氏名 |
佐藤 友彦 |
氏名(カナ) |
サトウ トモヒコ |
氏名(英語) |
Satou Tomohiko |
所属 |
機構 教育推進機構 基盤教育センター 科学技術教育部門 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000334895 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/12/
Sulfur isotopes from the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Basin record multigenerational pyrite formation, not depositional conditions/Kärt Paiste David A. Fike Karen Bakakas Mayika Mathieu Moussavou Aivo Lepland Anthony R. Prave Tomohiko Sato Yuichiro Ueno Yusuke Sawaki Jocelyn A. Richardson Robert S. Wood Clive Jones Samuel M. Webb Kalle Kirsimäe/Joint Author/Communications Earth and Environment
- 2024/09/Cretaceous Fore-Arc Basin and Its Provenance in Sakhalin, Far East Russia: U-Pb Ages of Detrital Zircons From the Yezo Group/Tomohiko Sato, Yukio Isozaki, Yukiyasu Tsutsumi, Yasunari Shigeta, Kazuto Kodama, Takashi Hasegawa/Joint Author/
Island Arc
- 2023/12/
Depositional condition of Paleoproterozoic Francevillian carbonate rocks revisited from rare earth element contents/Satoshi Yoshida , Karen Bakakas Mayika , Yuki Ishihara , Mathieu Moussavou , Hisashi Asanuma , Tomohiko Sato , Takafumi Hirata , Cédric Ligna , Yusuke Sawaki , Amboise Edou-Minko/Joint Author/Geoscience Frontiers
- 2023/11/Metagenomic Thermometer/Masaomi Kurokawa, Koichi Higashi, Keisuke Yoshida, Tomohiko Sato, Shigenori Maruyama, Hiroshi Mori, Ken Kurokawa/Joint Author/DNA Research
- 2022/05/The origin of methane in serpentinite-hosted hyperalkaline hot spring at Hakuba Happo, Japan: Radiocarbon, methane isotopologue and noble gas isotope approaches/Konomi Suda, Takahiro Aze, Yosuke Miyairi, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yohei Matsui, Hisahiro Ueda, Takuya Saito, Tomohiko Sato, Yusuke Sawaki, Ryosuke Nakai, Hideyuki Tamaki, Hiroshi A. Takahashi, Noritoshi Morikawa, Shuhei Ono/Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- 2022/01/
A story of Devonian ocean plate stratigraphy hosted by the Ulaanbaatar accretionary complex, northern Mongolia: implications from geological, structural and U–Pb detrital zircon data/Ilya Savinskiy , Inna Safonova , Alina Perfilova , Pavel Kotler , Tomohiko Sato , Shigenori Maruyama/Joint Author/International Journal of Earth Sciences
- 2022/01
視点の水平移動可能なBYOD型地学VR巡検教材の開発 庄司 真史 , 小林 佑介 , 河合 研志 , 佐藤 友彦 共著 地学教育
- 2021/07/
Archean Itabirites From Ovan, NE-Gabon: Petrography, Mineralogy And Elemental Mapping/Stévy Retonda-Kondja , Simplice Marin Ndong-Ondo , Ambroise Edou-Minko , Tomohiko Sato , Benjamin Musavu-Moussavou , Mathieu Moussavou/Joint Author/European Scientific Journal
- High-resolution Stratigraphy of the Lowermost Cambrian Sequence at the Xiaolantian Section, Yunnan, South China: Lithofacies, Key Bed, and Local/Regional Correlation/Sena KONO
Yukio ISOZAKI Tomohiko SATO Xingliang ZHANG Wei LIU/Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)
- Unique lowermost Cambrian small shelly fossils (SSFs) from eastern Yunnan, South China: implications for the early diversification history of animals/Sena Kono
Yukio Isozaki Tomohiko Sato Moriaki Yasuhara Wei Liu Xing-Liang Zhang/Palaeoworld
- Age constraints on the Palaeoproterozoic Lomagundi-Jatuli Event in Zimbabwe: Zircon geochronology of the Magondi Supergroup/Sawada, Hikaru
Mugandani, Ernest Tafumanei Sato, Tomohiko Sawaki, Yusuke Sakata, Shuhei Isozaki, Yukio Maruyama, Shigenori/TERRA NOVA
