氏名 |
李 天鎬 |
氏名(カナ) |
リ チョンホ |
氏名(英語) |
Lee Chonho |
所属 |
情報理工学部 情報理工学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
R000007901 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/11/Metric for Evaluating Stable Diffusion Models Using Attention Maps/Haruno Fusa, Chonho Lee, Sakuei Onishi, Hiromitsu Shiina/Proc. of the International Conference on Foundation and Large Language Models (FLLM2024)
- 2024/07/Towards the Detection of Various and Extremely Small Wires in Cables/Daiki Takezaki, Chonho Lee, Yutaka Hoshina/Joint Author/Proc. of the International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
- 2024/02/A Quantum Annealing-Based Approach for Solving Talent Scheduling/Kundjanasith Thonglek, Pongsakorn Sihapitak, Chonho Lee/Joint Author/Proc. of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer, Data Sciences and Applications (ACDSA)
- 2023/12/Benchmarks for Job Scheduling in Ultra-Distributed Systems/Kundjanasith Thonglek, Chonho Lee, Hirotake Abe, Arata Endo, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Ryousei Takano, Kohei Taniguchi, Susumu Date/Joint Author/Proc. of International Workshop on Middleware for the Computing Continuum
- 2023/08/Deep learning based teeth identification and dental restoration extraction on panoramic radiographs/Zhongbo Tang, Tomonori Hayami, Tomoaki Mameno, Kazunori Nozaki, Chonho Lee, Susumu Date/Cross-disciplinary workshop on computing systems, infrastructures, and programming (xSIG)
- 2022/08 Prediction of cervical lymph node metastasis from immunostained specimens of tongue cancer using a multilayer perceptron neural network Kohei Kawamura, Chonho Lee, Takashi Yoshikawa, Al-Shareef Hani, Yu Usami, Satoru Toyosawa, Susumu Tanaka, Shin-ichiro Hiraoka Cancer Medicine
- 2022/02 Identification of Over One Thousand Individual Wild Humpback Whales using Fluke Photos Takashi Yoshikawa
Masami Hida Chonho Lee Haruna Okabe Nozomi Kobayashi Sachie Ozawa Hideo Saito Masaki Kan Susumu Date Shinji Shimojo Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
- 2021/12/An Adaptive Cloud Bursting Job Scheduler based on Deep Reinforcement Learning/Seiju Yasuda
Chonho Lee Susumu Date/Proc. of International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems
- 2021/11/Solving 3D Container Loading Problems using Physics Simulation for Genetic Algorithm Evaluation/Shuhei Nishiyama
Chonho Lee Tomohiro Mashita/IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
- Clinical applicability of automated cephalometric landmark identification: Part II – Number of images needed to re‐learn various quality of images/Chihiro Tanikawa
Ayaka Oka Jaeyoen Lim Chonho Lee Takashi Yamashiro/Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research
- Clinical applicability of automated cephalometric landmark identification. Part I ‐ Patient‐related identification errors/Chihiro Tanikawa
Chonho Lee Jae‐yoen Lim Ayaka Oka Takashi Yamashiro/Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research
- 2020-05 口唇裂・口蓋裂を有する患者の側面位頭部X線規格写真の解剖学的特徴点を自動認識するAIシステムの開発 谷川 千尋
Lee Chonho Lim Jae-Yeon 山城 隆 日本口蓋裂学会雑誌
- 2020-02 Designing a Flexible Evaluation of Container Loading Using Physics Simulation Shuhe Nishiyama
Chonho Lee Tomohiro Mashita Proc. of the International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA)
- 2019-12 Short Paper: Accurate Spatial Mapping of Social Media Data with Physical Locations Mohit Mittal
Panote Siriaraya Chonho Lee Yukiko Kawai Takashi Yoshikawa Shinji Shimojo Proc. of IEEE BigData
- 2019-12 Evaluation of Dental Image Augmentation for the Severity Assessment of Periodontal Disease Yusuke Moriyama
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Yoichiro Kashiwagi Yuki Narukawa Kazunori Nozaki Shinya Murakami Proc. of 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI)
- 2019-12 A Parallel LSTM-based Missing Body Feature Point Completion in Video Frames Satoshi Yamanaka
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Proc. of 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI)
- 2019-10 Prediction of Future Shot Direction using Pose and Position of Tennis Player Tomohiro Shimizu
Ryo Hachiuma Hideo Saito Takashi Yoshikawa Chonho Lee Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Sports (MM)
- 2019-06 An Artificial Intelligence System for the Orthodontic Examination of Facial Images Yujin Shimizu
Chihiro Tanikawa Seiya Murata Chonho Lee Takashi Yamashiro Proceedings of the 97th General Session of the International Association Dental Research (IADR)
- 2019-04 The estimation of Missing Body Feature Points in Moving Images Using LSTM Satoshi Yamanaka
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Shinji Shimojo PRAGMA 36,
- 2019-02 A MapReduce-like Deep Learning Model for the Depth Estimation of Periodontal Pockets Yusuke Moriyama
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Yoichiro Kashiwagi Yuki Narukawa Kazonori Nozaki Shinya Murakami Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (HEALTHINF)
- Deep Learning based Cephalometric Landmark Identification using Landmark-dependent Multi-scale Patches./Chonho Lee
