氏名 |
黒田 正博 |
氏名(カナ) |
クロダ マサヒロ |
氏名(英語) |
Kuroda Masahiro |
所属 |
経営学部 経営学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
5000032373 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/06
Structural equation modeling for the effect of involvement on consumer engagement Kuroda, M., Oyabu, A. 共著 Human Interface and the Management of Information. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- 2024/05 Japanese EFL undergraduate students’ use of the epistemic modal verbs may, might, and could in academic writing Hollmann, W.B., Fujimoto, K. and Kuroda, M. 共著 Language Learning in Higher Education
- 2023/11
Acceleration of the EM algorithm Kuroda, M. and Geng, Z. 共著 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics
- 2023/07
Structural equation modeling for the interplay among consumer engagements with multiple engagement objects in consumer’s fashion Kuroda, Masahiro, Oyabu, Akira and Takahashi, Ryohei 共著 Proceedings of the HCI International 2023: Human Interface and the Management of Information
- 2023/03
Speeding up the convergence of the alternating least squares algorithm using vector $$\varepsilon $$ acceleration and restarting for nonlinear principal component analysis Kuroda Masahiro, Mori Yuichi and Iizuka Masaya 共著 Computational Statistics
- 2021/12 Fast computation of the EM algorithm for mixture models Kuroda, M. 単著 Computational Statistics and Applications
- 2020/10 Initial value selection for the alternating least squares algorithm Kuroda, M., Mori, Y. and Iizuka, M. Advanced Studies in Classification and Data Science
- 2018/03 実践的活用を目指したデータサイエンス教育の試み 黒田正博,森裕一,大田靖,山口隆久,大藪亮,松村博行 統計教育実践研究
- 2017/08 vector ε アルゴリズムによるEM アルゴリ ズムの収束の加速化とその改良 黒田正博 計算機統計学
- 2015/12 Improving the vector epsilon acceleration for the EM algorithm using a re-starting procedure Kuroda, M, Geng, Z. and Sakakihara, M. Computational Statistics
- 2014/08 Performance of acceleration of ALS algorithm in nonlinear PCA Mori, M., Kuroda, M., Izuka, M. and Sakakihara, Y Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2014
- 2014/07 相関・連関分析から因果分析へ 黒田正博 統計学ガイダンス
- 2013/12 Alternating least squares in nonlinear principal components Kuroda, M., Mori, Y., Iizuka, M and Sakakihara, M. WIREs Computational Statistics
- 2013/04 MCMC using Markov bases for computing p-values in decomposable log-linear models Kuroda, M., Hashiguchi, H., Nakagawa, S. and Geng, Z. Computational Statistics
- 2012/08 Two-stage acceleration for non-linear PCA Kuroda, M., Sakakihara, M., Mori, Y. and iizuka, M. Proceedings of COMPSTAT2012
- 2012/02 Acceleration of convergence of the alternating least squares algorithm for nonlinear principal components analysis Kuroda, M.., Mori, Y., Iizuka, M and Sakakihara, M. Principal Component Analysis (Sanguansat, P. (Ed.))
- 2011/08 Principal components based on a subset of qualitative variables and its accelerated computational algorithm Kuroda, M., Iizuka, M,, Mori, Y. and Sakakihara, M. Invited Paper Session 42. In the Proceedings of the ISI-2011 in Dublin
- 2010/12 Acceleration of the alternating least squares algorithm for principal components analysis Kuroda, M., Mori, Y. Iizuka, M. and Sakakihara, M. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
- 2010/12 Acceleration of convergence for the alternating least squares iteration Sakakihara, M. and Kuroda, M. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS
- 2010/08 Improvement of acceleration of the ALS Algorithm using the vector ε algorithm Kuroda, M., Mori, Y. Iizuka, M. and Sakakihara, M. COMPSTAT 2010: Proceedings in Computational Statistics
- 2010/03 Computing p-values in conditional independence models for a contingency table Kuroda, M., Hashiguchi, H. and Nakagawa, S. Computational Statistics
- 2008/12 Accerelation of convergence of the alternating least squares algorithm for principal component analysis Kuroda Masahiro, Mori Yuichi, Iizuka Masaya, Sakakihara Michio Program & Abstracts IASC 2008
