氏名 |
東馬 哲雄 |
氏名(カナ) |
トウマ テツオ |
氏名(英語) |
Toma Tetsuo |
所属 |
機構 研究社会連携機構 自然フィールドワークセンタ |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
5000090741 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2025/01/Typification of Aristolochia saccata and nomenclatural notes for A. dilatata (Aristolochiaceae)/Ohi-Toma T, Murata J, Tanaka N/Joint Author/Novon
- 2024/10/Vincetoxicum nakaianum (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae), a new species from Japan for Cynanchum magnificum Nakai, nomen nudum/Mochizuki K, Nemoto S, Murata J, Ohi-Toma T./Joint Author/PhytoKeys
- 2024/05/First report of vespicochory in Aristolochia shimadae Hayata (Aristolochiaceae) in Japan/Watanabe-Toma K, Ohi-Toma T/Joint Author/Plant Species Biology
- 2024/04 近畿地方中西部から瀬戸内地方東部におけるオオバウマノスズクサとアリマウマノスズクサ(ウマノスズクサ科)の分布について 渡邉・東馬加奈, 大井・東馬哲雄 共著 植物研究雑誌
- 2024/04/Species delimitation in Amana (Liliaceae): transcriptomes battle with evolutionary complexity/Wang M-Z, Wu J, Zhang S-L, Mao L-M, Ohi-Toma T, Takano A, Zhang Y-H, Cameron KM, Li P/Joint Author/Cladistics
- 2024/01/ Species boundaries and conservation implications of Cinnamomum japonicum, an endangered plant in China/Lin H‐Y, Yang Y, Li W‐H, Luo Y‐X Luo, Bai X‐H, Ohi‐Toma T, Kim C, Kim J‐H, Zaho Y‐P/Joint Author/Journal of Systematics and Evolution
- 2023/12/A new combination in the genus Vincetoxicum (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae), with neotypification of V. acuminatum/Ohi-Toma T, Mochizuki K/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2023/10/Lectotypification of Aristolochia contorta (Aristolochiaceae)/Ohi-Toma T/Sole Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2023/06/Rediscovery of Exallage auricularia (Rubiaceae) from Yonaguni Island, Okinawa, Japan/Naiki A, Nakasone T, Ohi-Toma T, Yonekura K, Abe A/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2023/04 チトセカズラ(マチン科)のレクトタイプ選定
大井・東馬哲雄,田中伸幸,内貴章世 共著 植物研究雑誌
- 2022/08/
Myanmaranthus roseiflorus, a new genus and species of Marantaceae from Myanmar/Tanaka N, Ohi-Toma T, Suksathan P, Aung M.M, Paulsen A.D, Mohamad S, Armstrong K.E/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2022/05/An overlooked dispersal route of Cardueae (Asteraceae) from the Mediterranean to East Asia revealed by phylogenomic and biogeographic analyses of Atractylodes/Xia M, Cai M, Comes H.P, Zheng L, Ohi-Toma T, Lee J, Qi Z, Konowalik K, Li P, Cameron K.M, Fu C/Joint Author/Annales of Botany
- 2022/02/Molecular species delimitation reveals underestimated diversity in the tree genus Nothapodytes (Icacinaceae)/Ito Y, Yadav S.R, Chang Y.S, Tagane S, Li P, Ohi-Toma T/Joint Author/Plant Systematics and Evolution
- 2021/12/
Contributions to the Flora of Myanmar VIII: Aristolochia kachinensis, a new species of subgenus Siphisia (Aristolochiaceae) from Kachin State/Ohi-Toma T, Watanabe-Toma K, Aung M.M, Tanaka N, Murata J/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2021/12/
A revision of Leptopetalum foetidum (Rubiaceae)/Naiki A, Ohi-Toma T/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2021/10/
Aristolochia vestita, a new species of subgenus Siphisia (Aristolochiaceae) from Zhejiang, China/Ohi-Toma T, Watanabe-Toma K, Li P, Sugawara T, Murata J/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2021/10
帰化植物バルカンノウルシ(トウダイクサ科)の国内の分布と生育状況 大井-東馬哲雄, 田中伸幸, 大西亘, 黒沢高秀 共著 Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2021/08/DNA-based identification of Cedrus (Pinaceae) planted in Japan/Ohi-Toma T, Komaki Y, Ideno T, Ishihara S/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2021/07/Contributions to the Flora of Myanmar VII: Nine new distributional records of flowering plants from Myanmar/Tanaka N, Ohi-Toma T, Tagane S, Watanabe-Toma K, Sugawara T, Aung M.M, Murata J/Joint Author/Thai Journal of Botany
