氏名 |
新原 隆史 |
氏名(カナ) |
ニイハラ タカフミ |
氏名(英語) |
Niihara Takafumi |
所属 |
理学部 基礎理学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000307001 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- Petrology and mineralogy of an igneous clast in the Northwest Africa 1685 (LL4) chondrite: Comparison with alkali-rich igneous clasts in LL-chondritic breccias/Takafumi Niihara
Tatsunori Yokoyama Tomoko Arai Keiji Misawa/METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE
- 2020-01 Data-driven Taxonomy Matching of Asteroid and Meteorite Saito, Yuki
Hong, Peng K. Niihara, Takafumi Miyamoto, Hideaki Fukumizu, Kenji Meteoritics and Planetary Sciene
- 2020 Experimental Study to Determine the Best Compression Ratio of High-Resolution Images of Small Bodies for Martian Moons eXploration Mission Shimizu, Yuta
Kamiyoshihara, Hiroaki Niihara, Takafumi Miyamoto, Hideaki
- Simplified Simulated Materials of Asteroid Ryugu for Spacecraft Operations and Scientific Evaluations/Miyamoto, Hideaki
NIihara, Takafumi/Natural Resources Research
- Assessment of the probability of microbial contamination for sample return from Martian moons II: The fate of microbes on Martian moons/Kosuke Kurosawa
Hidenori Genda Ryuki Hyodo Akihiko Yamagishi Takashi Mikouchi Takafumi Niihara Shingo Matsuyama Kazuhisa Fujita/Life Sciences in Space Research
- Assessment of the probability of microbial contamination for sample return from Martian moons I: Departure of microbes from Martian surface/Kazuhisa Fujita
Kosuke Kurosawa Hidenori Genda Ryuki Hyodo Shingo Matsuyama Akihiko Yamagishi Takashi Mikouchi Takafumi Niihara/Life Sciences in Space Research
- 2019-04 Evidence for multiple 4.0-3.7 Ga impact events within the Apollo 16 collection Niihara, Takafumi
Beard, Sky P Swindle Timothy D Schaffer, Lillian A Miyamoto Hideaki Kring David A METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE
- 2019-03 Phobos regolith simulant for MMX mission: Spectral measurement for remote target identification and deconvolution system training M. D'Amore
A. Maturilli H. Miyamoto T. Niihara M. Grott J. Knollenberg J. Helbert N. Sakatani K. Ogawa Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- 2018-07 Lunar and Martian Silica Kayama, Masahiro
Nagaoka, Hiroshi Niihara, Takafumi MINERALS
- Reflectance spectra of Asteroids and Meteorites: Their classifications and statistical comparisons/Hideaki Miyamoto
Peng K. Hong Takafumi Niihara Takeshi Kuritani Kenji Fukumizu Hideitsu Hino Kenji Nagata Shotaro Akaho J. Alexis P Rodriguez Hemmi Ryodo Seiji Sugita Masato Okada/Journal of Physics: Conference Series
- 2018 Taxonomy matching between asteroids and meteorites: supervised clustering approach Y. Saito
P.K Hong T. Niihara H. Miyamoto K. Fukumizu Journal of Physics: Conf. Series
- 2018 火星隕石が経験した衝撃変成 新原 隆史 日本惑星科学会誌
- 2018 Preliminary sulfur isotope studies on Chelyabinsk chondrite T. Niihara
M. Koike S. Kagoshima K. Tanaka Y. Sano H. Kaiden Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 49. #1852, (LPI contribution 2083)
- 2018 Occurrence of phosphate minerals in Dark mottled lithology of Zagami T.Niihara
K. Misawa Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 49. #2652, (LPI contribution 2083)
- 2018 Phobos environment model and regolith simulant for MMX mission H. Miyamoto
T. Niihara K. Wada K. Ogawa N. Baresi P. Abell E. Asphaug D. Britt G. Dodbiba T. Fujita K. Fukui M. Grott K. Hashiba R. Hemmi P. Hong T. Imada H. Kikuchi P. Michel K. Mogi T. Nakamura Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 49. #1882, (LPI contribution 2083)
- 2017 Statistical classification of Apollo 16 impact melt using major element compositions T. Niihara
H. Miyamoto D.A. Kring Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 48. #1784
- 2017 In-Situ Uranium-Lead dating of Zagami and RBT 04261 phosphates by NanoSIMS T.Morita
