氏名 |
木場 崇剛 |
氏名(カナ) |
キバ タカヨシ |
氏名(英語) |
Kiba Takayoshi |
所属 |
理学部 臨床生命科学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
5000104044 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2021/08 Mutation Status in Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Deleted on Chromosome 10 (PTEN) Gene in X Ray-Induced Insulinoma Cell Line Rin-5F Takayoshi Kiba, Natsuki Oka Pancreas
- 2020/12 A rare presentation of annular and polypoid heterotopic gastric mucosa in duodenum. Takayoshi Kiba, Naoki Kotoh, Masahiro Tsuboi JGH Open
- 2020/07 Mutation Status in Yin Yang 1 Gene in X-Ray-Induced Insulinoma Cell Line Rin-5F Kiba T Pancreas
- 2019/09 Nodal Merkel Cell Carcinoma in Head and Neck Lesions With an Unknown Primary: A Case Report in Light of the Literature Ikeda R , Ohta N, Fukaya S , Shoji F, Suzuki T, Noguchi N , Kakuta R , Hayashi K , Kiba T, Murakami K , Nakamura Y. Yonago Acta Med
- 2018/10 Novel codons in rat Pdx-1 complementary DNA KIba T BMC Research Notes
- 2018/06 Nationwide Japanese Prostate Cancer Outcome Study of Permanent Iodine-125 Seed Implantation (J-POPS): first analysis on survival. Int J Clin Oncol
- 2017/08 Merkel細胞癌術後のcarboplatin/etoposide併用療法中に著名な血小板減少を来たし治療に難渋した1例 癌と化学療法
- 2017/08 Nedaplatin as a single agent-chemotherapy may support palliative therapy for patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma: A case report Case Rep Oncol
- 2017/05 Gene expression analysis in rat pancreas observed with whole-transcript exon array after ventromedial hypothalamic lesions Ann Neurosci
- 2016/07 ペグフィルグラスチムの予防投与をしたが好中球減少を防ぎ得なかった二次化学療法でFOLFIRINOX療法を施行した進行膵臓癌の1症例 癌と化学療法
- 2016/05 Pathological complete response rate in hormone negative breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant FEC and weekly paclitaxel: A case series and review of the literature Oncol Lett
- 2016/01 Examination of the clinical usefulness of Eribulin and Trastuzumab in Her2-positive recurrent breast cancer. Mol Clin Oncol
- 2016/01 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions downregulate multiple immune signaling pathways in rat pancreatic islets Neurosci Lett
- 2016/01 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions downregulate the expression of Adora1 gene in rat pancreatic islets Pancreas
- 2015/12 神経因子由来の遺伝子群の導入による膵B細胞の増殖・再生法の開発. 木場崇剛 医科学応用研究財団研究報告
- 2015/09 Changes of the expressions of multiple metabolism genes in rat pancreatic islets after ventromedial hypothalamic lesioning Neurosci Lett
- 2015/08 Pathological response rate in hormone positive breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant FEC and triweekly docetaxel: A case series Breast Cancer (Dove Med Press)
- 2015/05 FOLFIRINOX療法の標準投与量の実施のためにG-CSFの予防投与を施行した膵臓癌の2症例 癌と化学療法
- 2015/05 Paclitaxelによる末梢神経障害にDuloxetineが奏効し投与を再開し得た1例 癌と化学療法
- 2015/05 サインバルタの投与によりパクリタキセルの感覚性知覚障害の有害事象が改善した乳癌患者の一症例. 4. 長島悟史、木場崇剛、小川喜通、木本志津江、梶梅佐代子、岡田優子、森井奈央、尾崎慎治、市場泰全、山城大泰. 癌と化学療法
- 2015/04 オキサリプラチン投与時における側管からデキサメタゾンブドウ糖溶解液の同時投与による血管痛軽減の解明に関する一考察 医療
- 2014/12 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions change the expression of cell proliferation-related genes and morphology-related genes in rat pancreatic islets Islets
- 2014/10 乳癌患者に対するホスアプレピタント及びエピルビシン塩酸塩投与による血管痛に対するデキサメタゾンの効果. 癌と化学療法
- 2014/06 Bortezomib and dexamethasone for multiple myeloma: higher AST and LDH levels associated with a worse prognosis on overall survival BMC Cancer
- 2014/04 ゲフィニチブ・エルロチニブによる皮膚紅班に対するビオチンの効果における前向き臨床試験 癌と化学療法
- 2013/12 Identification of the rodent biliary tract Turk J Gastroenterol
- 2013/10 Coadministration of 5% glucose solution and dexamethasone has a decrease in oxaliplatin-related vascular pain grade: a case study Clin J Oncol Nurs
- 2013/07 High-quality RNA extraction from rat pancreatic islet Cell Biology International Reports