- History of the Hadean "Living Microfossil" OD1 and Ultra-reducing Environments/Sato, Tomohiko
Yoshiya, Kazumi Maruyama, Shigenori/JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY-CHIGAKU ZASSHI
- Geology around Natural Reactors and Birthplace of Eukaryotes/Sawaki, Yusuke
Sato, Tomohiko Fujisaki, Wataru Ueda, Hisahiro Asanuma, Hisashi Maruyama, Shigenori/JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY-CHIGAKU ZASSHI
- The Birthplace of Proto-Life: Role of Secondary Minerals in Forming Metallo-Proteins through Water-Rock Interaction of Hadean Rocks/Yoshiya, Kazumi
Sato, Tomohiko Omori, Soichi Maruyama, Shigenori/ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES
- Constraints on the P-T conditions of high-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Inyoni shear zone in the mid-Archean Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa/Kato, Daichi
Aoki, Kazumasa Komiya, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Shinji Sawaki, Yusuke Asanuma, Hisashi Sato, Tomohiko Tsuchiya, Yuta Shozugawa, Katsumi Matsuo, Motoyuki Windley, Brian F./PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH
- 2018 Petrology, Geochemistry and Geodynamic Significance of the Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of the Akou (Okondja Basin, Gabon) Ligna Cedric
Moussavou Mathieu Bakakas Karen Mbina Michel Sato Tomohiko European Scientific Journal
- Centimeter-wide worm-like fossils from the lowest Cambrian of South China/Xingliang Zhang
Wei Liu Yukio Lsozaki Tomohiko Sato/SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
- New isotopic age data constrain the depositional age and accretionary history of the Neoproterozoic-Ordovician Mona Complex (Anglesey-Lleyn, Wales)/Hisashi Asanuma
Wataru Fujisaki Tomohiko Sato Shuhei Sakata Yusuke Sawaki Kazumasa Aoki Yoshihiro Okada Shigenori Maruyama Takafumi Hirata Tetsumaru Itaya Brian F. Windley/TECTONOPHYSICS
- Chronological constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian Group in Gabon/Yusuke Sawaki
Mathieu Moussavou Tomohiko Sato Kazue Suzuki Cedric Ligna Hisashi Asanuma Shuhei Sakata Hideyuki Obayashi Takafumi Hirata Amboise Edou-Minko/GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS
- 2017 An Akouemma hemisphaeria Organic Macrofossils Colony Hosting Biodiversity Assemblage on the Seafloor of Okondja Basin (Gabon) dated at 2.2 Ga Edou-Minko, A
Moussavou, M Sato T Tchikoundzi, C Sawaki, Y Ndong Ondo, S Ortega, R Maire, R Kaestner A Mbina Mounguengui, M Roudeau, S Fleury G Carmona A de Parseval, PH Makaya Mvoubou Musavu Moussavou, B Ogandaga Agondjo, M Sasaki, O Maruyama, S Journal of Geology & Geophysics
- 2017 Growth, Duplication and Lateral Mutual Compressive Deformation of Akouemma hemisphaeria on the Seafloor of Okondja Basin at 2.2 Ga (Gabon) Edou-Minko, A
Moussavou, M Sato, T Sawaki, Y Ndong Ondo, S Maire, R Fleury, G Mounguengui, MM Kaestner, A Ortega, R Roudeau, S Carmona, A Mvoubou, M Moussavou, BM Sasaki, O Maruyama, S International Journal of Geosciences
- Tracking the redox history and nitrogen cycle in the pelagic Panthalassic deep ocean in the Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic: Insights from redox-sensitive elements and nitrogen isotopes/Wataru Fujisaki