Y.Sano M. Koike S. Onda N. Takahata H. Hiyagon T. Niihara Goldschmidt2017. #2084
- 2017 Lead isotopic systematics of Martian meteorite Zagami M.Tobita
T. Usui T. Niihara K. Misawa T. Yokoyama Goldschmidt2017. #3050
- Cluster analysis on the bulk elemental compositions of Antarctic stony meteorites/Hideaki Miyamoto
Takafumi Niihara Takeshi Kuritani Peng K. Hong James M. Dohm Seiji Sugita/METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE
- 2016 Materials forming asteroids : Insights from sparse modeling Miyamoto H
Niihara T Hong P Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- 2016 An automatic decovolution method for modified gaussian model using the exchange Monte Carlo method: Application to reflectance Spectra of synthetic clinopyroxene P.K. Hong
H. Miyamoto T. Niihara S. Sugita K. Nagata J.M. Dohm M. Okada Journal of Geology and Geophysics
- 2016 スパースモデリングによる小惑星物質分布の理解に向けて 宮本英昭
新原隆史 洪鵬 電子情報通信学会誌
- 2016 Petrology and mineralogy of an igneous clast in Northwest Africa 1685: Comparison with alkali-rich igneous rock fragments in Yamato-74442 T. Niihara
K. Misawa T. Yokoyama Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. #1891
- 2016 Model for the shock-resetting conditions of uranium-lead systematics of baddeleyite: Implications for martian meteorite chronology H. Kaiden
K. Misawa T. Niihara Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. #3019
- 2016 Relationship between albedo and reflectance spectra of asteroids P.K. Hong
H. Miyamoto T. Niihara J.M. Dohm Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. #1809
- 2015 Complicated magmatism of basaltic shergottites: Implications from Pyroxene zoning in Zagami T. Niihara
K.Misawa L.E. Nyquist J. Park D. Hirata H. Yamashita H. Miyamoto Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46. #1721
- 2015 Classification of Meteorites based Purely on Bulk Elemental compositions for Analysis of Data Obtained Through Space Missions H. Miyamoto
T. Niihara T. Kuritani P.K. Hong J.M. Dohm S. Sugita Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46. #1802
- 2015 The Mars Plate-Tectonics-Basement Hypothesis J. M. Dohm
M. G. Spagnuolo J. P. Williams C. E. Viviano-Beck S. Karunatillake O. Álvarez R. C. Anderson H. Miyamoto V. R. Baker A. Fairén W. C. Mahaney T. M. Hare S. J. Robbins T. Niihara A. Yin T. Judice N. Olsen S. Maruyama Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46. #1741
- 2015 Design and Development of Navigastion/Geological Cameras for a Mars Rover T. Satoh
H. Miyamoto T. Niihara G. Ishigami 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science.2015-k-41
- 2015 Preliminary report on lead isotopic systematics of Martian meteorite Zagami M. Tobita
T. Usui T. Niihara K. Misawa T. Yokoyama Goldschmidt Abstracs, 2015. 3138
- 2014 産学官連携による惑星科学アウトリーチの試み(特集「広報・アウトリーチ」) 宮本 英昭
菊地 紘 平田 直之 洪 恒夫 関岡 裕之 Dohm James M. 新原 隆史 洪 鵬 逸見 良道 清田 馨 小熊 みどり 日本惑星科学会誌遊星人
- 2013 Mineralogical, Chemical, and Isotopic Heterogeneity in Zagami: Evidence for a Complex Petrogenesis L. E. Nyquist
K. Misawa C.-Y. Shih T. Niihara J. Park Antarctic Meteorites
- 2013 Evidence for Multiple Impact Events from Centimeter-sized Impact Melt Clasts in Apollo 16 Ancient Breccias: Support for Late Stage Heavy Bombardment of the Moon T. Niihara
S.P. Beard T.D. Swindle D. A. Kring Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44. #2083
- 2013 40Ar/39Ar Ages for Maskelynites and K-rich Melt from Olivine-rich Lithology in (Kanagawa) Zagami J. Park
G.F. Herzog L.E. Nyquist F. Lindsay B. Turrin C.C. Swisher III J.S. Delaney C.-Y. Shih T. Niihara K. Misawa Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44. #2556
- U-Pb isotopic systematics of shock-loaded and annealed baddeleyite: Implications for crystallization ages of Martian meteorite shergottites/Takafumi Niihara