- 2013/07 ゲムシタビン投与中患者の血管痛は、5%ブドウ糖の同時投与でただちに軽快することができる 肝臓
- 2013/06 The coadministration of 5% glucose solution immediately relieves vascular pain with the intravenous administration of gemcitabine. J Oncol Pharm Pract
- 2013/04 Changes of the expressions of immune-related genes after ventromedial hypothalamic lesioning. Systematic review of the literature J Neuroimmunol
- 2012/12 Coadministration of 5% glucose solution has a decrease in bendamustine-related vascular pain grade J Oncol Pharm Pract
- 2012/09 Paclitaxel起因性末梢神経障害にpregabalinが有効であった腎盂腎がんの1例 癌と化学療法
- 2012/09 Relationships between ventromedial hypothalamic lesions and the expressions of neuron-related genes in visceral organs Neurosci Res
- 2012/05 びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫に対するR-CHOP療法にPregabalinを併用し神経毒性の軽減をみた1例 癌と化学療法
- 2011/09 The Choice of the Endpoint to Assess the Efficacy or Effectiveness in advanced or metastatic cancer tumors J Cancer Sci Ther
- 2010/10 Transperineal prostate brachytherapy, using I-125 seed with or without adjuvant androgen deprivation, in patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer: study protocol for a phase III, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. BMC Cancer
- 2010/07 Gene expression profiling in rat pancreas after ventromedial hypothalamic lesioning Pancreas
- 2010/04 中枢神経を介しての消化管臓器での神経関連遺伝子群および細胞増殖/apoptosis関連遺伝子群の変化に関する研究 Pharma Medica
- 2010/03 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions downregulate the expression of the clock gene, Per2 gene in the pancreas, but liver in the morning in the rat Neurosci Lett
- 2009/07 Phase II study of Capecitabine and Trastuzumab combination chemotherapy in patients with HER2 overexpressing metastatic breast cancers resistant to both Anthracyclines and Taxanes. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol
- 2009/07 視床下部腹内側核の破壊はラットの肝臓において神経関連遺伝子群および免疫関連遺伝子群の発現変化を起こす 肝臓
- 2009/03 Gene expression profiling in rat liver after VMH lesioning Exp Biol Med
- 2009/03 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions change the expression of neuron-related genes and immune-related genes in rat liver Neurosci Lett
- 2009/02 予測性嘔吐に対し適切な支持療法にてFOLFOXおよびFOLFIRI療法が継続できた転移性大腸癌の1例 癌と化学療法
- 2008/11 Changes of neuron-specific and apoptosis gene expression levels after ventromedial hypothalamic lesions in rat intestine Exp Biol Med
- 2008/11 The reversal of recurrence hazard rate between ER positive and negative breast cancer patients with axillary lymph node dissection (pathological stage I-III) 3 years after surgery BMC cancer
- 2008/08 Gemcitabine/ Carboplatin併用化学療法が奏効した多発性骨転移、肝転移、右副腎転移を伴う左尿路上皮癌の1例 癌と化学療法
- 2008/02 入院外来とも同一チームで運営する外来化学療法センターの設立について 日本病院薬剤師会雑誌
- 2007/12 FOLFIRI Is tolerable after subtotal colectomy - A patient with familial adenomatous polyposis who developed advanced rectal cancer Case Rep Gastroenterol
- 2007/12 Vinorelbine投与後に原因不明のショック症状を繰り返した1症例 癌と化学療法
- 2007/12 抗がん剤とG-CSF製剤の同時投与についての検討 日本医事新報
- 2007/08 Changes in survival during the past two decades for breast cancer at the Kyoto University Hospital Eur J Surg Oncol
- 2007/07 High-quality RNA extraction from rat pancreas for microarray analysis Pancreas
- 2006/12 金沢医科大学での外来化学療法開設に向けて 金沢医大誌
- 2006/06 A phase I study of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with S-1 for T2N0 glottic carcinoma Oncology
- 2006/06 中枢神経と消化管 THE GI FOREFRONT
- 2005/12 京都大学医学部附属病院の外来化学療法 癌と化学療法
- 2005/05 Single agent gemcitabine for biliary tract cancers with systematic review of literature Oncology
- 2005/03 The relationships between the autonomic nervous system, humoral factors, and immune functions in the intestine Digestion
