氏名 |
早川 晃司 |
氏名(カナ) |
ハヤカワ コウジ |
氏名(英語) |
Hayakawa Koji |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000300715 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2020/08 Linker Histone Variant H1T Functions as a Chromatin De-Condenser on Genic Regions Koji Hayakawa, Ruiko Tani, Kenta Nishitani, Satoshi Tanaka Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
- 2019/12 Kynurenine, 3-OH-kynurenine, and Anthranilate Are Nutrient Metabolites That Alter H3K4 Trimethylation and H2AS40 O-GlcNAcylation at Hypothalamus-Related Loci Koji Hayakawa, Kenta Nishitani, Satoshi Tanaka Scientific Reports
- 2019/08 C9ORF72-related cellular pathology in skeletal myocytes derived from ALS-patient induced pluripotent stem cells. Eileen Lynch, Theran Semrad, Vincent S. Belsito, Claire FitzGibbons, Megan Reilly, Koji Hayakawa, Masatoshi Suzuki Disease Models & Mechanisms
- 2018/09 Histone O-GlcNAcylation and Potential Biological Functions Mitsuko Hirosawa, Koji Hayakawa, Kunio Shiota, Satoshi Tanaka. OBM Genetics
- 2018/04 Nucleosomes of polyploid trophoblast giant cells mostly consist of histone variants and form a loose chromatin structure Koji Hayakawa, Kanae Terada, Tomohiro Takahashi, Hidehiro Oana, Masao Washizu, Satoshi Tanaka Scientific Reports
- 2018/02 Extracellular glucose levels in cultures of undifferentiated mouse trophoblast stem cells affect gene expression during subsequent differentiation with replicable cell line-dependent variation Kenta Nishitani, Koji Hayakawa, Satoshi Tanaka Journal of Reproduction and Development
- 2017/10 H2A O-GlcNAcylation at serine 40 functions genomic protection in association with acetylated H2AZ or γH2AX Koji Hayakawa, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Ruiko Tani, Chikako Yoneda, Satoshi Tanaka, Kunio Shiota Epigenetics & Chromatin
- 2017/08 Reactivation of hyperglycemia-induced hypocretin (HCRT) gene silencing by N-acetyl-d-mannosamine in the orexin neurons derived from human iPS cells Koji Hayakawa, Yasuharu Sakamoto, Osamu Kanie, Atsuko Ohtake, Shusaku Daikoku, Yukishige Ito, Kunio Shiota Epigenetics
- 2016/10 Analysis of DNA Methylation by Bisulfite Reaction in Neural Cells as an Example of Orexin Neurons Koji Hayakawa, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Kunio Shiota Epigenetic Methods in Neuroscience Research
- 2016/10 Analysis of Histone Modifications in Neural Cells as an Example of Orexin Neurons Koji Hayakawa, Chikako Yoneda, Ruiko Tani, Kunio Shiota Epigenetic Methods in Neuroscience Research
- 2016/09 Novel O-GlcNAcylation on Ser40 of canonical H2A isoforms specific to viviparity Mitsuko Hirosawa, Koji Hayakawa, Chikako Yoneda, Daisuke Arai, Hitoshi Shiota, Takehiro Suzuki, Satoshi Tanaka, Naoshi Dohmae, Kunio Shiota Scientific Reports
- 2016/03 Linker histone variant H1T targets rDNA repeats Ruiko Tani, Koji Hayakawa, Satoshi Tanaka, Kunio Shiota Epigenetics
- 2015/08 Putative Epimutagens in Maternal Peripheral and Cord Blood Samples Identified Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Yoshikazu Arai, Koji Hayakawa, Daisuke Arai, Rie Ito, Yusuke Iwasaki, Koichi Saito, Kazuhiko Akutsu, Satoshi Takatori, Rie Ishii, Rumiko Hayashi, Shun-Ichiro Izumi, Norihiro Sugino, Fumio Kondo, Masakazu Horie, Hiroyuki Nakazawa, Tsunehisa Makino, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Kunio Shiota, Jun Ohgane BioMed Research International
- 2015/05 An epigenetic regulatory element of the Nodal gene in the mouse and human genomes Daisuke Arai, Koji Hayakawa, Jun Ohgane, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Yoichi Nakao, Satoshi Tanaka, Kunio Shiota Mechanisms of Development
- 2015/02 Isolation and Manipulation of Mouse Trophoblast Stem Cells Koji Hayakawa, Emi Himeno, Satoshi Tanaka, Tilo Kunath Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology
- 2015/01 N-acetylmannosamine improves sleep?wake quality in middle-aged mice: Relevance to autonomic nervous function Masayoshi Kuwahara, Koichi Ito, Koji Hayakawa, Shintaro Yagi, Kunio Shiota Autonomic Neuroscience
- 2013/12 A Method for Obtaining Epigenomic Data Koji Hayakawa, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Kunio Shiota The Guide to Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy
- 2013/12 Epigenetics of Placental Development and Function Shuhei Ito, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Koji Hayakawa, Shintaro Yagi, Satoshi Tanaka, Kunio Shiota The Guide to Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy
- 2013/07 Age- and sex-dependent DNA hypomethylation controlled by growth hormone in mouse liver Masaki Takasugi, Koji Hayakawa, Daisuke Arai, Kunio Shiota Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
- 2013/04 Epigenetic Switching by the Metabolism-sensing Factors in the Generation of Orexin Neurons from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells K. Hayakawa, M. Hirosawa, Y. Tabei, D. Arai, S. Tanaka, N. Murakami, S. Yagi, K. Shiota Journal of Biological Chemistry
- 2012/09 Oocyte-specific linker histone H1foo is an epigenomic modulator that decondenses chromatin and impairs pluripotency Koji Hayakawa, Jun Ohgane, Satoshi Tanaka, Shintaro Yagi, Kunio Shiota Epigenetics
- 2012/02 Trophoblast-specific DNA methylation occurs after the segregation of the trophectoderm and inner cell mass in the mouse periimplantation embryo Momo O. Nakanishi, Koji Hayakawa, Kazuhiko Nakabayashi, Kenichiro Hata, Kunio Shiota, Satoshi Tanaka Epigenetics
- 2011/10 Bridging sequence diversity and tissue-specific expression by DNA methylation in genes of the mouse prolactin superfamily Koji Hayakawa, Momo O. Nakanishi, Jun Ohgane, Satoshi Tanaka, Mitsuko Hirosawa, Michael J. Soares, Shintaro Yagi, Kunio Shiota Mamm Genome
- 2008/09 Improvement in the in vitro maturation rate of porcine oocytes vitrified at the germinal vesicle stage by treatment with a mitochondrial permeability transition inhibitor Shoma Nakagawa, Akihiro Yoneda, Koji Hayakawa, Tomomasa Watanabe Cryobiology
- 2006/09 Molecular cloning, testicular postnatal expression, and oocyte-activating potential of porcine phospholipase Czeta. Yoneda A, Kashima M, Yoshida S, Terada K, Nakagawa S, Sakamoto A, Hayakawa K, Suzuki K, Ueda J, Watanabe T Reproduction (Cambridge, England)