- 2008/12 Double-secant acceleration for EM and ECM Algorithms for log-linear models with partially classified data Sakakihara Michio, Kuroda Masahiro Program & Abstracts IASC 2008
- 2008/12 Random table generation for decomposable log-linear models byMarkov basis Kuroda Masahiro, Hashiguchi Hiroki, Nakagawa Shigekazu Abstracts of Workshop on Computational Algebraic Statistics, Theories and Applications
- 2008/00 Acceleration of the EM and ECM algorithms using the Aitken delta^2 method for log-linear models with partially classified data Kuroda, M., Sakakihara, M. and Geng, Z. Statistics and Probability Letters
- 2008/00 Convergence of componentwise Aitken delta2 acceleration of the EM algorithm Sakakihara, M. and Kuroda, M. COMPSTAT 2008: Proceedings in Computational Statistics
- 2008/00 Acceleration of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon algorithm Wang, M., Kuroda, M., Sakakihara, M. and Geng, Z. Computational Statistics
- 2007/09 Componentwise acceleration of EM-algorithm Sakakihara, M. and Kuroda, M. Proceedings of the ninth Japan-China symposium on statistics
- 2007/09 Computing of p-values for conditional independence models for a four-way contingency table Kuroda, M., Hashiguchi, H. and Nakagawa, S. Proceedings of the Ninth Japan-China symposium on statistics
- 2006/11 Accelerating the convergence of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon algorithm Kuroda, M. and Sakakihara, M. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
- 2006/08 Acceleration of the EM and ECM algorithms for log-linear models with missing data Kuroda, M. and Sakakihara, M. COMPSTAT 2006: Proceedings in Computational Statistics
- 2006/00 Improving the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon accelerator Kuroda M., Sakakihara M. 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2005/00 Data Augmentation algorithm for graphical models with missing data Kuroda, M. Neural Network world
- 2005/00 Improving convergence rate of EM algorithm via component wise Aitken delta^2 acceleration Sakakihara, M. and Kuroda, M. INFORMATION
- 2005/00 Accelerating the convergence of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon algorithm Kuroda, M and Sakakihara, M. Proceedings of the 5th IASC Asian Conference on Statistical Computing
- 2004/00 Data augmentation algorithm for graphical models with missing data Kuroda, M. COMPSTAT 2004: Proceedings in Computational Statistics
- 2004/00 Improving convergence rate of the EM algorithm Sakakihara, M. and Kuroda, M. roceedings of the Third International Conference on INFORMATION
- 2004/00 ベイズ逐次学習による潜在クラスモデルのパラメータ推定 黒田正博 計算機統計学
- 2002/00 Bayesian inference for categorical data with misclassification errors Kuroda, M. and Geng, Z. ADVANCES IN STATISTICS, COMBINATORICS AND RELATED AREAS
- 2002/00 Data augmentation algorithm in the analysis of contingency tables with misclassification Kuroda, M. Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2000, short communications and posters
- 2001/00 Bayesian sequential learning from incomplete data on decomposable graphical models Kuroda, M., Geng, Z. and Niki, N. Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
- 2000/00 Contingency table analysis with misclassification errors by MCMC Kuroda, M Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2000, short communications and posters
- 2000/00 Deriving sampling distributions of test statistics for the latent class model by Markov chain Monte Carlo Yamaguchi, K., Nakagawa, S., Kuroda, M. and Watanabe, M. Proceedings in Computational Statistics 2000, short communications and posters
- 2000/00 Bayesian estimation of misclassified categorical data Kuroda, M. Proceedings of the seventh Japan and China Symposium on Statistics
- 2000/00 MCMC and the latent class analysis Yamaguchi, K., Nakagawa, S., Kuroda, M. and Watanabe, M. Proceedings of the seventh Japan and China Symposium on Statistics