- 2004/12 Ameloblastin is a cell adhesion molecule required for maintaining the differentiation state of ameloblasts J Cell Biol
- 2004/08 Relationships between the autonomic nervous system and pancreas - including regulation of regeneration and apoptosis. Recent developments Pancreas
- 2004/06 肝細胞癌に対する抗癌剤治療の現状?経皮的抗癌剤局注療法も含めて 日本医事新報
- 2003/12 Differential Diagnosis of Hepatic Tumors by Enhancement Pattern-based Classification Based on the Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography Findings Radiology
- 2003/03 Neostigmine and polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution for the therapy of acute hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites. Hepatogastoenterology
- 2003/03 Polypoid cavernous hemangioma removed under colonoscopy Digestive Endoscopy
- 2003/01 Percutaneous ablation therapy guided by contrast-enhanced sonography for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma AJR Am J Roentgenol
- 2002/09 Contrast-enhanced sonography of small pancreatic mass lesions J Ultrasound Med
- 2002/04 RAの活動性低下後、腹痛と急速に黄疸が進行し死亡した1男性例 関節リウマチ
- 2002/03 播種性血管内凝固症候群合併胃癌に対する治療 日本医事新報
- 2002/02 The role of the autonomic nervous system in liver regeneration and apoptosis. Recent developments Digestion
- 2002/01 Advanced gastric cancer associated with DIC successfully treated with 5-FU and cisplatin: A case Report Heaptogastroenterology
- 2001/10 Nonresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: improved percutaneous ethanol injection therapy guided by carbon dioxide-enhanced sonography AJR Am J Roentgenol
- 2001/09 A long term survival case of pancreatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with transcatheter arterial embolization and combination chemotherapy Heaptogastroenterology
- 2001/05 Expression of apoptosis on rat liver by hepatic vagus hyperactivity after ventromedial hypothalamic lesioning Am J Physiol
- 2001/05 Using of contrast-enhanced wide-band harmonic gray-scale sonography to assess the therapeutic effect of transcatheter arterial embolization for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with helical CT findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol
- 2001/03 Combination therapy of percutaneous mitoxantrone injection, percutaneous ethanol injection, and transcatheter arterial embolization for intrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma and adrenal metastasis. Hepatogastroenterology
- 2001/02 Contrast-enhanced, wide-band harmonic gray scale imaging of hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with helical computed tomographic findings J Ultrasound Med
- 2000/12 Color Doppler sonography for evaluating response to transcatheter arterial embolization and percutaneous ethanol injection therapy and for detecting recurrence of hepatocellula carcinoma. J Ultrasound Med
- 2000/11 Comparison of the pharmacokinetics and the leukocytopenia and thrombocytopenia after administration of irinotecan and 5-fluorouracil in combination to rats. Anticancer Res
- 2000/10 Sonographically guided core-needle biopsy of focal splenic lesions: report of four cases J Clin Ultrasound
- 2000/06 Detection of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma biopsy specimens J Gastroenterol Hepatol
- 2000/01 Fas (Apo-1/CD95) mRNA is down-regulated in liver regeneration after hepatectomy in rats J Gastroenterol
- 1999/08 Expression of interferon receptor genes in the liver as a predictor of interferon response in patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Med Virol
- 1999/07 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) facilitates liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats Life Sci
- 1999/07 遺伝子異常.肝・胆・膵フロンテイア:肝内胆管癌. 診断と治療
