氏名 |
南 善子 |
氏名(カナ) |
ミナミ ヨシコ |
氏名(英語) |
Minami Yoshiko |
所属 |
生命科学部 生物科学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
1000113922 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2023/11/Analysis of the trehalose synthesis pathway of Physarum polycephalum/R. Morita, S. Okano, A. Furukawa, K. Ishii, C. Teramoto, Y. Minami/Joint Author/Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
- 2021/12/Human RNA-binding motif protein 3 inhibits RNA translation in vitro./R. Morita, S. Morita, T. Sumi, K. Nishi, Y. Minami and M. Hitosugi/The Bulletin of Okayama University of Science
- 2021/09 タデ科藍のインジカン生合成系の大腸菌内再構成 井上慎太郎、南善子 共著 バイオサイエンスとインダストリー
- 2021/01 An indigo-producing plant, Polygonum tinctorium, possesses a flavin-containing monooxygenase capable of oxidizing indole 共著 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
- 2020/09 Detection of candidate proteins in the indican biosynthetic pathway of Persicaria tinctoria (Polygonum tinctorium) using protein?protein interactions and transcriptome analyses Shintaro Inouea, Rihito Morita a, Keiko Kuwatab, Kazuo Ishiic, Yoshiko Minami Phytochemistry
- 2018/08 Tissue-specific and intracellular localization of indican synthase from Polygonum tinctorium Inoue S, Morita R, Kuwata K, Kunieda T, Ueda H, Hara-Nishimura I, Minami Y Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- 2017/12 Characterization of UDP-glucosyltransferase from Indigofera tinctoria Shintaro Inoue, Toshiki Moriya, Rihito Morita, Keiko Kuwata, Sanjog T. Thul, Bijaya K. Sarangi, Yoshiko Minami Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- 2015/09 Transcriptome analysis for identification of indigo biosynthesis pathway genes in Polygonum tinctorium Yoshiko Minami, Bijaya Ketan Sarangi and Sanjog Tarachand Thul Biologica
- 2015/06 RNA-seq analysis for indigo biosynthesis pathway genes in Indigofera tinctoria and Polygonum tinctorium Bijaya Ketan Sarangi, Yoshiko Minami and Sanjog Tarachand Thul Genomics Data
- 2012/08 Characterization of tectonins I and II from Physarum polycephalum Reiko Furuta, Shusaku Imai, Yoshimitsu Kitaoka, Toshitsugu Ubisui, Yoshiko Minami Advances in Biological Chemistry
- 2009/03 Molecular dynamism of Fe-S cluster biosynthesis implicated by the structure of SufC2-SufD2 complex Kei Wada, Norika Sumi, Rina Nagai, Kenji Iwasaki, Takayuki Sato, Kei Suzuki, Yuko Hasegawa, Shintaro Kitaoka, Yoshiko Minami, Wayne F Outten, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Keiichi Fukuyama Journal of Molecular Biology
- 2009/03 cDNA cloning and life-cycle stage-specific expression of coronin from Physarum polycephalum Y. Minami, M. Ishihara, M. Hayase, T. Sakaguchi and T. Yubisui Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.
- 2008/02 Properties, intracellular localization, and stage-specific expression of membrane-bound β-glucosidase, BglM1, from Physarum polycephalum Masato Hayase, Akinori Maekawa, Toshitsugu Yubisui, and Yoshiko Minami International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- 2007/04 Structure of Physarum polycephalum cytochrome b5 reductase at 1.56Å Sangwoo Kim, Michihiro Suga, Kyoko Ogasahara, Terumi Ikegami, Yoshiko Minami, Toshitsugu Yubisui and Tomitake Tsukihara Acta Cryst.
