氏名 |
久楽 賢治 |
氏名(カナ) |
クタラ ケンジ |
氏名(英語) |
Kutara Kenji |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
講師 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000294859 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/09 Superior bone regenerative properties of carbonate apatite with locational bone-active factors through an inorganic process Sugiura Y, Ono F, Nohara M, Funabiki M, Kutara K, Kanda T, Yamada E, Horie M. 共著 Regenerative Therapy
- 2024/07 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection in a dog K. Sugimoto, K. Arai, Y. Mochizuki, N. Akashi, R. Yoshitake, K. Kutara 共著 Journal of Small Animal Practice
- 2024/07 Bilateral simple ectopic kidney with congenital portosystemic shunt and caudal vena cava with azygos continuation in a dog S. Mikawa, N. Akashi, R. Yoshitake, K. Kutara 共著 Journal of Small Animal Practice
- 2024/07 Serum amino acid profiles in clinically normal Noma horses Keiichi HISAEDA, Tetsushi ONO, Sho KADEKARU, Akihisa HATA, Takako SHIMOKAWA MIYAMA, Kenji KUTARA, Keisuke SUGIMOTO, Yasuharu HIASA, Emi OHZAWA, Tetsuo KUNIEDA … 共著 Journal of Equine Science
- 2023/12 Postmortem magnetic resonance imaging findings of tricuspid atresia with ventricular and atrial septal defects and subvalvular pulmonic stenosis in a Japanese native Noma horse Kenji KUTARA, Sho KADEKARU, Keiichi HISAEDA, Keisuke SUGIMOTO, Tetsushi ONO, Yoichi INOUE, Shinichi NAKAMURA, Ryohei YOSHITAKE, Emi OHZAWA, Akira GOTO, Eri IWATA, Kenichi SHIBANO, Yumi UNE, Hitoshi KITAGAWA 共著 Journal of Equine Science
- 2023/10 Phenotypic and molecular characterization of novel pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell lines established from a dog Kosuke Kobayashi, Reika Deja Takemura, Jiro Miyamae, Ikki Mitsui, Kohei Murakami, Kenji Kutara, Kohei Saeki, Teppei Kanda, Yasuhiko Okamura, Akihiko Sugiyama 共著 Scientific Reports
- 2023/09 Magnetic resonance imaging findings of the primitive neuroectodermal tumour in lumbosacral spinal cord in a cat Takamasa Itoi, Kenji Kutara, Ikki Mitsui, Natsuki Akashi, Teppei Kanda, Keisuke Sugimoto, Yuki Shimizu, Kazuaki Yamazoe 共著 Veterinary Medicine and Science
- 2023/04 Inorganic silica hybrid octacalcium phosphate bone substitute: Harmonics to acceleration in biological metabolism and its curing process Yuki Sugiura;Fumiko Ono;Masakatsu Nohara;Ayumu Takechi;Kenji Kutara;Teppei Kanda;Yasuko Saito;Etsuko Yamada;Kazuo Oowada;Takashi Endo;Masanori Horie;Yoji Makita 共著 Materialia
- 2023/01
Variation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters in the Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Cord (C1-C5 and C6-T2) Segments of Normal Beagle Dogs Kiyotaka Arai;Takamasa Itoi;Natsuki Akashi;Masahiro Miyabe;Keisuke Sugimoto;Akira Matsuda;Noritaka Maeta;Teppei Kanda;Kenji Kutara Veterinary Sciences
- 2022/11 Effect of Hot Water Bottles on Body Temperature during Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Dogs under General Anesthesia: A Retrospective Study Veterinary Sciences
- 2022/11 Congenital systemic chondrodysplasia in a white lion (Panthera leo) Kenji Kutara;Sho Kadekaru;Reiko Sugisawa;Fumiyo Saito;Yumi Une 共著 veterinary record case reports
- 2022/10
