氏名 |
那須 浩郎 |
氏名(カナ) |
ナス ヒロオ |
氏名(英語) |
Nasu Hiroo |
所属 |
機構 教育推進機構 基盤教育センター 科学技術教育部門 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000220445 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2022/06 縄文時代におけるニワトコ果実の用途の推定 平岡和・那須浩郎・金子明裕 共著 植生史研究
- 2022/04/ Re-identification of plant impressions on prehistoric pottery from Ukraine/Eiko Endo, Hiroo Nasu, Dmytro Haskevych, Yakiv Gershkovych, Mykhailo Videiko, Olexandr Yanevich/Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- 2021/05/Beginning of pig management in Neolithic China: comparison of domestication processes between northern and southern regions/Hitomi Hongo, Hiroki Kikuchi, Hiroo Nasu/Joint Author/Animal Frontiers
- 2021/03/Dry or Wet? Evaluating the Initial Rice Cultivation Environment on the Korean Peninsula/5. Shinya Shoda, Hiroo Nasu, Kohei Yamazaki, Natsuki Murakami, Geon-Ju Na, Sung-Mo Ahn, Minoru Yoneda/Agronomy
- 2020/08/Refining Kaminaljuyu Chronology: New Radiocarbon Dates, Bayesian Analysis, and Ceramics Studies/Bárbara Arroyo, Takeshi Inomata, Gloria Ajú, Javier Estrada, Hiroo Nasu, Kazuo Aoyama/Latin American Antiquity
- 2020/06 Monumental architecture at Aguada Fenix and the rise of Maya civilization 1. Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Veronica A. Vazquez Lopez, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Diaz, Takayuki Omori, Maria Belen Mendez Bauer, Melina Garcia Hernandez, Timothy Beach, Clarissa Cagnato, Kazuo Aoyama & Hiroo Nasu Nature
- 2020 Building a high‐resolution chronology at the Maya archaeological site of El Palmar, Mexico K. Tsukamoto F. Tokanai T. Moriya H. Nasu Archaeometry
- 2019 野菜のはじまり“ドメスティケーション” 那須浩郎 BIOSTORY
- 2018 縄文時代の植物のドメスティケーション 那須浩郎 第四紀研究
- 2018 縄文時代と弥生時代の栽培植物 那須浩郎 季刊考古学
- 2017/11 Prehistoric transitions to sedentarization and agriculture in temperate and tropical regions Hiroo Nasu Senri Ethnological Studies
- 2017/06 Archaeological Application of Airborne LiDAR with Object-Based Vegetation Classification and Visualization Techniques at the Lowland Maya Site of Ceibal, Guatemala Takeshi Inomata, Flory Pinzon, Jose Luis Ranchos, Tsuyoshi Haraguchi, Hiroo Nasu, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Diaz, Kazuo Aoyama and Hitoshi Yonenobu Remote Sensing
- 2017/03 アズキ亜属種子が多量に混入する縄文土器と種実が多量に混入する意味 会田進・酒井幸則・佐々木由香・山田武文・那須浩郎・中沢道彦 資源環境と人類
- 2017/02 High-precision radiocarbon dating of political collapse and dynastic origins at the Maya site of Ceibal, Guatemala Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Jessica MacLellan, Melissa Burham, Kazuo Aoyama, Juan Manuel Palomo, Hitoshi Yonenobu, Flory Pinzon, and Hiroo Nasu Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA
- 2017 Investigacion arqueologica a traves de LIDAR en el area de Ceibal 4. Takeshi Inomata, Flory Pinzon, Jose Luis Ranchos, Tsuyoshi Haraguchi, Hiroo Nasu, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Diaz, Kazuo Aoyama and Hitoshi Yonenobu Proceedings of XXX Simposio de investigaciones arqueologicas en Guatemala
- 2017 マヤ文明のセイバル遺跡と周辺部の航空レーザ測量と考古学調査 2. 猪俣健・青山和夫・フローリー・ピンソン・ホセ・ルイス・ランチョス・原口強・那須浩郎・米延仁志 古代アメリカ
- 2016/04 宮城県熊の作遺跡から発見された貞観地震による津波堆積物 澤井祐紀・谷川晃一朗・篠崎鉄哉・田村亨・那須浩郎 第四紀研究
- 2016/03 The beginnings of rice and millet agriculture in prehistoric Japan Hiroo Nasu, Arata Momohara Quaternary International
- 2016 関東地方南西部における縄文人の居住地選択―自然環境要因の多変量解析― 加藤晋・大槻久・近藤康久・那須浩郎・本郷一美 GIS-理論と応用
- 2015/03 Development of sedentary communities in the Maya lowlands: Coexisting mobile groups and public ceremonies at Ceibal, Guatemala Takeshi Inomata, Jessica MacLellan, Daniela Triadan, Jessica Munson, Melissa Burham, kazoo Aoyama, Hiroo Nasu, Flory Pinzon, Hitoshi Yonenobu Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA
- 2015/03 土器種実圧痕の焼成実験報告 那須浩郎・会田進・山田武文・輿石甫・佐々木由香・中沢道彦 資源環境と人類
- 2015/03 炭化種実資料からみた長野県諏訪地域における縄文時代中期のマメの利用. 那須浩郎・会田進・佐々木由香・中沢道彦・山田武文・輿石甫 資源環境と人類
- 2014/07 圧痕レプリカ法からみた下宅部遺跡の種実利用 小畑弘己・真邉?彩・百原?新・那須浩郎・佐々木由香 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告
- 2014/07 雑草からみた縄文時代晩期から弥生時代移行期におけるイネと雑穀の栽培形態 那須浩郎・会田進・山田武文・輿石甫・佐々木由香・中沢道彦 国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告
- 2013 Faunal remains from Wadi Abu Tulayha:a PPNB outpost in the steppe-desert of southern Jordan Hitomi Hongo, Lubna Omar, Hiroo Nasu, Sumio Fujii Archaeozoology of the Near East X, Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of South-Western Asia and Adjacent Areas
- 2012/03 長野県岡谷市目切遺跡出土の炭化種実とレプリカ法による土器種実圧痕の研究 会田進・中沢道彦・那須浩郎・佐々木由香・山田武文・輿石甫 資源環境と人類
- 2012 環太平洋生命文明圏 安田喜憲・米延仁志・山田和芳・那須浩郎・篠塚良嗣・森 勇一・ホーフヒムストラ,H 第四紀研究
- 2011/10 Land-use change for rice and foxtail millet cultivation in the Chengtoushan site, central China, reconstructed from weed seed assemblages Hiroo Nasu, Hai-Bin Gu, Arata Momohara, Yoshinori Yasuda Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
- 2011/03 Plant use on remote islands in the Final Jomon and Yayoi periods: An examination of seeds restored from potsherds in the Tawara site, Niijima Island, Japan Katsunori Takase, Eiko Endo, Hiroo Nasu Bulletin of Meiji University Museum
- 2010 Zooarchaeology and ethnoarchaeobotany at Tell Ghanem Al-Ali Hitomi Hongo, Chie Akashi, Libuna Omar, Ken’ichi Tanno, Hiroo Nasu AL-RAFIDAN
- 2009 Aperiodic recurrence of geologically recorded tsunamis during the past 5500 years in eastern Hokkaido, Japan Yuki Sawai, Takanobu Kamataki, Masanobu Shishikura, Hiroo Nasu, Yukinobu Okamura, Kenji Satake, Katie H. Thomson, Dan Matsumoto, Yushiro Fujii, Junko Komatsubara, Than Tin Aung Journal of Geophysical Research
- 2007/09 The occurrence and identification of Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (foxtail millet) grains from the Chengtoushan site (ca. 5800 cal B.P.) in central China, with reference to the domestication center in Asia Hiroo Nasu, Arata Momohara, Yoshinori Yasuda and Jiejun He Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
- 2005 A 4500-year record of emergence events at Onnetoh, Hokkaido, northern Japan, reconstructed using plant macrofossils Yuki Sawai, Hiroo Nasu Marine Geology
- 2004 Environment archaeology at the Chengtoushan site, Hunan Province, China, and implications for environmental change and the rise and fall of the Yangtze River civilization Yoshinori Yasuda, Toshiyuki Fujiki, Hiroo Nasu, Megumi Kato, Yoshimune Morita, Yuichi Mori, Masaaki Kanehara, Shuichi Toyama, Azusa Yano, Mitsuru Okuno, He Jiejun, Sonoko Ishihara, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Hitoshi Fukusawa, Toshiro Naruse Quaternary International
- 2004 Late-Holocene natural and anthropogenic vegetation changes in the Dongbei Pingyuan (Manchurian Plain), northeastern China Miroslaw Makohonienko, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, Toshiro Naruse, Hiroo Nasu, Arata Momohara, Mitsuru Okuno, Toshiyuki Fujiki, Xin Liu, Yoshinori Yasuda, Huaining Yin Quaternary International
- 2004 Transient uplift after a 17th-century earthquake along the Kuril subduction zone Yuki Sawai, Kenji Satake, Takanobu Kamataki, Hiroo Nasu, Masanobu Shishikura, Brian F. Atwater, Benjamin P. Horton, Harvey M. Kelsey, Tamotsu Nagumo, Masaaki Yamaguchi Science
- 2003 Remains of Thuidium subglaucinum in the Chengtoushan archaeological site, Hunan, China Hiroo Nasu, Naoki Nishimura,Yoshinori Yasuda Bryological Research