Yusuke Sawaki Shinji Yamamoto Tomohiko Sato Manabu Nishizawa Brian F. Windley Shigenori Maruyama/PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY
- Divergent evolution of medusozoan symmetric patterns: Evidence from the microanatomy of Cambrian tetramerous cubozoans from South China/Jian Han
Shin Kubota Guoxiang Li Qiang Ou Xing Wang Xiaoyong Yao Degan Shu Yong Li Kentaro Uesugi Masato Hoshino Osamu Sasaki Harumasa Kano Tomohiko Sato Tsuyoshi Komiya/GONDWANA RESEARCH
- Internal Microanatomy and Zoological Affinity of the Early Cambrian Olivooides/Han Jian
Li Guoxiang Shin Kubota Ou Qiang Sho Toshino Wang Xing Yang Xiaoguang Kentaro Uesugi Hoshino Masato Osamu Sasaki Harumasa Kano Tomohiko Sato Tsuyoshi Komiya/ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION
- 2015-11 Redox condition of the late Neoproterozoic pelagic deep ocean: Fe-57 Mössbauer analyses of pelagic mudstones in the Ediacaran accretionary complex, Wales, UK Sato Tomohiko
Sawaki Yusuke Asanuma Hisashi Fujisaki Wataru Okada Yoshihiro Maruyama Shigenori Isozaki Yukio Shozugawa Katsumi Matsuo Motoyuki Windley Brian F Tectonophysics
- Reconstruction of ocean plate stratigraphy in the Gwna Group, NW Wales: Implications for the subduction-accretion process of a latest Proterozoic trench-forearc/Hisashi Asanuma
Yoshihiro Okada Wataru Fujisaki Kazue Suzuki Tomohiko Sato Yusuke Sawaki Shuhei Sakata Shinji Yamamoto Takafumi Hirata Shigenori Maruyama Brian F. Windley/TECTONOPHYSICS
- Geochemistry of accreted metavolcanic rocks from the Neoproterozoic Gwna Group of Anglesey-Lleyn, NW Wales, UK: MORB and OIB in the Iapetus Ocean/Takuya Saito
Masaoki Uno Tomohiko Sato Wataru Fujisaki Satoru Haraguchi Yi-Bing Li Yusuke Sawaki Shinji Yamamoto Shigenori Maruyama/TECTONOPHYSICS
- 2015 Detrital zircon geochronology of sandstones from Jurassic and Cretaceous accretionary complexes in the Kanto Mountains, Japan: implications for arc provenance Aoki Kazumasa
Isozaki Yukio Sakata Shuhei Sato Tomohiko Yamamoto Shinji Hirata Takafumi Engineering Geology of Japan
- Ion microprobe U-Pb dating and Sr isotope measurement of a protoconodont/Yuji Sano
Kosaku Toyoshima Akizumi Ishida Kotaro Shirai Naoto Takahata Tomohiko Sato Tsuyoshi Komiya/JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES
- Provenance diversification within an arc-trench system induced by batholith development: the Cretaceous Japan case/Kazumasa Aoki
Yukio Isozaki Daisuke Kofukuda Tomohiko Sato Atsushi Yamamoto Kenshi Maki Shuhei Sakata Takafumi Hirata/TERRA NOVA
- A unique condition for early diversification of small shelly fossils in the lowermost Cambrian in Chengjiang, South China: Enrichment of phosphorus in restricted embayments/Tomohiko Sato
Yukio Isozaki Takahiko Hitachi Degan Shu/GONDWANA RESEARCH
- 2012-03 Fe-57 Mössbauer analysis of the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic deep-sea chert: Paleo-redox history across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event Sato Tomohiko
Isozaki Yukio Shozugawa Katsumi Seimiya Kimiko Matsuo Motoyuki Hyperfine Interactions
- 2011-11 Fe-57 Mössbauer spectroscopic analysis of deep-sea pelagic chert: Effect of secondary alteration with respect to paleo-redox evaluation Sato Tomohiko
Isozaki Yukio Shozugawa Katsumi Matsuo Motoyuki Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- 2009 原生代末期‐古生代前期における深海の酸化還元環境:57Feメスバウアー分光法による遠洋深海チャートの検討 佐藤 友彦
磯崎 行雄 松尾 基之 地質学雑誌