Metal forming of magnesium alloys is often performed at an elevated temperature, because magnesium alloys exhibit peculiar stress-strain relation and inferior ductility compared to conventional metals at room temperature. In the present study, deformation behavior and formability of cast and extruded AZ31 magnesium alloys under uniaxial and biaxial compressions at room temperature and at elevated temperatures were investigated. The results revealed that the compressive stress-strain relation of AZ31 magnesium alloy changed not only with the initial texture but also with the deformation temperature. The temperature dependency of the flow stress of the cast alloy was smaller than that of the extruded alloy probably because of less influence of pre-deformation. In addition, the influence of compressive deformation pattern upon the flow stress of the extruded alloy was observed even at elevated temperature to 523 K. The temperature dependency of compressive fracture was also discussed and it was found that the equi-biaxial condition improved the compressive formability at elevated temperatures.