氏名 |
中嶋 幸生 |
氏名(カナ) |
ナカジマ コウセイ |
氏名(英語) |
Nakajima Kosei |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000224207 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2020/10 Molecular Profiling of Bone Remodeling Occurring in Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K, Kidani T, Miura H Journal of Orthopaedic Research (First Author, impact factor 3.494)
- 2021/03 Galectin-3: an immune checkpoint target for musculoskeletal tumor patients Nakajima K, Balan V, Raz A Cancer and Metastasis Reviews (First Author, Impact factor 9.264)
- 2020/07 Autocrine Motility Factor and its Receptor Expression in Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K, Raz A Journal of Bone Oncology (First author, impact factor 4.072)
- 2017 Cancer Self-Defense: An Immune Stealth. Cancer Research (First Author, impact factor 9.130)
- 2016/03 Galectin-3 cleavage alters bone remodeling: Different outcomes in breast and prostate cancer skeletal metastasis. Kosei Nakajima, Dhong Hyo Kho, Takashi Yanagawa,Yosuke Harazono, Victor Hogan, Wei Chen, Rouba Ali-Fehmi,Rohit Mehra, Avraham Raz. Cancer Research (First Author, impact factor 9.122)
- 2020/09 T cell Infiltration Profile in Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K, Raz A Journal of Orthopaedic Research (First Author, impact factor 3.494)
- 2022/03 Neoadjuvant chemo/radiotherapy alters the collagen architecture of tumor microenvironment via Ephrin-A5 pathway. Nakajima K, Ino Y, Naito C, Nara S, Shimasaki M, Iwasaki T, Doi N, Esaki M, Kishi Y, Shimada K, and Hiraoka N British Journal of Cancer (First Author, Impact factor 7.64)
- 2021/01 悪性骨腫瘍における免疫微小環境の正常化 中嶋幸生 細胞(First Author, Invited)
- 2016 Galectin-3 in Bone Tumor Microenvironment: A Beacon for Individual Skeletal Metastasis Management. Nakajima K, Kho DH, Yanagawa T, Zimel M, Heath E, Hogan V, Raz A. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews (First Author, impact factor 6.081)
- 2020/10 IAP inhibitor, Embelin increases VCAM-1 levels on endothelium, producing lymphocytic infiltration and antitumor immunity Nakajima K, Ino Y, Yamazaki-Itoh R, Naito C, Shimasaki M, Takahashi M, Esaki M, Nara S, Kishi Y, Shimada K, Hiraoka N. Oncoimmunology (First author, impact factor 8.110)
- 2020/06 Amplification of Autocrine Motility Factor and its Receptor in Multiple Myeloma and other Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K, Raz A Journal of Bone Oncology (First author, impact factor 4.072)
- 2014/11 Galectin-3 inhibits osteoblast differentiation through Notch signaling. Kosei Nakajima, Dong Hyo Kho, Takashi Yanagawa, Xiaoge Gao, Yosuke Harazono,Victor Hogan, Avraham Raz. Neoplasia (First Author, impact factor 4.252)
- 2020 Drug screening with a novel tumor-derived cell line identified alternative therapeutic options for patients with atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor Nakano Y, Takadera M, Miyazaki M, Qiao Z, Nakajima K, Noguchi R, R Oyama R, Kimura Y, Okuhiro Y, Yamasaki K, Kunihiro N, Fukushima H, Inoue T, Hara J, Ozawa T, Kondo T, Ichimura K Human Cell (impact factor 3.463)
- 2020 Pharmacological Profiling of Suppressive Drugs to Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K. Sarcoma Rseaseach International (First Author, Impact factor 1.2)
