氏名 |
黒木 慎太郎 |
氏名(カナ) |
クロキ シンタロウ |
氏名(英語) |
Kuroki Shintaro |
所属 |
理学部 応用数学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
R000032067 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2019/01 Torus orbifolds with two fixed points Alastair Darby, Shintaro Kuroki, Jongbaek Song Algebraic Topology and Related Topics, Trends in Mathematics
- 2019/01 Upper bounds for the dimension of tori acting on GKM manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
- 2019/01 Gale dual of the GKM graph with a complexity one axial function Shintaro Kuroki and Ryoto Yukitou The Bulletin of the Okayama University of Science
- 2019/01 On equivariant cohomology rings of flag Bott towers Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2018/01 Quasitoric manifolds, root systems and J-constructions of polytopes Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2017/01 Root systems and symmetries of a torus manifold Shintaro Kuroki, Mikiya Masuda Transformation Groups
- 2017/01 Flagified Bott manifolds and their maximal torus actions Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2016/01 An Orlik-Raymond type classification of simply connected 6-dimensional torus manifolds with vanishing odd degree cohomology Shintaro Kuroki Pacific Journal of Mathematics
- 2016/01 Projective bundles over small covers and the bundle triviality problem Shintaro Kuroki, Zhi Lu Forum Mathematicum
- 2016/01 Classification of effective GKM graphs with combinatorial type $K_{4}$ Shintaro Kuroki The Bulletin of the Okayama University of Science
- 2015/01 Cohomological non-rigidity of eight-dimensional complex projective towers Shintaro Kuroki, DongYoup Suh Algebraic & Geometric Topology
- 2015/01 Small cover, infra-solvmanifold and curvature Shintaro Kuroki, Mikiya Masuda, Li Yu Forum Mathematicum
- 2015/01 A remark on torus graph with root systems of type A Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2014/01 Complex projective towers and their cohomological rigidity up to dimension six Shintaro Kuroki, DongYoup Suh Proceedings of Steklov Institute of Mathematics
- 2014/01 Classifications of homogeneous complexity one GKM manifolds and GKM graphs with symmetric group actions Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2013/01 On the equivalence of several definitions of compact infra-solvmanifolds Shintaro Kuroki, Li Yu Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. A Mathematical Sciences
- 2011/01 Classification of torus manifolds with codimension one extended actions Shintaro Kuroki Transformation Groups
- 2011/01 Equivariant cohomology distinguishes the geometric structures of toric hyperK\"ahler manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
- 2011/01 Topological classification of torus manifolds which have codimension one extended actions Suyoung Choi, Shintaro Kuroki Algebraic & Geometric Topology
- 2010/01 Characterization of homogeneous torus manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Osaka Journal of Mathematics
- 2010/01 On projective bundles over small covers (a survey) Shintaro Kuroki GROUP ACTIONS AND HOMOGENEOUS SPACES
- 2010/01 Operations on three dimensional small covers Shintaro Kuroki Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B
- 2010/01 A topological definition of hypertoric manifolds and its equivariant cohomology Shintaro Kuroki Trends in Mathematics - New Series
- 2010/01 GKM graphs induced by GKM manifolds with SU(l+1)-symmetries Shintaro Kuroki Trends in Mathematics - New Series
- 2010/01 余次元1の軌道を持つ群作用について 黒木慎太郎 第57回トポロジーシンポジウム講究録
- 2009/01 Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadrics with codimension one orbits Shintaro Kuroki Osaka Journal of Mathematics
- 2009/01 Equivariant cohomology determines hypertoric manifold Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2009/01 Introduction to GKM theory Shintaro Kuroki Trends in Mathematics - New Series
- 2008/01 Remarks on McGavran's paper and Nishimura's result Shintaro Kuroki Trends in Mathematics - New Series
- 2007/01 On 8-manifolds with SU(3)-actions Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2007/01 On transformation groups which act on torus manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Proceedings of 33rd Symposium on Transformation Groups
- 2007/01 トーラス多様体上の余次元 0 または 1 の軌道を持つコンパクト群作用の分類 黒木慎太郎 Hokkaido university Technical report series in Mathematics, Series #117, The 3rd COE Conference for Young Researchers -CCYR3-
- 2007/01 トーラス多様体上の変換群について 黒木慎太郎 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2006/01 ハイパートーラスグラフとその同変コホモロジー 黒木慎太郎 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2005/01 On SL(3,R)-action on 4-sphere Shintaro Kuroki the Journal of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
- 2005/01 複素2次超曲面に余次元1の軌道をもって作用するコンパクト変換群の分類について 黒木慎太郎 第2回城崎新人セミナー講究録
- 2004/01 On the SL(3,R)-action on 4-sphere Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2003/02 On the construction of smooth SL(m,H)\times SL(n,H)-actions on S^{4(m+n)-1} Shintaro Kuroki Bulletin of Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan (Natural Science)
- 2003/01 Classification of compact transformation groups on complex quadrics with codimension one orbits Shintaro Kuroki 数理解析研究所講究録
- 2023/02/03 Equivariant cohomology of even-dimensional complex quadrics from combinatorial viewpoint Shintaro Kuroki The "ColMar" Interactions
- 2022/11/29 GKM graph with legs and graph equivariant cohomology 黒木慎太郎 火曜トポロジーセミナー
