氏名 |
今山 武志 |
氏名(カナ) |
イマヤマ タケシ |
氏名(英語) |
Imayama Takeshi |
所属 |
機構 研究社会連携機構 フロンティア理工学研 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
R000007525 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/05/ Initiation of the Unazuki Belt, Southwest Japan, during the Carboniferous as an island arc system along the North China Craton/Oh, C. W., Kawaguchi, K., Lee, B. Y., Lee, S. H., Imayama, T./Joint Author/International Journal of Earth Sciences
- 2024/01/The origin of the ultrahigh-pressure Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya: Implication for Early Paleozoic rifting/Imayama, T.*, Dutta, D. Yi, K./Joint Author/Geological Magazine
- 2023/12 電子マイクロアナライザによるモナズ石の希土類元素分析の予察的検討 今山武志*・川端凌市 共著 岡山理科大学フロンティア理工学研究所報告
- 2023/10/Zircon U–Pb, Hf, and O isotopic constraints on the tectonic affinity of the basement of the Himalayan orogenic belt: Insights from metasedimentary rocks, orthogneisses, and leucogranites in Garhwal, NW India/Imayama, T.*, Bose, N., Yi, K., Jeong, Y.-J., Horie, K., Takehara, M. Kawabata, R./Joint Author/Precambrian Research
- 2023/08/Pressure-temperature paths of tectonic blocks in mélange: Recording thermal evolution of a subduction channel at an initial stage of subduction/Takeshita, T., Imayama, T., Ando, M., Kimura, Y., Python, M./Joint Author/Journal of Metamorphic Geology
- 2023/04 福島県南部,二岐山火山の噴火史とマグマ供給系 渡部 将太, 長谷川 健, 小畑 直也, 豊田 新, 今山 武志 共著 地質学雑誌
- 2023/03 岡山理科大学構内を「地球史博物館」化する試み-構内の野外教育資源をつなぐオリエンテーリングコースの開発- 石垣 忍・豊田 新・ 西戸 裕嗣・能美 洋介 今山 武志・山本 樹・篠原 隆・寺野 元規 共著 岡山理科大学教育実践研究
- 2023/03/Intra-channel detachment in a collisional orogen: the Jhala Normal Fault in the Bhagirathi river section, Garhwal Higher Himalaya, India/Bose, N., Imayama, T., Kawabata, R., Gupta, S., Yi, K./Joint Author/Journal of Earth System Science
- 2022/12 隠岐帯苦鉄質変成岩類に記録された広域的な緑色片岩相の変質作用 遠藤 拓・今山 武志* 共著 岡山理科大学フロンティア理工学研究所報告
- 2022/08/Eocene to Miocene metamorphic evolution and tectonic implication of the Ilam Nappe in Nepal Himalaya: Constraints from P–T conditions and monazite petrochronology/Imayama, T.*, Hoshino, R., Yi, K., Kawabata, R./Joint Author/Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- 2022/05/Chemical mass transport during deformation and metamorphism: Insights from the Main Central Thrust and its footwall of Western Arunachal Himalaya, NE India/Kalita, P., Phukon, P., Goswami, T. K., Imayama, T., Srivastava, H. B./Joint Author/Lithos
- 2022/02 東ネパール角閃岩類の角閃石の過剰アルゴン年代 今山武志* 単著 岡山理科大学古生物学・年代学研究センター事業報告
- 2021/12/Tectonic discontinuity, partial melting and exhumation in the Garhwal Himalaya (Northwest India): Constrains from spatial and temporal pressure-temperature conditions along the Bhagirathi valley./Kawabata, R., Imayama, T.*, Bose, N., Yi, K., Kouketsu, Y./Lithos
- 2021/12 北西インドNidarオフィオライト層火成岩類の角閃石化学組成とその累帯構造 佐藤成修・今山武志*・Dutta Dripta 共著 岡山理科大学フロンティア理工学研究所報告
- 2021/09/Neoproterozoic and middle Paleozoic geological events in the eastern Wolhyeonri complex of the southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea, and their tectonic correlations in northeastern Asia/Imayama, T.*, Oh, C. –W., Jeon, J., Yi, K./Joint Author/Lithos
- 2021/07/Multi-stage metamorphic history of the Oki gneisses in Japan: Implications for Paleoproterozoic metamorphism and tectonic correlations in northeastern Asia/Kawabata, R., Imayama, T.*, Kato, T., Oh, C. W., Horie, K., Takehara, M./Joint Author/Journal of Metamorphic Geology
- 2021/02 2021年度開講 新設基盤教育科目:自然をよみとく:様々な分野の視座から恐竜をよみとく 石垣忍・西戸裕嗣・今山武志・豊田新, 林昭次・辻極秀次・衣笠哲也 共著 岡山理科大学古生物学・年代学研究センター事業報告
- 2021/01/Thematic issue: Evolution of Nepal Himalaya, Preface/Sakai, H., Iwano, H., Imayama, T./Island Arc
- 2020/12 ヒマラヤ造山帯における黒雲母脱水溶融反応に伴う微細構造組織 今山武志* 単著 岡山理科大学フロンティア理工学研究所報告