- 2007/03 Structure and properties of the recombinant NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase of Physarum polycephalum Terumi Ikegami, Eiji Kameyama, Shin-ya Yamamoto, Yoshiko Minami, and Toshitsugu Yubisui Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem
- 2007/00 cDNA cloning and Stage-specific Expression of Ubiquitin in Physarum polycephalum Yoshiko Minami, Naruki Hontao, and Hiroshi Matsubara Current Topics in Biochemical Research
- 2006/11 Analysis of six new genes encoding lysis proteins and coat proteins in Escherichia coli Group A RNA Phages Toru Nishihara, Shingo Fujisaki, Yukinobu Nishimura, Yoshiko Minami, Toshitsugu Yubisui Microbiol. Immunol.
- 2006/06 A cDNA cloned from Physarum polycephalum encodes new type of family 3 β-glucosidase that is a fusion protein containing a calx-β motif Akinori Maekawa, Masato Hayase, Toshitsugu Yubisui and Yoshiko Minami International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- 2006/01 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli SufC, an ABC-type ATPase component of the SUG iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinary Shintaro Kitaoka, Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Yoshiko Minami, Keiichi Fukuyama, Yasuhiro Takahashi FEBS Letters
- 2006/00 Analysis of the nucleotide sequence for a thaumatin-like protein of Polygonum Toshitsugu Yubisui, Hiromi Ikeda, Yoshitsugu Shimazoe, Terumi Ikegami, and Yoshiko Minami 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2005/12 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli SufA involved in biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters: Implications for a functional dimer Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Zhao Gong, Yoshiko Minami, Keiichi Fukuyama, Yasuhiro Takahashi FEBS Letters
- 2004/00 タデ科植物アイのTransketolaseのcDNAクロ-ニングとmRNA発現解析 南 善子,藤田圭亮,松原 央 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2003/09 Isolation and Characterization of Glutathione Reductase from Physarum polycephalum and Stage-specific Expression of the Enzyme in Life-Cycle Stages with Different Oxidation-Reduction Yoshiko Minami, Yu-ji Sekimoto, Takeshi Kohama, Kenichi Akasaka and Hiroshi Matsubara J. Eukaryot. Microbiol.
- 2002/05 Network of Protein-Protein Interactions among Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly Proteins in Escherichia coli Umechiyo Tokumoto, Shinobu Nomura, Yoshiko Minami, Hisaaki Mihara, Shin-ichiro Kato, Tatsuo Kurihara, Nobuyoshi Esaki, Hiroshi Kanazawa, Hiroshi Matsubara, and Yasuhiro Takahashi Journal of Biochemistry
- 2002/03 藍植物におけるインジカン代謝経路の研究 南善子 岡崎国立共同研究機構・基礎生物学研究所共同研究報告書
- 2001/03 タデ科植物アイのインジカン代謝 南善子 化学と生物
- 2001/00 Indican metabolism in Polygonum tinctorium Yoshiko Minami Recent Research Developments in Plant Biology
- 2000/02 Tissue and intracellular localization of indican and the purification and characterization of indican synthase from indigo plant. Yoshiko Minami, Osamu Nishimura, Ikuko Hara-Nishimura, Mikio Nishimura, and Hiroshi Matsubara Plant Cell Physiology
