carbon particle, natural convection, magnetic field, Brownian motion
In the present work, the behavior of micro-sized particles in natural convection flow field and magnetic field was numerically studied. Sample computations were carried out for air and carbon particles. 1000 particles were released in a vertical cylinder. The bottom of the enclosure was heated and the top wall was cooled. An electric coil was set coaxially with the cylindrical enclosure to produce the magnetic field. Due to the small sizes of the particles, Brownian motion was taken into consideration and the Langevin equation was solved for the particles. The results show that the behavior of the micron order particles depends mainly on the flow field, although particles are also affected due to magnetic force. Large-sized particles circulate along the streak lines or cluster, but small-sized particles are seriously moved by the Brownian motion and hardly move regularly or cluster.
The 10th Asian Paciffic Confederation of Chemical Engineering
Research papers (proceedings of international meetings)