- 2020/08 Variability of protoliths and pressure-temperature conditions of amphibolites from the Ohmachi Seamount (Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc): Evidence of a fossil subduction channel in modern intra-oceanic arcs. Imayama*, T., Ueda, H., Usuki, T., Minami, M., Asahara, Y., and Nagahashi, T. Mineralogy and Petrology
- 2020/03 The absence of high?pressure metamorphism in the inverted Barrovian metamorphic sequences of the Arun area, eastern Nepal and its tectonic implication Imayama*, T., Uehara, S., Sakai, H., Yagi, K., Ikawa, C., and Yi, K. International Journal of Earth Sciences
- 2019/11 Late Permian to Early Triassic back-arc type volcanism in the southern Mongolia volcano-plutonic belt of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implication for timing of the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean Takeshi Imayama, Yoichiro Koh, Kazumasa Aoki, Mototaka Saneyoshi, Koshi Yagi, Shogo Aoki, Tomoya Terada, Yoshihiro Sawada, Chiaki Ikawa, Shinobu Ishigaki, Shin Toyoda, Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar, Buuvei Mainbayar Journal of Geodynamics
- 2019/09 Early Oligocene partial melting via biotite dehydration melting and prolonged low P/T metamorphism of the upper High Himalaya Crystalline Sequences in far-eastern Nepal Imayama*, T., Takeshita, T., Yi, K., and Fukuyama, M. Geological Society, London, Special Publications
- 2019/07 1.74 Ga crustal melting after rifting at the northern Indian margin: investigation of mylonitic orthogneisses in the Kathmandu area, central Nepal. Imayama, T., Arita, K., Fukuyama, M., Yi, K., and R. Kawabata International Geology Review
- 2019/02 U-Pb zircon dating of Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Besshi-Asemi-gawa region, central Shikoku, Japan, and tectono-stratigraphic consequences Aoki, K., Seo, Y., Sakata, S., Obayashi, H., Tsuchiya, Y., Imayama, T., Yamamoto, S., Hirata, T. Journal of Geological Society of Japan
- 2019 Research report of the Tso Morari ultra-high pressure metamorphic complex in Ladakh, NW India. Imayama, T., and Dutta, D. Bull. Inst. Front. Sci. Tech., Okayama Univ. of Sci.
- 2018 Laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses of biotites from meta-granites in the UHP Brossasco-Isasca Unit of Dora-Maira Massif, Italy Itaya, T., Hyodo, H., Imayama, T. and Groppo, C. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
- 2018 Analytical method and accuracy of X-ray fluorescence analysis at Okayama University Sawada, Y., Nakao, F., Imayama, T., and Benino, Y. Bull. Res. Inst. Nat. Sci. Okayama Univ. of Sci.
- 2018 Inverted metamorphism in the Ilan Nappe, far-eastern Nepal Imayama, T., and Hoshino, R Bull.Res.Inst.Nat.Sci., Okayama Univ. od Sci
- 2017 Paleoproterozoic high-pressure metamorphic history of the Salma eclogite on the Kola Peninsula, Russia Imayama, T., Oh* C. W., Baltybaev, S. K., Park, C. ?S., Yi, K., and Jung, H. Lithosphere
- 2017 Regional Middle Paleozoic metamorphism in the southwestern Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: Its implications for tectonics in Northeast Asia Oh, C. W., Imayama*, T., Jeon, J., and Yi, K. Journal of Asian Earth Science
- 2017 Tectonics of the Himalaya Sakai*, H., Imayama, T., Yoshida, K., and Asahi, K. Journal of Geological Society of Japan
- 2017 Research report of metamorphic rocks in the Uttarakhand area, northwestern India Imayama, T., Kawabata, R., and Bose, N. Bull. Res. Inst. Nat. Sci., Okayama Univ. of Sci.
- 2016 Whole rock chemistry of S-type leucogranites in far-eastern Nepal. Imayama*, T. The Bulletin of Okayama University of Science A
- 2016 Research report of metamorphic rocks in the Oki-Dogo Island (7) Imayama, T., Kawabata, R., and Mouri, M. Bull. Res. Inst. Nat. Sci., Okayama Univ. of Sci.