- 1999/03 Cloning, sequencing, characterization, and expression of a b-glucosidase cDNA from the indigo plant Yoshiko Minami, Rumiko Shigeta, Umechiyo Tokumoto, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Keiko Yonekura-Sakakibara, Hirozo Oh-oka, Hiroshi Matsubara Plant Science
- 1999/02 タデ科植物アイのインジカン代謝経路の解明 南 善子 日本応用酵素協会誌
- 1998/02 アイ植物におけるインジカン代謝経路の研究 南善子 岡崎国立共同研究機構・基礎生物学研究所共同研究報告書
- 1998/01 Phosphofuctvokinase interacts with molecular chaperoning GroEL and GroES B. Melegh B and Y. Minami Acta Biologica Hungarica
- 1997/11 Effect of replacement of the amino and carboxyl termini of rat testis fructose 6-phosphate, 2-kinase:fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase with those of the liver and heart isozymes Nobuaki Tominaga, Tomoyuki Tsujikawa, Yoshiko Minami, Ru-Feng Wu, Fusco Watanabe, Ryuzo Sakakibara, Kosaku Uyeda Archives of biochemistry and biophysics
- 1997/09 β-Glucosidase in the indigo plant: intracellular localization and tissue specific expression in leaves Yoshiko Minami, Hiroyasu Takao, Takeo Kanafuji, Kazuo Miura, Maki Kondo, Ikuko Hara-NIshimura, Miko Nishimura, Hiroshi Matsubara Plant Cell Physiology
- 1996/01 Purification and characterization of a b-glucosidase from Polygonum tinctorium, which catalyzes preferentially the hydrolysis of indian Yoshiko Minami, Takeo Kanafuji, Kazuo Miura Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry
- 1995/04 広く生体反応に関わる鉄硫黄蛋白質 南善子,高橋康弘,松原央 生物物理
- 1995/02 Expression of bovine heart fructose 6-phosphate,2-kinase:fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase and determination of the role of the carboxyl terminus by mutagenesis Yumiko Abe, Yoshiko Minami, Yang Li. Cu Nguyen, Kosaku Uyeda Biochemistry
- 1993/07 Significance of the amino terminus of rat testis fructose-6-phosphate,2-kinase:fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase Nobuaki Tomonaga, Yoshiko Minami, Ryuzo Sakakibara, Kosaku Uyeda The Journal of Biological Chemistry
- 1992 Kinetics studies on cytochrome c oxidase of membrane preparation from Synechocystis PCC6714 and its partial purification Yoshiko Minami, Keishiro Wada, Hiroshi Matsubara Biochemistry (Life Science Advance)
- 1989/01 The isolation and characterization of a cytochrome b6f complex from the cyanobacterium Spirulina sp. Yoshiko Minami, Keishiro Wada, Hiroshi Matsubara Plant Cell Physiology
- 1987/11 Studies on algal cytochrome VI: some properties and amino acid sequence of cytochrome c6 from a green alga, Bryopsis maxima Yoko Okamoto, Yoshiko Minami, Hiroshi Matusbara, Yasutomo Sugimura Journal of Biochemistry
- 1985/10 Amino acid sequences of allophycocyanin a- and b-subunits isolated from Anabena cylindric Y. Minami, F. Yamada, T. Hase, H. Matsubara, A. Murakami, Y. Fujita, T. Takao, Y. Shimonishi FEBS Letters
- 1985/09 Ferredoxin from a liverwort, Marchantia polymorphs. Purification and amino acid sequence Yoshiko Minami, Sadao Wakabayashi, Setsuko Imoto, Yoshimoto Ohta, Hiroshi Masturbara Journal of Biochemistry
- 1985/03 Amino acid sequence of a ferredoxin from thermoacidophilic archaebacterium, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Presence of an N6-monomethyllysine and phyletic consideration of archaebacteria Yoshiko Minami, Sadao Wakabayashi, Keishiro Wada, Hiroshi Matsubara, Lorenz Kersher, Dieter Oesterhelt Journal of Biochemistry
