isolated from diarrhoeic calves in Japan./Mohammad Hazzaz Bin Kabir
Megumi Itoh Ayman Ahmed Shehata Hironori Bando Yasuhiro Fukuda Fumi Murakoshi Atsushi Fujikura Hiroaki Okawa Takuto Endo Akira Goto Masayuki Kachi Toshie Nakayama Yuto Kano Shoko Oishi Konosuke Otomaru Mohamed Ibrahim Essa Kei Kazama Xuenan Xuan Kentaro Kato/Parasitology international
- Effects of live yeast supplementation on serum oxidative stress biomarkers and lactation performance in dairy cows during summer/Ahmad Nawid MIRZAD
Akira GOTO Takuto ENDO Hitoshi ANO Ikuo KOBAYASHI Takenori YAMAUCHI Hiromu KATAMOTO/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- Association of postpartum diseases occurring within 60 days after calving with productivity and reproductive performance in dairy cows in Fukuoka: A cow-level, retrospective cohort study./Akira Goto
Kozo Takahara Tomochika Sugiura Shin Oikawa Hiromu Katamato Ken Nakada/The Journal of veterinary medical science
- Risk factors associated with reproductive performance in Japanese dairy cows: Vaginal discharge with flecks of pus or calving abnormality extend time to pregnancy/Hiroaki OKAWA
Akira GOTO Missaka M.P. WIJAYAGUNAWARDANE Peter L.A.M. VOS Osamu YAMATO Masayasu TANIGUCHI Mitsuhiro TAKAGI/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- Arthrectomy for traumatic proximal interphalangeal arthritis in the lateral digit in a heifer/Goto A
Tsuzuki N Kajihara A Moriyama T Sasaki Y Zushi N Hatate K Iino K Yamagishi N/Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
- 2018/11 乳用牛の生産寿命を延ばす初産時の管理重要ポイント 中田 健
後藤 聡 畜産の情報 = Livestock industries information
- 2018/10 臨床現場で実施した超音波検査により肋骨骨折を診断した ホルスタイン種子牛の1 例 後藤聡
加治原彩子 図師尚子 渡邉謙一 都築直 古林与志安 産業動物臨床医学雑誌
- 2018/03 亜急性ルーメンアシドーシスの関与が疑われた 低乳脂肪症候群多発酪農場の改善事例 藤倉篤史
後藤 聡 産業動物臨床医学雑誌
- The association of culling and death rate within 30 days after calving with productivity or reproductive performance in dairy herds in Fukuoka, Southern Japan/Akira Goto