Skin shedding, skin wound regeneration, and extensive ear punch closure have been re- ported in three Acomys rodent species (A. cahirinus, A. kempi, and A. percivali) commonly known as African spiny mice. In this study, we examined the regenerative ability of A. dimidiatus, the Arabian spiny mouse. A 2 mm diameter punch hole was created in the proximal and distal parts of the pinna and observed for up to 35 days. That in the proximal region almost completely closed, and extensive elastic cartilage, adipose tissue, dermis, epidermis, and hair follicles appeared in the repaired area. More rapid skin regeneration was observed closer to the trunk. The punch hole in the distal part did not reach complete closure during the observation period. However, regeneration was observed in the repaired area as well as in the proximal part. These results corroborate the presence of regenerative capabilities of A. dimidiatus and indicate that Acomys species may be useful model animals for regen- eration studies. |