- 1999/00 Minimum information updating with specified marginals in probabilistic expert systems Kuroda, M. and Geng, Z. Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics
- 1998/00 Estimation of latent parameters by Bayesian sequential learning Kuroda, M., Niki, N. and Geng, Z. Conference papers, 3rd conference on Statistical Computing of the ASIAN REGIONAL SECTION
- 1997/00 Latent model analysis by Bayesian sequential learning Kuroda, M. and Geng, Z. Proceedings of the Sixth China and Japan Symposium on Statistics
- 1995/00 Conditional double sampling schemes for quality control with miscalssifications Geng, Z., Asano, Ch., Ichimura, M. and Kuroda, M. Proceedings of International Conference on Statistical Methods and Statistical Computing for Quality and Productivity Improvement
- 1995/00 Estimation in graphical models with given marginals Kuroda, M. Bulletin of the 50th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Contributed Papers
- 1995/00 Partial imputation of missing data in graphical models Geng, Z., Kuroda, M, Asano, Ch. and Ichimura, M. Bulletin of the 50th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Contributed Papers
- 1994/00 Bayesian sequential updating on decomposable models Geng, Z, Kuroda, M. and Asano, Ch. Proceedings of the Fifth China and Japan Symposium on Statistics
- 1994/00 Updating of probabilities with specified marginals in probabilistic expert systems Kuroda, M., Geng, Z. and Ichimura, M. Proceedings of the Fifth China and Japan Symposium on Statistics
- 1993/00 Runs in a sequence of autocorrelated normal numbers Kuroda, M. and Ichimura, M. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Statistical Computing
- 2023/08/02 Simple EM algorithm for Cauchy-type distributions Abe, T and Kuroda, M. EcoSta 2023
- 2023/07/23 Structural equation modeling for the interplay among consumer engagements with multiple engagement objects in consumer’s fashion Kuroda, M., Oyabu, A. and Takahashi, R. 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION
- 2022/02/22 Acceleration of bootstrap computation for incomplete data Kuroda, M. IASC-ARS2022
- 2021/09/06 Speed-up of computation of the bootstrap method for incomplete data Kuroda, M. and Mori, Y. 統計関連学会連合大会
- 2018/06 Speed-up bootstrap computation for the covariance matrix of MLEs from incomplete data Kuroda Masahiro, Mori Yuichi 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics EcoSta2018
- 2018/03 実践的活用を目指したデータサイエンス教育の試み 黒田正博,森裕一,大田靖,山口隆久,大藪亮,松村博行 第14回統計教育の方法論ワークショップ
- 2017/12 Improvement of Computation for Nonlinear Multivariate Methods Kuroda, M., Mori, Y., Iizuka, M. The 10th Conference of the IASC-ARS/68th Annual NZSA Conference
- 2017/08 Initial value selection for the alternating least squares algorithm Masahiro Kuroda, Yuichi Mori, and Masaya Iizuka Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies IFCS-2017
- 2017/06 Variable selection for mixed measurement level data in dimension reduction methods and its computation Y. Mori, M. Kuroda, M. Iizuka The 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2017)
- 2016/12 Acceleration of convergence of the alternating least squares algorithm for mixed measurement level multivariate data Kuroda, M., Mori, Y., Iizuka, M. and Sakakihira, M. The 10th International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) international conference
- 2016/08 Acceleration of iterative methods for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Sakakihara, Kuroda, M., Mori, Y. and Iizuka, M. COMPSTAT 2016
- 2016/06 Fast estimation using the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models Kuroda, M. The 4th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting
- 2016/05 リスタートを用いた加速化交互最小二乗法による非計量主成分分析の変数選択法につい て 黒田正博, 森 裕一, 飯塚誠也 日本計算機統計学会第30回大会
- 2015/12 Initial value selection of the EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models Kuroda, Masahiri IASC-ARS 2015