- 2016/10 Positive association between Galectin-3 and PSA levels in prostate cancer patients: A prospective clinical study-I. Kosei Nakajima*, Lance Heilbrun*, Victor Hogan,Daryn Smith, Elisabeth Heath, Avraham Raz. (*Authors share equal credit) Oncotarget (First author, impact factor 5.168)
- 2016/10 The influence of PSA autoantibodies in prostate cancer patients: A prospective clinical study-II. Kosei Nakajima*, Lance Heilbrun*, Daryn Smith, Victor Hogan, Avraham Raz, Elisabeth Heath. Oncotarget (First Author, impact factor 5.168)
- 2015/08 Extracellular galectin-3 programs multidrug resistance through Na+/K+-ATPase and P-glycoprotein signaling. Yosuke Harazono, DongHyo Kho, Vitaly Balan, Kosei Nakajima, Victor Hogan, Avraham Raz. Oncotarget (impact factor 5.008)
- 2015/03 Gp78, an E3 ubiquitinligase acts as a gatekeeper suppressing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and liver cancer. Tianpeng Zhang, Dong Hyo Kho, Yi Wang, Yosuke Harazono, Kosei Nakajima, Youming Xie, Avraham Raz. PLoS One (impact factor 3.057)
- 2014/10 Galectin-3 leads to attenuation of apoptosis through Bax heterodimerization in human thyroid carcinomacells. Yosuke Harazono, Dong Hyo Kho, Vitaly Balan, Kosei Nakajima, Tianpeng Zhang, Victor Hogan, Avraham Raz. Oncotarget (impact factor 6.359)
- 2014 Why anti-Bcl-2 clinical trials fail: a solution. Harazono Y, Nakajima K, Raz A. Cancer and metastasis Reviews (Second author, Impact factor 7.234)
- 2012/12 Hyperthermia reduces migration of osteosarco ma by suppression of au tocrine motility factor. Kosei Nakajima, Takashi Yanagawa, Hideomi Watanabe, Kenji Takagishi. Oncology Reports (First Autnor, impact factor 2.297)
- 2010/06 Expression of CD44v6 as matrix-associated ectodomain in bone development. Kosei Nakajima, Kazumi Taniguchi, Kenichiro Mutoh. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (First Author, impact factor 0.722)
- Human asymptomatic/smoldering Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia-like condition in a dog Nakajima K, Koitabashi Y, Shirakawa M, Okubo F Journal of Japan Veterinary Cancer Society (First Author)
- Reduction of intrapancreatic neural density in cancer tissue predicts poorer outcome in pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Iwasaki T, Hiraoka N, Ino Y, Nakajima K, Kishi Y, Nara S, Esaki M, Shimada K, Katai H. Cancer Science (impact factor 4.751)
- 2022/03/18 関節腫瘍の診断と治療~比較整形外科学の大光~ 中嶋幸生 第103回 日本獣医麻酔外科学会 教育講演(整形外科学)
- 2021/07/15 Immune landscape of T cell infiltration profile in musculoskeletal tumors. Nakajima K, Raz A 第54回日本整外科学会骨・軟部腫瘍学術集会(英語一般演題)
- 2021/07/15 Molecular landscape of autocrine motility factor and its receptor expression in musculoskeletal tumors Nakajima K, Raz A 第54回日本整外科学会骨・軟部腫瘍学術集会(英語一般演題)
- 2021/04/22 IAP inhibitor, Embelin increases VCAM-1 levels on endothelium, producing lymphocytic infiltration and antitumor immunity Nakajima K, Ino Y, Yamazaki-Itoh R, Naito C, Shimasaki M, Takahashi M, Esaki M, Nara S, Kishi Y, Shimada K, Hiraoka K 第110回日本病理学会総会
- 2021 Autocrine Motility Factor and its Receptor Expression in Musculoskeletal Tumors Nakajima K, Raz A. Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting
- 2021 Molecular profiling of Bone Remodelling Occuring Musculoskeletal Tumors Kosei Nakjima, Teruki Tidani, Hiromasa Miura Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting
