氏名 |
畑 明寿 |
氏名(カナ) |
ハタ アキヒサ |
氏名(英語) |
Hata Akihisa |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000334435 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/02/Effect of 2% meloxicam injection in Holstein dairy cows on acute clinical mastitis without systemic symptoms/Keiichi HISAEDA, Masakatsu NOHARA, Naomi OHTA, Akira GOTO, Yoichi INOUE, Akihisa HATA, Yasunori SHINOZUKA/J Vet Med Sci
- 2022/10/Comparison of Analytical Values after Changing to the International Standardized Method for Lactate Dehydrogenase and Alkaline Phosphatase Measurements in Mouse and Rat/Kayo Furumoto,Noboru Fujitani ,Masakatsu Nohara, Akihisa Hata/Joint Author/Veterinary Science
- 2022/08/Development of a canine blood C-reactive protein-measuring device using a flow-type immunosensor/Tomoko Kubota, Norio Tateishi, Hideki Toita, Nobutoshi Kanaki, Akihisa Hata, Noboru Fujitani/Joint Author/
Analytical Sciences
- 2022/08/Distal renal tubular acidosis and lethargy associated with zonisamide treatment in a dog with idiopathic epilepsy/Takamasa Itoi, Natsuki Akashi, Yuki Shimizu, Keisuke Sugimoto, Akihisa Hata, Kenji Kutara, Takako Shimokawa Miyama, Teppei Kanda/Joint Author/
Veterinary Medicine and Science
- 2022/08/Changes in the blood lactate dehydrogenase measurements in canines and felines following the international standardization of the assay method/Akihisa Hata, Masaaki Ochi, Kayo Furumoto, Noboru Fujitani/Joint Author/Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2022/06/
Relationships between the age and body sizes or laboratory test results in Noma horses /Yoichi INOUE, Tetsushi ONO, Keiichi HISAEDA, Yutaka YAMADA, Akihisa HATA, Takako SHIMOKAWA MIYAMA, Kenichi SHIBANO, Emi OHZAWA, Hitoshi KITAGAWA, Eri IWATA/Journal of Equine Science
- 2022/03 測定法の国際標準化に伴う健康なホルスタイン種搾乳牛における血中乳酸脱水素酵素測定値の変化 安木 碧,藤谷 登,畑 明寿,久枝 啓一,山田 裕 共著 家畜衛生学雑誌
- 2021/12/Surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in Sheltered dogs in the Kanto Region of Japan/Akihisa Hata, Noboru Fujitani, Fumiko Ono, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa/Joint Author/
Scientific Reports
- 2021/07/Canine mast cell tumour cells regulate tryptophan catabolism via the expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase/Akira Matsuda, Akihisa Hata, AkaneTanaka, Hiroshi Matsuda/Joint Author/Research in Veterinary Science.
- 2021/06/Comparison of regression for blood ALP levels using methods of the Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in bovine, canine, feline, and human testing/Akihisa Hata, Noboru Fujitani, Masahiro Takeshita, Chie Tanaka, Noriko Matsuda, Michiko Takaishi, Takako Shimokawa Miyama, Fumio Hoshi./Joint Author/PLOS ONE
- 2021/03/Effect of seasons and sex on the physical, hematological and blood biochemical parameters of Noma horses/Ono, T., Inoue, Y., Hisaeda. K., Yamada, Y., Hata, A., Shimokawa Miyama, T., Shibano, K., Kitagawa, H., Ohzawa, E., Iwata, E./Joint Author/J. Equine Sci.
- 2020/10 Regression formula for the prediction of IFCC values of canine blood alkaline phosphatase activity using conventional JSCC reference method values Akihisa Hata, Noboru Fujitani1, Chie Tanaka, Noriko Matsuda, Michiko Takaishi, Takako Shimokawa Miyama, Fumio Hoshi Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2020/05 Distribution of urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in 40- to 74-year-old Japanese women A. Hata, M. Miyauchi, Y. Suzuki, Y. Otomo, N. Fujitani Practical Laboratory Medicine
- 2019/09 Reference values of hematological and blood biochemical parameters for the Noma horse Tetsushi ONO, Yutaka YAMADA, Akihisa HATA, Takako SHIMOKAWA MIYAMA, Kenichi SHIBANO, Eri IWATA, Emi OHZAWA, Hitoshi KITAGAWA JOURNAL OF EQUINE SCIENCE
- 2019/06 Metabolism of 3-[5'-deoxy-5'-(dimethylarsinoyl)?β-ribofuranosyloxy]-2-hydroxypropylene glycol in an artificial Hata A, Hasegawa M, Yamauchi T, Otomo Y, Miura M, Yamanaka K, Yamano Y, Fujitani N, Endo G Heliyon
- 2019/06 生物試料におけるヒ素の化学形態別分析とその意義 畑 明寿, 藤谷 登 生物試料分析
- 2018/07 Differences in apoptotic signaling and toxicity between dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV) and its active metabolite, dimethylarsinous acid (DMAIII), in HepaRG cells: Possibility of apoptosis cascade based on diversity of active m Shimoda Y, Kato K, Asami S, Kurita M, Kurosawa H, Toriyama M, Miura M, Hata A, Endo Y, Endo G, An Y, Yamanaka K Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS)