Hiroshi Kaiden Keiji Misawa Toshimori Sekine Takashi Mikouchi/EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS
K. Misawa T. Mikouchi L. E. Nyquist J. Park H. Yamashita D. Hirata/METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE
T. Niihara C. -Y. Shih Y. D. Reese L. E. Nyquist S. Yoneda H. Yamashita D. Hirata/METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE
- 2012 Possible Origins of Magmatic and Isotopic Heterogeneity in Zagami L. E. Nyquist
K. Misawa C.-Y. Shih T. Niihara T. Mikouchi Antarctic Meteorites
- 2012 Petrology of the Centimeter-size Imapct Melt Clasts in Ancient Regolith breccia 60016 T. Niihara
D. A. Kring Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 43. #1229
- 2012 Petrology of an Impact Melt Clast from Lunar Regolith Breccia 60016 L. A. Schaffer
T. Niihara D. A. Kring Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 43. #1174
- 2012 U-Pb isotopic systematics on shock-metamorphosed baddeleyite T. Niihara Mineralogical Magazine 76. 2169
- Uranium-lead age of baddeleyite in shergottite Roberts Massif 04261: Implications for magmatic activity on Mars/Takafumi Niihara/JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS
- Visible and near-infrared spectral survey of Martian meteorites stored at the National Institute of Polar Research/Takahiro Hiroi
Hiroshi Kaiden Keiji Misawa Takafumi Niihara Hideyasu Kojima Sho Sasaki/POLAR SCIENCE
- Petrology and mineralogy of the shock-melted H chondrites Yamato-791088 and LaPaz Ice Field 02240/Takafumi Niihara
Naoya Imae Keiji Misawa Hideyasu Kojima/POLAR SCIENCE
- 2010 U-Pb age dating and mineralogy of a KREEP basalt clast in Lunar meteorite NWA 4485 T. Arai
M. Yoshitake T. Tomiyama T. Niihara T. Yokoyama H. Kaiden K. Misawa A.J. Irving Antarctic Meteorites
- 2010 U-Pb Isotope Systematics of Baddeleyite: Implications for Cryatallization Age of Shergottites T. Niihara
H. Kaiden K. Misawa T. Sekine T. Mikouchi Antarctic Meteorites
- 2010 New Design Mega Mount Holder, Application for Extra terrestrial Materials T. Niihara
O. Tachikawa K. Horie International Association for Gondwana Research, Conference Series 10, International Workshop on Zircon Geochronology Abstract Volume, 59-60
- 2010 Support for a prolonged KREEP magmatism: U-Pb age dating of zircon and baddeleyite in Lunar meteorites NWA 4485 T. Arai
M. Yoshitake T. Tomiyama T. Niihara T. Yokoyama H. Kaiden K. Misawa A. J. Irving Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 41. #2379
- 2009 Shock evidence and U-Pb Isotopic systematics of Experimentally Shocked Baddeleyite T. Niihara
H. Kaiden K. Misawa T. Sekine Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 40. #1562
- 2008 Petrology and Mineralogy of Impact Melted H Chondrite, LAP 02240 T. Niihara
N. Imae H. Kojima Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 39. #1856
- 2007-03 松戸市立常盤平第三小学校家庭教育学級 親子天体観察会 実践報告 新原 隆史
谷田貝 秀雄 天文教育
- 2007 Petrography of Yamato-791088, a heavily shocked H chondrite T. Niihara
N. Imae H. Kojima Antarctic Meteorites
- 2024/03/ALTERATION VEINS IN MILLER RANGE 090032 NAKHLITE/T. Niihara , Y. Fujita , and K. Misawa/Joint Author/Lunar and Plkanetary Science Conference
- 2024/03/STRONTIUM STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION OF ENRICHED SHERGOTTITES./K. Misawa , T. Niihara , H. Kaiden , L. E. Nyquist , C.-Y. Shih , S. Yoneda/Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- 2024/03/PETROGENESIS OF BEARDSLEY H5 CHONDRITE/R. Konishi , T. Niihara , and K. Misawa/Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- 2023/03/PETROLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF THE BEARDSLEY H5 CHONDRITE: IMPLICATIONS FOR IMPACT MELTING/T. Niihara , Y. Tuduki , K. Misawa, T. Yokoyama, S. Yoneda/Lunar and Planetary Science Conference