基本情報 |
氏名 |
押谷 潤 |
氏名(カナ) |
オシタニ ジュン |
氏名(英語) |
Oshitani Jun |
所属 |
工学部 応用化学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
1000258487 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
Influence of air velocity and powder bed height on local density and float–sink of spheres in a gas–solid fluidized bed
Jun Oshitani, Shunsuke Kato, Takuya Tsuji, Kimiaki Washino, Shusaku Harada, Hirokazu Kajiwara, Kei Matsuoka and George V. Franks
Depending on their density, large objects will either float or sink in a gas–solid fluidized bed due to the liquid–like properties and density of the fluidized bed. The float–sink technology has been applied to dry density separations in industry. It is important for optimized industrial application to understand how the air velocity and the powder bed height affect the float–sink as the key operating factors. In this study, we investigated the float–sink of spheres of various density by varying the air velocity and the powder bed height. Also, we obtained the local fluidized bed density and the buoyancy force working on the sphere at various heights. We used the weight of a stainless-steel sphere in the fluidized bed to estimate the local fluidized bed density and the buoyancy force based on Archimedes principle. We found that the spheres float–sink behavior changes dramatically with the air velocity and the powder bed height and that the spheres float–sink behavior is correlated to DF = Fb – Fg, where Fb is the buoyancy force and Fg is the gravity force acting on the sphere. We also found that the fluidized bed density is not constant as a function of height when the air velocity is relatively large; the local fluidized bed density is interestingly either minimal at approximately mid-height or surprisingly, gradually increases with height within the fluidized bed at higher air velocities. The possible reasons are discussed by considering the local variation of the motion of air bubbles and the fluidized medium which affect the fluid force acting on the sphere in the fluidized bed.
Advanced Powder Technology