- 1985 Isolation, properties, and amino acid sequence of a ferredoxin from a multinuclear, unicellular green alga, Bryopsis maxima Yoshiko Minami, Yasutomo Sugimura, Sadao Wakabayashi, Keishiro Wada, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Hiroshi Matsubara Physiologie Vegetale
- 1984/09 Ferredoxin from the photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Isolation and amino acid sequence of ferredoxin I Yoshiko Minami, Sadao Wakabayashi, Fumihiro Yamada, Keishiro Wada, Walter G. Zupft, Hiroshi Matsubara Journal of Biochemistry
- 2020/12 光環境の違いがタデアイ(Polygonum tinctorium)の生育とインジカン合成にもたらす影響 近藤 宏,中井 綾,渡邉 崇人,井上 慎太郎,南 善子,村井 恒治,宮脇 克行 第43回日本分子生物学会大会
- 2020/04 Role of Sucrose Synthase in the Metabolism of Indican. Shintaro Inoue, Rihito Morita, Yoshiko Minami Experimental Biology 2020 (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
- 2019/12 インジカン代謝におけるトランスクリプトーム解析およびその関連タンパ ク質の相互作用の解析 井上慎太郎,森田理日斗,南善子 第42回 日本分子生物学会
- 2019/12 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalum由来オルニチン脱炭酸酵素の機能解析 本田海美,森田理日斗,南善子 第42回 日本分子生物学会
- 2019/12 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalum由来トレハロース代謝系酵素の機能解析 古川敦士,森田理日斗,南善子 第42回 日本分子生物学会
- 2018/12 Indican代謝におけるタンパク質間相互作用の解析 井上慎太郎,森田理日斗,桑田啓子,南善子 分子生物学会
- 2018/12 真正粘菌 Physarum polycephalum におけるトレハロース代謝経路の解析 岡野将平,森田理日斗,南善子 分子生物学会
- 2018/12 真正粘菌 Physarum polycephalum の乾燥化のトランスクリプトーム解析 森田理日斗、岡野将平、石井一夫、南善子 第 41 回日本分子生物学会年会
- 2017/12 Biochemical analysis of indican synthase from Polygonum tinctorium 井上慎太郎,森田理日斗,南善子 ConBio2017
- 2017/12 真正粘菌 Physarum polycephalum におけるトレハロース代謝経路の解析 岡野将平,森田理日斗,南善子 ConBio2017
- 2017/04 cDNA cloning and characterization of UDP-glucosyltransferase from Indigofera tinctoria Shintaro Inoue, Rihito Morita, Sanjog T. Thul, Bijaya K. Sarangi, and Yoshiko Minami Experimental Biology 2017
- 2016/09 マメ科タイワンコマツナギ (Indigofera tinctoria) のインジカン合成酵素 (UDP-glucosyltransferase) の生化学的分析 井上慎太郎,守屋俊希, 森田理日斗, Sanog T. Thul, Bijaya K. Sarangi, 南善子 日本生化学会
- 2016/09 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum) 由来のTectonin タンパクとその関連タンパクの解析 松田卓也, 森田理日斗, 桑田啓子,佐々木成江,南善子 日本生化学会
- 2016/04 Analysis of tectonin I and II and tectonin-related proteins from Physarum polycephalum. Takuya Matsuda, Rihito Morita, and Yoshiko Minami Experimental Biology 2016
- 2016/04 cDNA cloning and characterization of tryptophan synthase alpha subunit from Polygonum tinctorium Jun Komohara, Rihito Morita, Sanjog T. Thul, Bijaya K. Sarangi, and Yoshiko Minami Experimental Biology 2016
- 2015/12 アイ植物のインジカン合成酵素(UDP-glucosyltransferase)の解析 守屋俊樹、森田理日斗、S. Thul、 B. Sarangi、南善子 日本生化学会
- 2014/10/16 真正粘菌変形体細胞壁tectoninsのcelluloseとの相互関係の解析 小川 京子, 糀谷 知子, 佐藤 眞美子, 原口 徳子, 和賀 祥, 南 善子, 中村 彰男, 金子 堯子 第87回日本生化学会大会
- 2014/10 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumのbeta-glucosidaseの生化学的解析 大舘礼佳,南善子 日本生化学会
- 2014/04 Characterization of beta-glucosidase from Physarum polycephalum. Ayaka Oh-date, Satoshi Tada, Miyuki Moriyasu, and Yoshiko Minami Experimental Biology 2008
- 2013/09 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumの分泌型β-グルコシダーゼの解析 大舘礼佳,多田知史,南善子 日本生化学会
- 2012/12 Polygonum tinctorium のインジカン分解酵素(β- グルコシダーゼ)の生理的役割 南 善子、水田 由紀子 日本生化学会