- 2021/04/Ploidy diversity in Arisaema ovale group and A. nikoense group (Araceae)/Sasamura, K., Murata, J. & Ohi-Toma, T./Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2020/12/Thelypteris sylva-nipponica, a new allotetraploid species in the Parathelypteris group (Thelypteridaceae)/Ebihara A, Nakato N, Ohi-Toma T, Iwatsuki K/Joint Author/Phytotaxa
- 2020/10 Taxonomy of Hirsutiarum (Araceae), a new genus record for the Flora of Myanmar Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2020/06 An updated phylogeny of Leptopetalum (Rubiaceae) and taxonomic treatment of herbaceous species in East Asia Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2020/02
Molecular phylogenetic study of the tribe Tropidieae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae) with taxonomic and evolutionary implications PhytoKeys
- 2020/02 Vascular plants collected from eastern provinces, the Solomon Islands Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B
- 2019/11 Taxonomic revision of Oxalis subsect. Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica
- 2018/12 The complete chloroplast genome of Ranzania japonica, an endangered species native to Japan Conservation Genetics Resources
- 2018/06/Addition to Aoki et al. (2017): phylogenetic position of Oxalis trilliifolia in subsection Oxalis (Oxalidaceae)/Aoki S, Ohi-Toma T, Murata J/Joint Author/Phytotaxa
- 2018/02/New or noteworthy plant collections from Myanmar (10): Impatiens hukaungensis (Balsaminaceae), a new rheophytic from Northern Region/Tanaka N, Ohi-Toma T, Ito Y, Aung M.M, Murata J/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2017/12/Intraspecific variation of ploidy levels and chloroplast haplotype within Helwingia japonica (Helwingiaceae) in Japan/Ohi-Toma T, Ichinose K, Watanabe-Toma K, Ikeda H, Murata J/Joint Author/Journal of Japanese Botany
- 2017/10/Phylogenetic, cytological, and morphological comparisons of Oxalis subsect. Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) in East Asia/Aoki S, Ohi-Toma T, Li P, Fu C.X, Murata J/Joint Author/Phytotaxa
- 2017/05/Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the mint tribe Elsholtzieae (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae), with an emphasis on its diversification in East Asia/Li P, Qi Z.C, Liu L.X, Ohi-Toma T, Lee J, Hsieh T.H, Fu C, Cameron K, Qiu Y.X/Joint Author/Scientific Reports
- 2017/06/Molecular Phylogenetics and historical biogeography of Sorbus sensu stricto (Rosaceae)/Li M, Ohi-Toma T, Gao Y.D, Xu B, Zhu Z.M, Ju W.B, Gao X.F/Joint Author/Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
- 2017/04/Comparative genomics and phylogenomics of East Asian tulips (Amana, Liliaceae)/Li P, Lu R, Xu W, Ohi-Toma T, Cai M, Qiu Y, Cameron K.M, Fu C/Joint Author/Frontiers in Plant Science
- 2017/02/Towards a better understanding of the Ruppia maritima complex (Ruppiaceae): notes on the correct application and typification of the names R. cirrhosa and R. spiralis/Ito Y, Ohi-Toma T, Nepi C, Santangelo A, Stinca A, Tanaka N, Murata J/Joint Author/Taxon
- 2017/02/Typification of Solidago yokusaiana (Asteraceae: Astereae) a distinctive Japanese species/Semple JC, Ohi-Toma T/Joint Author/Phytoneuron
- 2016/09/
An updated genus-wide phylogenetic analysis of Arisaema (Araceae) with reference to sections/Ohi-Toma T, Wu S, Murata H, Murata J/Joint Author/Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society