氏名 |
志藤 あずさ |
氏名(カナ) |
シトウ アズサ |
氏名(英語) |
Shito Azusa |
所属 |
生物地球学部 生物地球学科 |
職名 |
講師 |
researchmap研究者コード |
1000312215 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2020/12 Electrical conductive fluid-rich zones and their influence on the earthquake initiation, growth, and arrest processes: Observations from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Kyushu Island, Japan Koki Aizawa, Shinichi Takakura, Hisafumi Asaue, Katsuaki Koike, Ryokei Yoshimura, Ken'ichi Yamazaki, Shintaro Komatsu, Mitsuru Utsugi, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kaori Tsukamoto, Makoto Uyeshima, Takao Koyama, Wataru Kanda, Tohru Yoshinaga, Nobuo Matsushima, Kazunari Uchida, Yuko Tsukashima, Takeshi Matsushima, Hiroshi Ichihara, Dan Muramatsu, Yoshiko Teguri, Azusa Shito, Satoshi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Shimizu Earth, Planets and Space
- 2020/09 2016年熊本地震合同観測データ ー地震学的解析の基礎的資料としてー 志藤あずさ、光岡郁穂、松本聡、他78名 地震
- 2020/08 Spatiotemporal Change in the Stress State Around the Hypocentral Area of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence Ayaho Mitsuoka, Azusa Shito, Satoshi Matsumoto, Yusuke Yamashita, Manami Nakamoto, Shin'ichi Sakai, Yoshihisa Iio, Hiroshi Shimizu, Kazuhiko Goto,Tomomi Okada, Mako Ohzono, Yoshiko Yamanaka, Masahiro Kosuga,Masayuki Yoshimi, and Youichi Asano J. Geophys. Res.
- 2020/06 3‐D intrinsic and scattering seismic attenuation structures beneath Kyushu, Japan Shito A., Matsumoto S., Ohkura T., Shimizu H., Sakai S., Iio Y., Takahashi H., Yakiwara H., Watanabe T., Kosuga M., Okada T., Yoshimi M., and Asano Y. J. Geophys. Res.
- 2018/11 Numerical Shake Prediction for Earthquake Early Warning Incorporating Heterogeneous Attenuation Structure: The Case of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Ogiso, M., Hoshiba M., Shito A., and Matsumoto S. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.
- 2017/08 Seismic velocity structure in the source region of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, Japan hito A., Matsumoto S., Shimizu H., Ohkura T., Takahashi H., Sakai S., Okada T., Miyamachi H., Kosuga M., Maeda Y., Yoshimi M., Asano Y., and Okubo M. Geophys. Res. Lett.
- 2017/01 Seismicity controlled by resistivity structure: the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Kyushu Island, Japan Aizawa K., Hisafumi Asaue H., Koike K., Shinichi Takakura S., Utsugi M., Inoue H., Yoshimura R., Yamazaki K., Komatsu S., Uyeshima M., Koyama T., Kanda W., Shiotani T., Matsushima N., Hata M., Yoshinaga T., Uchida K., Tsukashima Y., Shito A., Fujita S., Asuma Wakabayashi A., Tsukamoto K., Matsushima T., Miyazaki M., Kondo K., Takashima K., Hashimoto T., Tamura M., Matsumoto S., Yamashita Y., Nakamoto M., and Shimizu H.Aizawa K., Asaue H., and Koike K. Earth Planets Space
- 2015/06 Evolution of the oceanic lithosphere inferred from Po/So waves traveling in the Philippine Sea Plate Shito A., Suetsugu D., and Furumura T. J. Geophys. Res.
- 2013/05 Small-scale heterogeneities in the oceanic lithosphere inferred from guided waves hito A., Suetsugu D., Furumura T., Sugioka H., and Ito A. Geophys. Res. Lett.