- 2015 Permo-Triassic and Paleoproterozoic metamorphism related to continental collision in Yangpyeong, South Korea Oh, C. W., Imayama*, T., Lee, S. L., Yi, S. B., Yi, K., and Lee, B. C. Lithos
- 2014 Middle Paleozoic metamorphism in the Hongseong area, South Korea and its tectonic meaning to Paleozoic orogeny in Northeast Asia Oh, C. W., Imayama*, T., Yi, S., Kim, T., Ryu, I., Jeon, J., and Yi, K. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- 2014 P-T conditions of metabasites within regional metapelites in far-eastern Nepal Himalaya and its tectonic meaning. Imayama*, T. Swiss Journal of Geosciences
- 2014 Sr isotopic study of metasedimentary rocks in far-eastern Nepal: Additional evidence for material boundary along the Main Central Thrust Imayama*, T. Himalayan Geology
- 2013 Carboniferous inherited grain and age zoning of monazite and xenotime from leucogranites in far-eastern Nepal: Constraints from electron probe microanalysis Imayama*, T. and Suzuki, K. American Mineralogist
- 2013 Determination of garnet growth rate from the Himalayan metamorphic rocks Imayama*, T. The Sasakawa Scientific Research report
- 2012 Two-stage partial melting and contrasting cooling rates within the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequences in the far-eastern Nepal Himalaya Imayama*, T., Takeshita, T., Yi, K., Cho, D. -L., Kitajima, K., Yagi, K., Tsutsumi, Y., Kayama, M., Nishido, H., Okumura, T., Itaya, T., and Sano, Y. Lithos
- 2012 Low H2O activity of fluid in mafic granulite in far-eastern Nepal (forecast) Imayama*, T. Proceeding of the International symposium on Radiometric studies, Summaries of Researches using AMS at Nagoya University
- 2011 Metabasites petrology and P-T evolution in the Lesser Himalaya, central Nepal Paudel*, L. P., Imayama, T., and Arita, K. Journal of Nepal Geological Society
- 2011 Petrology of Late Oligocene volcanic rocks from southern part of central Hokkaido, Japan ?Implication for incipient volcanism of back-arc rift? Yonejima, M., Okamura*, S., Yatsuka, S., Maeda, Imayama, T., and Maeda, J. Japanese magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
- 2011 High-precision CHIME monazite age from leucogranites in far-eastern Nepal Himalaya (forecast) Imayama*, T., and Suzuki, K. Proceeding of the International symposium on Radiometric studies, Summaries of Researches using AMS at Nagoya University
- 2010 K-Ar ages and petrology of the Takinoue stage volcanic rocks in central Hokkaido, Japan. Okamura*, S., Yahata, M., Nishido, M., Ibusuki, A., Yokoi, S., Yonejima, M., Imayama, T., and Maeda, J. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan
- 2010 Metamorphic P-T profile and P-T path discontinuity across the far-eastern Nepal Himalaya: Investigation of channel flow models. Imayama*, T., Takeshita, T., and Arita, K. Journal of Metamorphic Geology
- 2010 Seafloor Geology of the Basement Serpentinite Body in the Ohmachi Seamount (Izu-Bonin Arc) as Exhumed Parts of a Subduction Zone within the Philippine Sea Ueda*, H., Niida, K, Usuki, T., Hirauchi, K., Meschede, M., Miura, R., Ogawa, Y., Yuasa, M., Sakamoto, I., Chiba, T., Ijimino, T., Kuramoto, Y., Azuma, T., Takeshita, T., Imayama, T., Miyajima, Y., and Saito T. In: Ogawa, Y., Anma, R. and Dilek, Y. (eds.), Accretionary Prisms and Convergent Margin Tectonics in the Northwest Pacific Basin: submersible studies and recent advances
- 2010 Formation conditions of pelitic gneisses in far-eastern Nepal. Imayama*, T. Proceeding of the International symposium on Radiometric studies, Summaries of Researches using AMS at Nagoya University
- 2009 Metamorphic P-T profile and P-T path discontinuity across the far-eastern Nepal Himalaya Imayama*, T. The Report of the Fukada Geological Institute
- 2008 Nd isotopic data reveal the material and tectonic nature of the Main Central Thrust zone in Nepal Himalaya Imayama*, T. and Arita, K. Tectonophysics
- 2004 Fourth Nepal Geological Congress Yoshida*, M., Imayama, T., and Dahal, R. K. Gondwana Research
- 2004 Quantitative analyses of Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd for GSJ rock reference samples (JB-1a, JGb-1 and JG-1a) by isotope dilution method using thermal ionization mass spectrometer. Kuramoto*, Y., Maeda J., Yamasaki, T., Yamamoto, H., Imayama, T., and Watanabe, T. Hokkaido University Earth Planetary Science Technical Report
- Fourth Nepal Geological Congress Yoshida, M., Imayama, T., Dahal, R. K.