- 2020 Amplification of Autocrine Motility Factor and its Receptor in Multiple Myeloma and other Musculoskeletal Tumors. Nakajima K, Raz A 第79回日本癌学会学術総会
- 2020 Immune landscape of neoadjuvant/preoperative chemoradiotherapy in refractory cancer Nakajima et al American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) meeting
- 2020 Pharmacological profiling of suppressive drugs to musculoskeletal tumors Nakajima K European Orthopaedic Research Society 28th Annual Meeting
- 2020 T cell infiltration profile in musculoskeletal tumors Nakajima K, Raz A European Orthopaedic Research Society 28th Annual Meeting
- 2020 こんなにかんたん!より良い小動物臨床のための医療統計学 中嶋幸生 第99回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2020 やってみよう!より良い小動物臨床のための医療統計学 中嶋幸生 第99回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2020 悪性骨軟部腫瘍1384症例におけるGalectin-3(LGALS3)の発現プロファイリング 中嶋幸生 木谷彰岐 Avraham Raz 第93回日本整形外科学会 学術総会
- 2019/09/26 Neoadjuvant therapy alters the collagen architecture via Ephrin-A5 Nakajima K, Ino Y, Naito C, Nara S, Shimasaki M, Iwasaki T, Doi N, Esaki M, Kishi Y, Shimada K, and Hiraoka N 第78回日本癌学会 学術総会
- 2019 Neoadjuvant therapy alters collagen architecture of refractory cancer Nakajima k, Ino Y, Hiraoka N American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2019
- 2019 明日からの臨床に役に立つ!ミクロな目で見る整形外科学 第98回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2018 人医学研鑽のすすめ~臨床獣医師が人医学を勉強するために知っておきたいこと~ 中嶋幸生 第97回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2017 Characterization of tumor endothelial cells: Approach to enhance immune cell infiltration for immunotherapy Nakajima et al American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference
- 2016 Cancer Autoantibodies are functional or non-functinnal? : A Potential cause and new categorization of cancer-derived factors Nakajima et al 2016 Michigan Cancer Consortium annual meeting
- 2016 Cancer-secreted Galectin-3 inhibits osteoblast differentiation in bone metastatic niche. 2016 Michigan Cancer Consortium annual meeting
- 2016 Galectin-3 as prostate cancer biomarker: A prospective clinical study-I Nakajima et al 2016 Michigan Cancer Consortium annual meeting
- 2016 Galectin-3 cleavage alters bone remodeling: Different outcomes in breast and prostate cancer skeletal metastasis Kosei Nakajima et al MusculoSkeletal Tumor Society Meeting
- 2016 How skeletal tumors destroy bone? : Comparison of bone tumor microenvironments and A solution Kosei Nakajima et al Michigan Cancer Consortium Annual Meeting
- 2016 Targeting Galectin-3 suppresses osteolytic remodeling in bone tumor microenvironment. Nakajima et al 2016 Michigan Cancer Consortium annual meeting
- 2016 The influence of PSA autoantibodies in prostate cancer Nakajima et al 43rd International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers
- 2016 The influence of PSA autoantibodies in prostate cancer patients: A prospective clinical study-II Nakajima et al 2016 Michigan Cancer Consortium annual meeting
- 2013 腫瘍外科における分子生物学の基礎 中嶋幸生 第85回獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2012 ハイパーサーミアおよびheat shock protein 阻害剤による骨肉腫細胞株におけるautocrine motily factor 発現への影響 第45回日本整形外科学会 骨軟部腫瘍学術集会
- 2012 ハイパーサーミアによる骨肉腫に対するAutocrine Motiliy Factor 発現抑制 中嶋幸生 柳川天志 骨軟部腫瘍の基礎を語る会 2012
- 2012 断脚術の今と将来 中嶋幸生 第84回獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2010 ワルデンシュトレーム・マクログロブリン血症の1例、および17症例の回顧的考察 (1970-2010). 中嶋幸生 小板橋禎見 白川美穂 大久保文葉 第3回日本獣医がん学会