- 2018/03 Antimicrobial resistance of Enterobacteriaceae in feral pigeons living in the Kanto region of Japan Hata Akihisa, Shibahara Toshiyuki, Yamamoto Hiroshi, Fujitani Noboru International journal of analytical bio-science
- 2017/06 業務拡大に伴う感染管理と薬剤耐性菌について 畑明寿, 藤谷登 日本診療放射線技師会誌
- 2016/10 A novel metabolic activation associated with glutathione in dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTA(V))-induced toxicity obtained from in vitro reaction of DMMTA(V) with glutathione. Kurosawa H, Shimoda Y, Miura M, Kato K, Yamanaka K, Hata A, Yamano Y, Endo Y, Endo G Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology : organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS)
- 2016/10 酵素活性測定の勧告法実施用分光光度計の性能評価 畑明寿, 長谷川桃子, 島田絢菜, 関口光夫, 藤谷登 臨床化学
- 2016/05 A biological indicator of inorganic arsenic exposure using the sum of urinary inorganic arsenic and monomethylarsonic acid concentrations. Hata A, Kurosawa H, Endo Y, Yamanaka K, Fujitani N, Endo G Journal of occupational health
- 2016/02 大阪市における熱中症発症の実態 飯田 涼太, 黒木 尚長, 櫻井 嘉信, 廣崎 英和, 畑 明寿, 藤谷 登 千葉科学大学紀要
- 2015/09 Multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae strains in the Tone River, Japan Hata Akihisa, Sekine Kaori, Fujitani Noboru International journal of analytical bio-science
- 2015/03 Possible production of arsenic hemoglobin adducts via exposure to arsine. Yamauchi T, Yamano Y, Yamanaka K, Hata A, Nakadate T, Kuroda Y, Endo Y, Endo G Journal of occupational health
- 2014/12 Improving the Efficiency of Organoarsenic Extraction from Seaweeds Hata Akihisa, Hasegawa Momoko, Kurosawa Hidetoshi, Yamanaka Kenzo, Yamano Yuko, Endo Yoko, Fujitani Noboru, Endo Ginji Food Safety
- 2014/04 Arsine toxicity is induced by inhalation but not by percutaneous exposure in hairless mice. Kato K, Yamanaka K, Shimoda Y, Yamano Y, Nagano K, Hata A, Endo Y, Tachikawa M, Endo G The Journal of toxicological sciences
- 2013/10 Comprehensive analysis of prokaryotes in environmental water using DNA microarray analysis and whole genome amplification. Akama T, Kawashima A, Tanigawa K, Hayashi M, Ishido Y, Luo Y, Hata A, Fujitani N, Ishii N, Suzuki K Pathogens
- 2013/09 嫌気バッグ培養法を用いた唾液からのStreptococcus mutansの検出 長谷川桃子, 畑明寿, 藤谷登 口腔医科学会学会誌
- 2013/03 臨床検査技師教育における健康教育の必要性について 木内幸子, 鈴木(松村)聡, 畑明寿, 藤谷登, 三村邦裕 医学検査
- 2013/02 利根川河口域における水質と細菌数 小濱剛,畑明寿,三村邦裕,藤谷登 千葉科学大学紀要
- 2013/02 地域と連携した健康教育の実践 松村 聡, 畑 明寿, 岡林 徹, 工藤 芳子, 福留 伸幸, 三村 邦裕, 藤谷 登 千葉科学大学紀要
- 2012/05 Arsenic speciation analysis of urine samples from individuals living in an arsenic-contaminated area in Bangladesh. Hata A, Yamanaka K, Habib MA, Endo Y, Fujitani N, Endo G Environmental health and preventive medicine
- 2010/02 医療系国家試験対策CAIシステムの構築 松村 聡, 橋本 英樹, 畑 明寿,三村 邦裕, 藤谷 登 千葉科学大学紀要
- 2009/12 スポーツに関連した熱中症の発生状況 熊谷市消防「熱中症調べ(2005-2008年)」より 畑 明寿, 小野 遥, 田中 光二, 荻野 賢一, 山岸 綾佳, 若林 芳雄, 藤田 清貴, 黒木 尚長, 藤谷 登 日本健康体力栄養学会誌
- 2009/11 Speciation Analysis of Arsenic Compounds in Healthy Human Urine by HPLC-ICP-MS for the Evaluation of the Occupational Inorganic Arsenic Exposure Suzuki Yoshihiro, Shimoda Yasuyo, Endo Yoko, Hata Akihisa, Yamanaka Kenzo, Endo Ginji EPIDEMIOLOGY
- 2009/07 Rapid and effective speciation analysis of arsenic compounds in human urine using anion-exchange columns in HPLC-ICP-MS. Suzuki Y, Shimoda Y, Endo Y, Hata A, Yamanaka K, Endo G Journal of occupational health
- 2009 Examination of Metals in RO Water Fujio Nakamura, Kiyohito Nanba, Akihisa Hata, Tohru Okabayashi, Yumi Sasano BLOOD PURIFICATION
- 2008/08 Risk Assessment on Arsenic in Hijiki Ginji Endo, Akihisa Hata, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yoko Endo Biomed Res TraceElements
- 2007/12 Effectiveness of arsenic mitigation program in Bangladesh--relationship between arsenic concentrations in well water and urine. Habib A, Hayashi T, Sato KK, Hata A, Ikebe M, Rahman F, Hassan P, Endo Y, Endo G Osaka city medical journal
- 2007/05 HPLC-ICP-MS speciation analysis of arsenic in urine of Japanese subjects without occupational exposure. Hata A, Endo Y, Nakajima Y, Ikebe M, Ogawa M, Fujitani N, Endo G Journal of occupational health
- 2006/12 A ubiquitin ligase HRD1 promotes the degradation of Pael receptor, a substrate of Parkin. Omura Tomohiro, Kaneko Masayuki, Okuma Yasunobu, Orba Yasuko, Nagashima Kazuo, Takahashi Ryosuke, Fujitani Noboru, Matsumura Satoshi, Hata Akihisa, Kubota Kyoko, Murahashi Karin, Uehara Takashi, Nomura Yasuyuki Journal of Neurochemistry