- 2024/08/26/:EBSD-based microstructural characterization of the (ultra-) high pressure eclogite andretrogressed amphibolite from the Tso Morari Crystalline Complex in Ladakh, India/Dutta, D., Imayama, T., Sarkar, D. P., Ando, J., Das, K./37th International Geological Congress
- 2024/08/26/Magmatic and metamorphic evolution of the Late Cretaceous Muslim Bagh Ophiolite,western Pakistan: Implications for ridge subduction after subduction initiation/Arao, M., Imayama, T.*, Sawada, Y., Yagi, K., Siddiqui, r. H., Dutta, D./37th International Geological Congress
- 2024/05/26/Microstructural attributes of (ultra-) high-pressure eclogite and retrograded amphibolite from the Tso Morari Complex/Dutta, D., Imayama, T.*, Sarkar, D. P., Ando, J., Das, K./Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
- 2024/05/26/Zircon U-Pb, Hf, and O isotope data reveal a close relationship between the Garhwal Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence and the South China Craton during the Neoproterozoic/Imayama, T.*, Bose, N., Yi, K., Jeong, Y.-J., Horie, K., Takehara, M. Kawabata, R./Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
- 2023/07/09/Zircon U-Pb, Hf and O isotopic constraints on the pre-Himalayan crustal evolution: Insights from metasediment, orthogneiss and leucogranite in Garhwal, NW India./Imayama, T.*, Bose, N., Yi, K., Jeong, Y.-J., Horie, K., Takehara, M. Kawabata, R./2023 Goldschmidt Conference
- 2023/05/21/The origin of the ultrahigh-pressure Tso Morari Complex, NW Himalaya: Implication for Early Paleozoic rifting/Imayama, T.*, Dutta, D., and Yi, K./Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023
- 2023/04/23/Magmatic response to the subduction initiation of Early Cretaceous Nidar Ophiolite Complex, eastern Ladakh, NW Himalaya/Imayama, T.*, Sato, A., Dutta, D., Kaneda, Y., Watanabe, S., Hasegawa, Minami, M., Wakasugi, Y., Wakaki, S., Yi, K./2023 EGU General Assembly
- 2022/12/12/Early Paleozoic rift-related magmatic origin of the Tso Morari Complex (NW Indian Himalayas) and the protolithic diversity of the Himalayan high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks/Dutta, D., Imayama, T., Yi, K./2022 AGU meeting
- 2022/10/25/Early Paleozoic rift-related magmatism recorded in the ultrahigh-pressure Tso Morari Complex (NW Indian Himalaya)/Imayama, T.*, Dripta, D., Yi, K./2022 Korean Geological Society conference
- 2022/09/19/Eocene to Miocene metamorphic evolution and tectonic implication of the Ilam Nappe in Nepal Himalaya: Constraints from P–T conditions and monazite petrochronology/Imayama, T.*, Hoshino, R., Yi, K., Kawabata, R./2022 Italian Geological Society conference
- 2022/07/10/Eocene to Miocene metamorphic evolution and tectonic implication of the Ilam Nappe in Nepal Himalaya: Constraints from P–T conditions and monazite petrochronology/Imayama, T.*, Hoshino, R., Yi, K., Kawabata, R./2022 Goldschmidt Conference
- 2022/05/23/Channel-flow induced 'normal faulting' in the Himalaya: a case study from the Jhala Normal Fault, Garhwal Higher Himalaya, NW India/Bose, N., Imayama, T., Kawabata, R., Gupta, S., Yi, K./2022 EGU General Assembly
- 2022/05/22/Eocene to Miocene metamorphic evolution and tectonic implication of the Ilam Nappe in Nepal Himalaya: Constraints from P–T conditions and monazite petrochronology./Imayama, T.*, Hoshino, R., Yi, K., Kawabata, R./Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022
- 2022/01/21 沈み込み初期における北西インドNidarオフィオライト層火成岩類の成因 佐藤成修・今山武志・Dutta Dripta・金田泰明・渡部将太・長谷川健・南雅代・若杉勇輝・若木重行 2021名古屋大学ISEE年代測定研究シンポジウム