氏名 |
向田 昌司 |
氏名(カナ) |
ムコウダ マサシ |
氏名(英語) |
Mukoda Masashi |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
講師 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000323809 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2021/11/
Streptococcal Exotoxin Streptolysin O Causes Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction Through PKCβ Activation/Joint Author/J Pharmacol Exp Ther.
- 2021/03/Anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the vascular smooth muscle PPARγ/Mukohda M, Ozaki H./Joint Author/J Smooth Muscle Res.
- 2020/08 Increased Blood Pressure Causes Lymphatic Endothelial Dysfunction via Oxidative Stress in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Mukohda M, Mizuno R, Ozaki H Hypertension
- 2020/05 Failure to Vasodilate in Response to Salt Loading Blunts Renal Blood Flow and Causes Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. Wu J, Agbor LN, Fang S, Mukohda M, Nair AR, Nakagawa P, Sharma A, Morgan DA, Grobe JL, Rahmouni K, Weiss RM, McCormick JA, Sigmund CD Cardiovasc Res
- 2019/04
Endothelial-Specific Interference with PPAR gamma Causes Endothelial Dysfunction with Sex- Specific Mechanism in Offspring Born from AVPAVP infused Pregnancies Nair AR, Silva SD Jr, Agbor LN, Wu J, Nakagawa P, Mukohda M, Lu KT, Sandgren JA, Pierce GL, Santillan MK, Grobe JL, Sigmund CD Hypertension
- 2019/04 Role of PPARγ, a transcription factor in cardiovascular disease. Mukohda M. Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi
- 2019/03 RhoBTB1 protects against hypertension and arterial stiffness by restraining phosphodiesterase 5 activity. Mukohda M, Fang S, Wu J, Agbor LN, Nair AR, Ibeawuchi SC, Hu C, Liu X, Lu KT, Guo DF, Davis DR, Keen HL, Quelle FW, Sigmund CD J Clin Invest
- 2019/02 PPARγ変異体誘導性高血圧症における新規PPARγ標的遺伝子RhoBTB1の役割 向田昌司 血管
- 2018/11 Interference With Endothelial PPAR (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor)-γ Causes Accelerated Cerebral Vascular Dysfunction in Response to Endogenous Renin-Angiotensin System Activation Nair AR, Agbor LN, Mukohda M, Liu X, Hu C, Wu J, Sigmund CD. Hypertension
- 2017/07 Hypertension-Causing Mutation in Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Impairs Nuclear Export of Nuclear Factor-κB p65 in Vascular Smooth Muscle. Masashi Mukohda, Ko-Ting Lu, Deng F. Guo, Jing Wu, Henry L. Keen, Xuebo Liu, Pimonrat Ketsawatsomkron, Madeliene Stump, Kamal Rahmouni, Frederick W. Quelle, and Curt D. Sigmund. Hypertension 2017(オンライン出版)
- 2016/11 Nervous System Expression of PPARγ and Mutant PPARγ Has Profound Effects on Metabolic Regulation and Brain Development. Madeliene Stump, Deng-Fu Guo,Ko-Ting Lu, Masashi Mukohda, Martin D. Cassell, Andrew W. Norris, Kamal Rahmouni, Curt D. Sigmund Endocrinology
- 2016/07 Effect of selective expression of dominant-negative PPARγ in pro-opiomelanocortin neurons on the control of energy balance Madeliene Stump, Deng-Fu Guo, Ko-Ting Lu, Masashi Mukohda, Xuebo Liu, Kamal Rahmouni, Curt D. Sigmund Physiol Genomics
- 2016/02 Interference with PPARγ in endothelium accelerates angiotensin II-induced endothelial dysfunction. Chunyan Hu, Ko-Ting Lu, Masashi Mukohda, Deborah R. Davis, Frank M. Faraci, Curt D. Sigmund. Physiol Genomics
- 2016/01
Endothelial PPAR-γ provides vascular protection from IL-1β-induced oxidative stress. Masashi Mukohda, Madeliene Stump, Pimonrat Ketsawatsomkron, Chunyan Hu, Frederick W. Quelle, Curt D. Sigmund. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol
- 2015/12 PPARγ Regulation in Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome. Stump M, Mukohda M, Hu C, Sigmund CD. Curr Hypertens Rep
- 2013/02 Long-term methylglyoxal treatment causes endothelial dysfunction of rat isolated mesenteric artery. Mukohda M, Morita T, Okada M, Hara Y, Yamawaki H. J Vet Med Sci
- 2012/08 Methylglyoxal accumulation in arterial walls causes vascular contractile dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Mukohda M, Okada M, Hara Y, Yamawaki H. J Pharmacol Sci
- 2012/03 Exploring mechanisms of diabetes-related macrovascular complications: role of methylglyoxal, a metabolite of glucose on regulation of vascular contractility. Mukohda M, Okada M, Hara Y, Yamawaki H. J Pharmacol Sci
- 2012/02 A novel adipocytokine, nesfatin-1 modulates peripheral arterial contractility and blood pressure in rats. Yamawaki H, Takahashi M, Mukohda M, Morita T, Okada M, Hara Y. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
- 2012/01 Long-term methylglyoxal treatment impairs smooth muscle contractility in organ-cultured rat mesenteric artery. Mukohda M, Morita T, Okada M, Hara Y, Yamawaki H. Pharmacol Res
- 2010/12 Influences of organic solvents on CYPMPO-electron spin resonance spectra in in vitro radical generating systems. Mukohda M, Ueno S, Kamibayashi M, Okada M, Yamawaki H, Hara Y. J Vet Med Sci
- 2010/12 Methylglyoxal augments angiotensin II-induced contraction in rat isolated carotid artery. Mukohda M, Yamawaki H, Okada M, Hara Y. J Pharmacol Sc
- 2010/03 Omentin, a novel adipokine, induces vasodilation in rat isolated blood vessels. Yamawaki H, Tsubaki N, Mukohda M, Okada M, Hara Y. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
- 2010/02 Methylglyoxal enhances sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation in rat aorta. Mukohda M, Yamawaki H, Okada M, Hara Y. J Pharmacol Sci
- 2009/02 Methylglyoxal inhibits smooth muscle contraction in isolated blood vessels. Mukohda M, Yamawaki H, Nomura H, Okada M, Hara Y. J Pharmacol Sci
- 2008/11 Mechanisms underlying pioglitazone-mediated relaxation in isolated blood vessel. Nomura H, Yamawaki H, Mukohda M, Okada M, Hara Y. J Pharmacol Sci
- 2008/08 Telmisartan inhibits methylglyoxal-mediated cell death in human vascular endothelium. Baden T, Yamawaki H, Saito K, Mukohda M, Okada M, Hara Y. Biochem Biophys Res Commun