- 1999/06 Correlation between hepatic tumor index on color doppler sonography and tumor vessels on arteriography in large hepatocellular carcinomas Cancer Detect Prev
- 1999/06 Hepatic arterial resistance after mixed-meal ingestion in healthy subjects and patients with chronic liver disease J Clin Ultrasound
- 1999/04 CO2 US-Angio下PEIの有用性 映像情報 Medical
- 1999/01 Medullary thyroid carcinoma with multiple hepatic metastases: treatment with transcatheter arterial embolization and percutaneous ethanol injection Intern Med
- 1998/11 Ocular arterial flow hemodynamics in patients with diabetes mellitus J Ultrasound Med
- 1998/08 Hepatocyte proliferation in rats after ventromedial hypothalamic lesions: immunoreactivity patterns of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA J Gastroenterol
- 1998/06 Use of balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration with ethanolamine oleate for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in a cirrhotic patient with a large spontaneous splenorenal shunt J Gastroenterol
- 1998/04 肝腫瘍の診断におけるHepatic tumor indexの有用性 神奈川医誌
- 1998/04 脾腎短絡路のB?RTOを施行し、慢性反復性脳症の改善を得た肝硬変の1例 日門脈圧亢進症食道静脈会誌
- 1998/03 Hemodynamic changes in hepatic artery after glucose ingestion in healthy subjects and patients with cirrhosis J Clin Ultrasound
- 1998/02 肝細胞癌に対するSMANCS-TAE, PEI併用療法の使用経験 癌と化学療法
- 1998/01 The long term efficacy of combined transcatheter arterial embolization and percutaneous ethanol injection in the treatment of patients with large hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis Cancer
- 1997/08 Plus- and minus-stranded hepatitis G virus RNA in liver tissue and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun
- 1997/07 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) facilitates liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats Life Sci
- 1997/04 Graft versus host disease経過中にみられた胆道出血の1例 Prog Dig Endosc
- 1997/04 Use of hepatic tumor index on color Doppler sonography for differentiating large hepatic tumors AJR Am J Roentgenol
- 1997/04 電解質異常をきたした直腸巨大絨毛腫瘍の一例 Prog Dig Endosc
- 1996/04 Helicobactor pylori感染症?最近の話題 Helicobactor pylori感染症の治療 MALTリンパ腫 内科
- 1996/03 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesion-induced vagal hyperactivity stimulates rat pancreatic cell proliferation Gastroenterology
- 1995/09 Lateral hypothalamic lesions facilitate hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rats Pflugers Arch
- 1995/09 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions induce the proliferation of gastrointestinal mucosal cells in the rat Life Sci
- 1995/07 SunphenonのHelicobactor pyloriの排菌効果の検討 Prog Dig Endosc
- 1995/07 早期胃癌切除後に腸間膜デスモイド腫瘍の合併が認められた1例 Prog Dig Endosc
- 1995/07 食道粘膜癌に対する内視鏡的粘膜切除の検討 Prog Dig Endosc
- 1995/04 IIb型早期胃癌の内視鏡診断 消化器内視鏡
- 1994/08 Facilitation of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy by ventromedial hypothalamic lesions in rats Pflugers Arch
- 1994/02 肺癌の原因と治療 分子生物学的アプローチ サイトカインによる治療 The Lung-perspectives
- 1993/08 Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene and the ras gene family in intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinomas in Japan and Thailand Mol Carcinog
- 1993/07 Comparison of DNA synthesis in white and brown adipose tissue in rats with ventromedial hypothalamic lesions. Pflugers Arch
- 1993/02 Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions increase gastrointestinal DNA synthesis through vagus nerve in rats Gastroenterology
- 1992/03 Role of vagus nerve in increased DNA synthesis after hypothalamic ventromedial lesions in rat liver Am J Physiol
- 1991/12 Comparison of DNA contents of visceral organs in rats with ventromedial hypothalamic lesions and fed a high fat diet Neurosci Lett
- 1991/12 難治性咽喉頭潰瘍の既往を有した大腸単純性潰瘍の一症例 横浜医学
- 1990/06 V型高脂血症に合併した重症型急性膵炎の一症例 横浜医学