氏名 |
今井 剛樹 |
氏名(カナ) |
イマイ ヨシキ |
氏名(英語) |
Imai Yoshiki |
所属 |
理学部 物理学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
5000078287 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2023/09 Study on Susceptibilities of Superconductors BaPtSb and BaPtAs with Honeycomb Structure 共著 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
- 2023/07 Electronic structure for BaPtSb with Ordered Honeycomb Network under hydrostatic pressure N. Furutani, Y. Imai, T. Imazu, J. Goryo
- 2022/03 Electronic structures and effective models in BaPtSb and BaPtAs with ordered honeycomb structures Y. Imai, T. Imazu, J. Goryo 共著 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
- 2022/03 Possible pairing symmetries in the ordered honeycomb network superconductor BaPtSb M. Kudo, S. O. Shingu, T. Imazu, J. Goryo, and Y. Imai J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
- 2021/04 Charge-Ordered State and Low-Dimensional Magnetic Fluctuations in Yb5Ge4 Single Crystal S. Michimura, M. Kosaka, A. Machida, R. Numakura, R. Iizuka, S. Katano, Y. Imai, N. Shirakawa, Y. Yamasaki, H. Nakao, H. Sato, S. Ueda, and K. Mimura J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
- 2020/03 Lattice-Parameter Dependence of Magnetic Structure in Orthorhombic YMnO3 C. Hanayama, S. Iimura, and Y. Imai, JPS Conf. Proc.
- 2020/03 Phenomenology of the Chiral d-Wave State in the Hexagonal Pnictide Superconductor SrPtAs 2. H. Ueki, S. Inagaki, R. Tamura, J. Goryo, Y. Imai, W. B. Rui, A. P. Schnyder, and M. Sigrist JPS Conf. Proc.
- 2020/01 Topological Features in a Chiral p-wave Superconductor under Uniaxial Strain Y. Imai and M. Sigrist 共著 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
- 2018/12 Spontaneous Thermal Hall Effect in Three-dimensional Chiral Superconductors with Gap Nodes N. Yoshioka, Y. Imai and M. Sigrist Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2018/09 Thermal Hall Conductivity in Superconducting Phase on Kagome Lattice S. Iimura and Y. Imai Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2018/09 Topological features of the thermal Hall conductivity in a chiral p-wave superconductor under strain Y. Imai and M. Sigrist AIP ADVANCES
- 2018/04 Topological aspect and the pairing symmetries on spin-triplet chiral p-wave superconductor under strain Y. Imai and M. Sigrist Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- 2017/10 Surface magnetism in a chiral d-wave superconductor with hexagonal symmetry J. Goryo, Y. Imai, W. B. Rui, M. Sigrist and A. P. Schnyder Physical Review B Rapid Communications
- 2017/03 Thermal Hall conductivity of spin-triplet superconductor with time reversal symmetry breaking Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- 2017/01 Thermal Hall conductivity in the spin-triplet superconductor with broken time-reversal symmetry Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Physical Review B
- 2016/11 Thermal Hall Conductivity in a Multiband Chiral p-Wave Superconductor Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2016/01 Thermal Hall conductivity and topological transition in a chiral p-wave superconductor for Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Physical Review B
- 2015/12 Effect of Lifshitz transition on thermal transport properties in Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Physics Procedia
- 2015/02 Topological aspect and transport property in multi-band spin-triplet chiral p-wave superconductor Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- 2014/12 Effect of the RuO6 Octahedron Rotation at the Sr2RuO4 Surface on Topological Property Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- 2014/03 Topological aspect and magnetic property of a chiral p-wave superconductor Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist JPS Conf. Proc.
- 2013/07 Topological aspects and transport properties of edge states in the multi-band superconductor Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of the Korean Physical Society
- 2013/04 Topological and edge state properties of a three-band model for Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Physical Review B
- 2012/07 Magnetism of Multi-Orbital Edge States in Sr2RuO4 Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- 2012/05 Properties of edge states in a spin-triplet two-band superconductor Y. Imai, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist Physical Review B