- 2015/09 EMアルゴリズムの加速化と応用 黒田正博 日本行動計量学会第43回大会
- 2015/05 正規混合モデルのEMアルゴリズムの初期値選択と加速 黒田正博 日本計算機統計学会第29回大会
- 2014/12 統計計算で用いる反復法の加速 黒田正博 環瀬戸内応用数理研究部会第18回シンポジウム
- 2014/11 An initial value selection method of the EM algorithm for mixture models Masahiro Kuroda Kyoto International Conference on Modern Statistics in the 21st Century
- 2014/09 非計量主成分分析における交互最小二乗法とその加速化 黒田正博, 森裕一, 飯塚誠也, 榊原道夫 2014年度統計関連学会連合大会
- 2014/08 Performance of acceleration of ALS algorithm in nonlinear PCA Mori, M., Kuroda, M., Izuka, M. and Sakakihara, Y COMPSTAT2014 and IASC2014
- 2013/12 Acceleration of the EM algorithm to mixture models Masahiro Kuroda Ishigaki International Conference on Modern Statistics Theories, Practices, and Education in the 21st Century
- 2013/09 非線形主成分分析の加速化:変数選択への適用 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 日本行動計量学会第41回大会
- 2013/08 Accelerating and re-starting the alternating least squares algorithm for non-linear principal components analysis Masahiro Kuroda, Yuichi Mori, Masaya Iizuka, Michio Sakakihara The 59th World Statistics Congress
- 2013/08 Acceleration of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon accelerator and a re-starting procedure Masahiro Kuroda, Zhi Geng and Michio Sakakihara The 59th World Statistics Congress
- 2013/05 re-startを組み込んだ交互最小二乗法の加速法の非計量主成分分析への適用 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会大会第27回大会
- 2012/09 vector epsilon法によるEMアルゴリズムの加速法の改良 黒田正博,耿直,榊原道夫 2012年度 統計関連学会連合大会
- 2012/09 分解可能モデルのマルコフ基底の定義とMCMC によるp 値計算について 黒田正博,橋口博樹,中川重和,耿直 RIMS共同研究「トーリックイデアルに付随する統計モデルの探求」
- 2012/09 非計量主成分析の加速化- 実データへ適用 黒田正博,榊原道夫,飯塚誠也,森 裕一 日本行動計量学会第40回大会
- 2012/05 Graves-Morrisによる交互最小二乗法の加速化 森 裕一,飯塚誠也,黒田正博,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会第26回大会
- 2011/05 質的データの主成分分析と計算の加速化 森 裕一,飯塚誠也,黒田正博,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会第25回大会
- 2010/09 交互最小二乗法の加速化-数値的検討 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 統計関連学会連合大会
- 2010/09 非計量PCAとその計算 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 データ縮約のトレンドを追う-PCAとSDA-
- 2010/05 交互最小二乗法におけるvector ε加速化法の改良 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会第24回大会
- 2009/12 主成分分析における交互最小二乗法の加速化 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 科研費シンポジウム 「多変量データ解析法への 計算機統計学・行動計量学的アプローチの新展開」
- 2009/11 PRINCIPALSの加速化について 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会 第23回シンポジウム
- 2008/11 主成分分析における交互最小二乗法の加速化 黒田正博,森裕一,飯塚誠也,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会第22回シンポジウム
- 2008/11 分解可能モデルにおける Junction trees 上のマルコフ基底生成 黒田正博,橋口博樹,中川重和,Geng Zhi 日本計算機統計学会第22回シンポジウム
- 2007/05 Computing p-values in the conditional independence models for a four-way contingency table 黒田正博, 橋口博樹, 中川重和 日本計算機統計学会第21回大会
- 2007/03 MCMC estimates of the p-value in conditional independence models for four-way tables Masahiro Kuroda 2006年度学術フロンティア推進事業 研究会および成果報告会
- 2006/09 Acceleration of convergence of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon algorithm Kuroda, M., Wang, M., Sakakihara, M. and Geng, Z. 2006年度統計関連学会連合大会
- 2006/05 Improvement of EM algorithm for log-linear models with missing data 黒田正博,榊原道夫 日本計算機統計学会第20回記念大会
- 2005/00 Improving the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon accelerator Kuroda, M. and Sakakihara, M 日本計算機統計学会 第 19 回大会
- 2005/00 不完全データの統計解析のための数値計算法 黒田正博 第5回学術フロンティアシンポジウム
- 2004/00 Accelerating convergence of the EM algorithm via the vector epsilon algorithm Kuroda, M. and Sakakihara, M. 日本計算機統計学会第18回大会
- 2002/00 MCMC によるグラフィカルモデルのパラメータ推定について 黒田正博 日本計算機統計学会第16回大会
- 2002/00 局所推定を利用したMCMCによる分割表解析 黒田正博 日本行動計量学会第30回大会
- 2001/00 Bayesによる誤分類を含む分割表の解析 黒田正博 日本行動計量学会第29回大会
- 2001/00 MCMCによる誤分類を含む分割表の解析 黒田正博 科研シンポジウム「最近の計算機支援型推測の基礎理論とその応用」
- 1999/00 Misclassification エラーをもつ分割表のベイズ法による解析 黒田正博 日本計算機統計学会第13回大会
- 1999/00 潜在クラス分析におけるベイズ法の適用と超母数の選択について 黒田正博 第67回日本統計学会
- 1998/00 ベイズ的アプローチによる潜在クラスモデルのパラメータ推定 黒田正博 第26回行動計量学会大会
- 1998/00 欠測値を有するカテゴリカルデータの Data Augmentation 法による推定 黒田正博 日本計算機統計学会第12回シンポジウム