- 2022/09/13 Equivariant cohomology of torus orbifolds 黒木慎太郎 2022年度日本数学会秋季総合分科会
- 2022/05/26 Equivariant cohomology of complex quadrics from combinatorial point of view 黒木慎太郎 RIMS共同研究 : 変換群論の新潮流
- 2021/05/25 Equivariant vector bundles from a GKM theoretical point of view 黒木慎太郎 RIMS共同研究:変換群論の新展開
- 2021/02 Equivariant vector bundle over a GKM graph and its projectivization kpa70+ Transformation group theory --The path we have walked along, and the way to progress-- On the celebration for the retirement and the 70th birthday of Professor Krzystof M. Pawalowski
- 2020/11 Gale dual of a GKM graph and its application to the extension problem of torus actions International conference Topology and geometry of group actions
- 2020/05 Gale dual of GKM graph Shintaro Kuroki Workshop on Torus Actions in Topology
- 2019/11 Gale dual of the GKM graph and its applications to the extension of the torus action on a GKM manifold Shintaro Kuroki The 46th Symposium on Transformation Groups
- 2019/08 Flag Bott manifolds of general Lie type and their equivariant cohomology rings Shintaro Kuroki Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin - 100
- 2019/08 Gale dual of a GKM graph and its basic property Shintaro Kuroki Japanese-Russian Seminar on Toric Topology and Homotopy Theory
- 2019/05 On equivariant cohomology rings of flag Bott towers Shintaro Kuroki The theory of transformation groups and its applications
- 2018/12 Equivariant cohomology of torus orbifolds Shintaro Kuroki The 45th Symposium on Transformation Groups
- 2018/07 Equivariant cohomology of torus orbifolds with vanishing odd degree cohomology Shintaro Kuroki Glances at Manifolds 2018
- 2017/12 Complexity one GKM manifolds with extended actions Shintaro Kuroki Toric Topology 2017 in Osaka
- 2017/12 Equivariant cohomology of a certain class of torus orbifolds Shintaro Kuroki EACAT7
- 2017/05 Extended actions of quasitoric manifolds and J-constructions of polytopes Shitnaro Kuroki The Princeton-Rider Workshop on the Homotopy Theory of Polyhedral Products
- 2017/05 On flagged Bott manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Young Researchers in Homotopy Theory and Toric Topology
- 2016/04 A remark on root systems and J-constructions of quasitoric manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Toric topology 2016 in Kagoshima
- 2015/09 On a maximal torus which acts on a GKM-manifold Shintaro Kuroki International conference ≪Toric Topology, Number Theory and Applications≫
- 2015/08 On a maximal dimension of the torus which acts on a GKM-manifold effectively Shintaro Kuroki Combinatorial Constructions in Topology
- 2015/07 An obstruction to the extension of a torus action on a GKM manifold Shintaro Kuroki Glances at Manifolds
- 2015/06 On extended actions of complexity one torus manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Toric Topology 2015 in Osaka
- 2015/02 A necessary and sufficient condition for the extension of an axial function of GKM graph Shintaro Kuroki Torus Actions in Geometry, Topology, and Applications
- 2014/08 Complexity one GKM graph with symmetries and an obstruction to be a torus graph Shintaro Kuroki TOPOLOGY OF TORUS ACTIONS AND APPLICATIONS TO GEOMETRY AND COMBINATORICS (ICM 2014 Satellite conference)
- 2014/01 On classification of locally standard torus manifolds up to equivariant diffeomorphism Shintaro Kuroki Toric Topology 2014 in Osaka
- 2013/09 A class of torus manifolds which is determined by equivariant cohomology Shintaro Kuroki International Open Chinese-Russian conference Torus Actions: Topology, Geometry and Number Theory
- 2013/08 Root systems of torus graphs and stably complex structure of torus manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Special session "Toric geometry and topology" in MCA 2013
- 2012/09 Rigidity problems in toric topology Shintaro Kuroki Symposium on Geometry of Manifolds and Group Actions
- 2011/11 Infrasolv real moment-angle manifolds Shintaro Kuroki Toric Topology 2011 in Osaka
- 2011/09 Topology of low dimensional CP towers Shintaro Kuroki International Conference, Toric Topology and Automorphic Functions
- 2010/09 GKM graphs induced by GKM manifolds with SU(l+1)-symmetries Shintaro Kuroki Group Actions in Topology and Analysis - 4th GAF Conference, Milan 2010
- 2010/08 On cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds Shintaro Kuroki ICM 2010
- 2010/08 On the cohomological rigidity of toric hyperKahler manifolds Shintaro Kuroki GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, ALGEBRA, and APPLICATIONS dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Boris Delone
- 2009/09 On projective bundles over small covers Shintaro Kuroki BRATISLAVA TOPOLOGY SYMPOSIUM "Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces"
- 2008/07 Classification of codimension 1 extended G-actions on torus manioflds Shintaro Kuroki New Horizons in Toric Topology
- 2006/09 GKM-graphs and its equivariant cohomology Shintaro Kuroki Groups in Geometry and Topology, GGT Malaga 06
- 2006/05 Hypertorus graph and its equivariant cohomology Shintaro Kuroki International conference on Toric Topology
- 2004/08 On the action of SL(3,R) on S^{4} Shintaro Kuroki International Conference: Geometric topology, discrete geometry and set theory
- 2003/08 SL(m,H)\times SL(n,H)-action on S^{4(m+n)-1} Shintaro Kuroki 3rd Poznan Workshop on Transformation Groups