Modified Toyoda technique for total cystectomy and cutaneous ureterostomy in a cat Noritaka Maeta, Kenji Kutara, Kanna Saeki, Fumio Hoshi. 共著 veterinary surgery
- 2022/09 An anatomical study of the skull, the dorsal and ventral nasal conchal bullae and paranasal sinuses in normal Noma horses: Computed tomographic anatomical and morphometric findings Kenji Kutara,Tetsushi Ono,Keiichi Hisaeda,Yoichi Inoue,Chizuka Henmi,Kadekaru Sho,Akihiro Ohnishi,Emi Ohzawa,Yumi Une,Eri Iwata,Kenichi Shibano,Taketoshi Asanuma,Hitoshi Kitagawa 共著 Anatomia Histologia Embryologia
- 2022/03
Ag-substituted octacalcium phosphate blocks that exhibit high osteoconductivity and high antibacterial activity toward various pathogens Yuki Sugiura;Fumiko Ono;Masakatsu Nohara;Reina Horino;Kenji Kutara;Teppei Kanda;Kazuo Oowada;Masanori Horie;Yoji Makita 共著 MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS
- 2021/08 Noninvasive Thermographic Photographing as an Assessment of the State of Discomfort in a Dog Receiving Radiation Therapy Saeki K, Kutara K, Iwata E, Miyabe M, Shimizu Y, Wada Y, Ohnishi A, Matsuda A, Miyama TS, Asanuma T. 共著 Animals (Basel).
- 2021/06 Local Hemodynamic Changes Immediately after Correction of an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery in a Dog: A Contrast Computed Tomographic Study Yohei Mochizuki#, Shoma Mikawa#, Kenji Kutara*, Keisuke Sugimoto, Hirosei Sakoya, Akihiro Ohnishi, Kanna Saeki, Yuki Shimizu, Teppei Kanda, Taketoshi Asanuma veterinary sciences
- 2021/06 Pyogenic Meningitis and Trigeminal Neuritis Secondary to Periodontogenic Paranasal Sinusitis in a Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) Kenji Kutara, Sho Kadekaru, Reiko Sugisawa, Yumi Une. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2021/01 Dysuria Associated with Non-Neoplastic Bone Hyperplasia of the Os Penis in a Pug Dog Noritaka Maeta , Takako Shimokawa Miyama , Kenji Kutara , Teppei Kanda , Ikki Mitsui , Akihiro Ohnishi , Masahiro Miyabe , Yuki Shimizu , Kaori Saeki , Yasuhiko Okamura , Kazuaki Yamazoe Veterinary Sciences
- 2020/12 The Outcome and CT Findings of Low-Dose Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy with SQAP in a Cat with Thymoma Kenji Kutara , Yohei Mochizuki , Akihiro Ohnishi , Ikki Mitsui , Teppei Kanda , Akihiko Sugiyama , Noritaka Maeta , Kosuke Kobayashi , Yuki Shimizu , Yasuhiko Okamura , Taketoshi Asanuma Veterinary Sciences
- 2020/07 Effects of Sedation by Intramuscular Administration of Medetomidine on Canine Abdominal Vascular System and Hepatic Parenchyma Imaging Using Enhancement Dynamic Computed Tomography Kenji Kutara , Teppei Kanda, Noritaka Maeta, Yohei Mochizuki, Yoshiki Itoh, Fumiko Ono and Taketoshi Asanuma Veterinary sciences
- 2020/03 Combining non-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance thoracic ductography with vascular contrast-enhanced computed tomography to identify the canine thoracic duct Kenji Kutara, Teppei Kanda, Noritaka maeta, Yohei Mochizuki, Fumiko Ono, Yoshiki Itoh, Taketoshi Asanuma. Open Veterinary Journal
- 2020/03 尿管皮膚瘻造設術を実施したイヌに対する周術期看護の1例. 宮部真裕, 佐伯香織, 清水夕貴, 和田優子, 石川美咲, 星史雄, 前田憲孝, 山添和明, 大西章弘, 浅沼武敏, 久楽賢治, 神田鉄平. Veterinary Nursing.