- 2011/08 Analysis of Cytochrome P450 from Polygonum tinctorium Yukiko Mizuta, Yoshiko Minami 18th International Botanical Congress
- 2011/08 Role of C-terminal fragment in membrane-bound β-glucosidase from Physarum polycephalum Satoshi Tada, Toshiharu Hase, Toshisugu Yubisui, Yoshiko Minami 18th International Botanical Congress
- 2010/12 真正粘菌(physarum polycephalum)の分泌型β-glucosidaseの解析 守安美幸,長谷俊治,指吸俊次,南善子 日本生化学会・分子生物学会
- 2010/12 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum)に特有のタンパク質Tectoninの解析 今井脩策,指吸俊次,南善子 日本生化学会・分子生物学会
- 2009/10 真正粘菌の分泌型βーグルコシダーゼの解析 守安美幸,指吸俊次,南善子 日本生化学会
- 2008/12 真正粘菌とヒトのNADH-Cytochrome b5 reductaseの比較について 前川朋寛,南善子,指吸俊次 日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会
- 2008/12 真正粘菌の細胞膜に存在する新規 β-glucosidaseの解析 日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会
- 2008/12 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum)に固有のタンパクTectonin1, 2の解析 北岡由光,指吸俊次, 南善子 日本生化学会・日本分子生物学会
- 2008/04 Properties, intracellular localization, and stage-specific expression of membrane-bound -glucosidase, BglM1, from Physarum polycephalum. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- 2007/12 β-Glucosidase bound to cell membrane of Physarum plasmodium is a new type of family 3 enzyme 早勢理人・指吸俊次・南善子 日本生化学会
- 2007/12 真正粘菌とヒトのNADH-Cytochrome b5 reductaseの比較について 前川朋寛,南善子,指吸俊次 日本分子生物学会
- 2007/12 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum)に固有のタンパクTectonin I, IIの解析 北岡由光・指吸俊次・南善子 日本生化学会
- 2006/06 Analysis of two unique proteins present in Physarum polycephalum, tectonin I and II Masatoshi Ogawa, Reiko Furuta, Toshitsugu Yubisui, Yoshiko Minami 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress
- 2006/06 Structural studies on the protein components responsible for biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Shintaro Kitaoka, Kei Suzuki, Norika Sumi, Naho Inobe, Yoshiko Minami, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Keiichi Fukuyama IUBMB International congress of biochemistry and molecular biology and 11th FAOBMB congress
- 2006/06 beta-Glucosidase bound to cell membrane of Physarum plasmodium is a new type of family 3 enzyme Masato Hayase, Toshitsugu Yubisui, Yoshiko Minami 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress
- 2005/10 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumに存在する独特なタンパク質,テクトニンIおよびIIの解析 古田怜子・指吸俊次・南善子 日本生化学会
- 2005/10 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumの新規ファミリ-3 beta-グルコシダ-ゼのcDNAクロ-ニング 前川晃徳・早勢理人・指吸俊次・南善子 日本生化学会
- 2005/06 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli SufA: Implications for a Funcitonal Dimer Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Seiichi Kitamura, Gong Zhao, Yoshiko Minami, Keiichi Fukuyama and Yasuhiro Takahashi The 31st Steenbock Symposium on “Fe-S Proteins: Biogenesis, Structure and
- 2005/06 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli SufC, an ATPase Component of the SUF Machinery Involeved in the Assembly of Fe-S Clusters Shintaro Kitaoka, Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Gong Zhao, Yoshiko Minami, Yasuhiro Takahashi andKeiichi Fukuyama The 31st Steenbock Symposium on “Fe-S Proteins: Biogenesis, Structure and