Chihiro Tanikawa Jae-Yeon Lim Takashi Yamashiro/CoRR
- 2018-12 医療応用を考慮した動的構成変更可能計算機クラスタの検討 三澤 明寛
高橋 慧智 渡場 康弘 伊達 進 吉川 隆士 阿部 洋丈 野崎 一徳 木戸 善之 Lee CHONHO 下條 真司
- 2018-11 A Periodontal Screening Application using Smartphone Camera Yusuke Moriyama
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Yoichiro kashiwagi Yuki Narukawa Kazunori Nozaki Shinya Murakami International Joint-Research and Training Program in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (SEAIP)
- 2018-11 A feasibility study of periodontal screening using deep learning techniques Yusuke Moriyama
Chonho Lee Susumu Date Yoichiro kashiwagi Yuki Narukawa Kazunori Nozaki Shinya Murakami International Joint-Research and Training Program in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (SEAIP)
- 2018-11 An advanced artificial intelligence system for automated diagnosis generation in orthodontics Yujin Shimizu
Chihiro Tanikawa Seiya Murata Chonho Lee Takashi Yamashiro Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society
- 2018-11 A novel AI system to recognize anatomic landmarks on cephalograms Chihiro Tanikawa
Chonho Lee Jae-yeon Lim Takashi Yamashiro Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society
- 2018-07 Dynamic Reconfiguration of Computer Platforms at the Hardware Device Level for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service Akihiro Misawa
Susumu Date Keichi Takahashi Takashi Yoshikawa Masahiko Takahashi Masaki Kan Yasuhiro Watashiba Yoshiyuki Kido Chonho Lee Shinji Shimojo Cloud Computing and Service Science
- 2018-05 歯周炎診断のためのMapReduce型モデルの設計 森山雄介
李天鎬 伊達進 柏木陽一郎 野崎一徳 村上伸也 吉川隆士 下條真司 The 2nd Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming (xSIG)
- 2017-12 高性能計算環境における秘匿性データ解析に向けたダイナミックセキュアステージングシステムの構築 渡場康弘
伊達進 吉川隆士 阿部洋丈 野崎一徳 木戸善之 Lee CHONHO 下條真司
- 2017-11-14 Towards a fully automated diagnostic system for orthodontic treatment in dentistry Seiya Murata
Chonho Lee Chihiro Tanikawa Susumu Date Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience)
- 2017-10 矯正歯科治療要否を判定するartificial intelligence(AI)システム 谷川 千尋
石垣 光昴 Lee Chonho 竹内 優斗 清水 優仁 野崎 一徳 山城 隆 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集
- 2017-10 Artificial intelligence(AI)を用いた矯正歯科治療における顔面像特徴記述文生成の試み 谷川 千尋
村田 征矢 Lee Chonho 清水 優仁 野崎 一徳 山城 隆 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集
- 2017-10 Towards a smart dental healthcare: an automated assessment of orthodontic treatment need Seiya Murata
Kobo Ishigaki Chonho Lee Chihiro Tanikawa Susumu Date Takashi Yoshikawa Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing (HEALTHINFO)
- 2017-08 A Data Analytics Pipeline for Smart Healthcare Applications Chonho Lee
Seiya Murata Kobo Ishigaki Susumu Date Sustained Simulation Performance 2017 (WSSP 2017)
- 2017-04 Highly Reconfigurable Computing Platform for High Performance Computing Infrastructure as a Service: Hi-IaaS Akihito Misawa
Susumu Date Keichi Takahashi Takashi Yoshikawa Masahiko Takahashi Masaki Kan Yasuhiro Watashiba Yoshiyuki Kido Chonho Lee Shinji Shimojo Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017)
- 2017-03 A high performance infrastructure for a deep learning-based orthodontic treatment in dentistry Choho Lee
Seiya Murata Kobo Ishigaki Susumu Date Chihiro Tanikawa Kazunori Nozaki Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance
- 2015-12 A Robust Recognition Approach in Eye-Based Dwell-Free Typing Yi Liu
Bu-Sung Lee Mark McKeown Chonho Lee Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC)
- 2015-12 GazeTry: Swipe Text Typing Using Gaze Yi Liu
Chi Zhang Chonho Lee Bu-Sung Lee Alex Qiang Chen Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction (OZCHI)
- 2015-08 Feasibility Analysis and Adaptive Thresholding for Mobile Applications Controlled by EEG Signals Chonho Lee
Liu Yi Bu-Sung Lee Mark McKeown Proceedings of the 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
- 2015-04 A Real-time Group Auction System for Efficient Allocation of Cloud Internet Applications Chonho Lee
Dusit Niyato Ping Wang IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
- 2014-12 A Wavelet;Entropy-based Change Point Detection on Network Traffic;A Case Study of Heartbleed Vulnerability Chonho Lee
Liu Yi L-H Tan W. Goh B-S Lee C-K Yeo Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology (CloudCom)
- 2014-10 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson’s Disease Yi Liu
Chonho Lee Bu-Sung Lee James Stevenson Mark McKeown Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application and Services (HEALTHCOM)
- 2014-07 Balancing Performance, Resource Efficiency and Energy Efficiency for Virtual Machine Deployment in DVFS-enabled Clouds: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach Yi Ren
Jun Suzuki Chonho Lee Athanasios Vasilakos Shingo Omura Katsuya Oba Proceedings of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
- 2014-06 A Motion Accuracy Evaluator based on Body Parts Movement by MapReduce-based Video Processing Chonho Lee
Yu Terada Liu Yi Bu-Sung Lee Proceedings of IEEE-EMBS International Conferences on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)