- 2005/05 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum)のCoronin cDNAのクロ-ニング 石原正晃,南善子,指吸俊次 日本生化学会・中国四国支部例会
- 2005/05 真正粘菌(Physarum polycephalum)のNADH-シトクロムb5 還元酵素について 池上照美・南善子・指吸俊次 日本生化学会・中国四国支部例会
- 2005/00 鉄硫黄クラスター生合成マシナリーの構造学的研究 和田 啓・長谷川雄子・北岡伸太郎・南 善子・高橋康弘・福山恵一 日本蛋白質科学会
- 2005 Crystal structure of Esherichia coli SufA: Implications for a Functional Dimer Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Seiichi Kitamura, Gong Zhao, Yoshiko Minami, Keiichi Fukuyama, Yasuhiro Takahashi The 31st Steenbock Symposium on “Fe-S Proteins: Biogenesis, Structure and Function”
- 2005 Crystal structure of Esherichia coli SufC, an ATPase Component of the SUF Machinery Involved in the Assembly of Fe-S Clusters Shintaro Kitaoka, Kei Wada, Yuko Hasegawa, Gong Zhao, Yoshiko Minami, Yasuhiro Takahashi, Keiichi Fukuyama The 31st Steenbock Symposium on “Fe-S Proteins: Biogenesis, Structure and Function”
- 2004/10 Crystal structure of SufD, an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein from Escherichia coli Yuko Hasegawa1, Kei Wada1, Yasuhiro Takahashi1, Gong Zhao1, Yoshiko Minami2, Keiichi Fukuyama1 日本生化学会
- 2004/10 Purification and characterization of beta-glucosidases present in the insoluble fraction from Physarum plasmodia 前川晃徳,南善子,指吸俊次 日本生化学会
- 2004/05 アイ植物のトリプトファン合成酵素のcDNAクロ-ニング 早勢理人,南善子,指吸俊次 日本生化学会・中国四国支部例会
- 2004/00 鉄硫黄クラスター生合成タンパク質:大腸菌SufAの結晶構造 長谷川雄子1, 和田 啓1, Gong Zhao1, 南 善子2, 高橋康弘1, 福山恵一1 日本結晶学会
- 2003/10 Purification and characterization of secretory β-glucosidase from Physarum polycephalum 前川晃徳,井上尚彦,南善子,松原央,指吸俊次 日本生化学会
- 2002/10 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumのβ-グルコシダ-ゼの精製と性質 井上尚彦,南善子,松原央 日本生化学会
- 2001/10 真正粘菌Physarum polycephalumのユビキチンの解析 南善子,本垰徳樹,小浜健,松原央 日本生化学会
- 2001/00 Intracellular localization of a putative oleuropein- specific- b-glucosidase in olive fruit tissues (Olea europaea L.) S. Mazzuca1, Y. Minami, M. C. Intrieri1 and N. Uccella The Italian Society of Biotechnology and Genetics in Crop Plants
- 1999/04 Detemination of molecular weight and cDNA cloning of gluathione reductase from a true slime mold. Y. Sekimoto, Y. Minami, Y. Kobayashi, S. Uchiyama, K. Kobayashi, H. Matsubara EB1999
- 1999/04 Intracellular localization of indican and isolation of indican synthase in indigo plant Y. Minami, O. Nishimura, U. Tokumoto, H. Matsubara EB1999
- 1999 タデ科植物アイのインジカン代謝経路の解明 南善子 日本応用酵素協会
- 1997/08 A Monomeric Form of the Glutathione Reductase Isolated from Physarum polycephalum. Y. Minami, K. Akasaka, and H. Matsubara EB1997
- 1997/08 Intracellular Localization of b-glucosidase and indican in Indigo plant. Yoshiko. Minami, Hiroyasu Takao, Kazuo Miura, Maki Kondo, Ikuko-Hara Nishimura, Mikio Nishimura, and Hiroshi Matsubara Plant Physiology
- 1995/04 The purification and characterization of b-glucosidase from Polygonum tinctorium Yoshiko Minami, Takeo Kanafuji, and Kazuo Miura EB1995
- 1994 Polygonum tinctorium のβ-グルコシダ?ゼの研究 ? インジカン代謝へのアプロ?チ ? 南善子 ノボ ノルディスク
- 1993 Significance of the Amino Terminus of Rat Testis Fructose 6-phosphate, 2- kinase:Fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase Nobuaki Tominaga, Yoshiko Minami, Ryuzo Sakakibara, and Kosaku Uyeda EB1993