- 2020/02 術後にオピオイドの投与による有害反応を呈したイヌの看護二事例 清水夕貴 , 宮部真裕 , 和田優子 , 岡村泰彦 , 前田憲孝 , 大西章弘 , 久楽賢治 , 下川孝子 , 神田鉄平 Veterinary Nursing
- 2019/09 Magnetic resonance imaging findings of an intradural extramedullary hemangiosarcoma in a dog. Kutara K, Maeta N, Kanda T, Ohnishi A, Mitsui I, Miyabe M, Shimizu Y, Okamura Y. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2018/03 CT cholangiography in dogs with gallbladder mucocoele. Hayakawa S, Sato K, Sakai M, Kutara K, Asano K, Watari T The Journal of small animal practice
- 2018/01 Gallbladder Agenesis in 17 Dogs: 2006-2016. Sato K, Sakai M, Hayakawa S, Sakamoto Y, Kagawa Y, Kutara K, Teshima K, Asano K, Watari T Journal of veterinary internal medicine
- 2017/11 Triple-phase helical computed tomography in dogs with solid splenic masses. Kutara K, Seki M, Ishigaki K, Teshima K, Ishikawa C, Kagawa Y, Edamura K, Nakayama T, Asano K The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2017/12 Triple-phase helical computed tomography of an arterio-hepatic venous shunt in a hepatic tumor in a dog. Kutara K, Konno T, Kondo H, Yamazoe H, Matsunaga S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2017/12 門脈体循環シャントと後大静脈欠損奇静脈連結を合併した内臓錯位の犬の1例 秋山緑, 久楽賢治, 湯地俊郎, 町田登 動物臨床医学
- 2016/11 Determination of Porto-Azygos Shunt Anatomy in Dogs by Computed Tomography Angiography. Or M, Ishigaki K, de Rooster H, Kutara K, Asano K Veterinary surgery
- 2016/04 Preoperative Differential Diagnosis of Canine Adrenal Tumors Using Triple-Phase Helical Computed Tomography. Yoshida O, Kutara K, Seki M, Ishigaki K, Teshima K, Ishikawa C, Iida G, Edamura K, Kagawa Y, Asano K Veterinary surgery
- 2014/10 A Dog with Right Auricular Aneurysm Diagnosed with Computed Tomography Angiography Takashi NAKAMURA, Haruna TATEISHI, Chieko ISHIKAWA, Kenji KUTARA, Junseok LEE, Masami UECHI 動物の循環器
- 2014/06 小動物歯科における診断ツールとしてのCT 久楽賢治, 石川智恵子, 大橋慎也, 中山智宏, 幅田功, 大場茂夫 獣医臨床病理
- 2014/03 Gene expression of growth factors and growth factor receptors for potential targeted therapy of canine hepatocellular carcinoma. Iida G, Asano K, Seki M, Sakai M, Kutara K, Ishigaki K, Kagawa Y, Yoshida O, Teshima K, Edamura K, Watari T The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2014/01 Triple-phase helical computed tomography in dogs with hepatic masses. Kutara K, Seki M, Ishikawa C, Sakai M, Kagawa Y, Iida G, Ishigaki K, Teshima K, Edamura K, Nakayama T, Asano K Veterinary radiology & ultrasound
- 2012/05 犬における腎臓造影CT撮像法 西田幹, 久楽賢治, 藤原めぐみ, 中山智宏, 石川智恵子, 河野正太, 上地正実 日本獣医師会雑誌
- 2011/06 犬の脾臓の腫瘤性病変に対する造影超音波検査の診断学的意義 久楽賢治, 浅野和之, 手島健次, 関真美子, 石垣久美子, 飯田玄徳, 田中茂男 動物臨床医学
- 2011/05 小型犬における腹部造影CTの撮像プロトコールの検討 久楽賢治, 浅野和之, 北川勝人, 伊藤大介, 手島健次, 中山智宏, 亘敏広, 田中茂男 日本獣医師会雑誌
- 2009/06 Gene expression of adrenomedullin in canine normal tissues and diseased hearts. Kanno N, Asano K, Teshima K, Kutara K, Seki M, Edamura K, Kano R, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2007/02 Evaluation of left ventricular Tei index (index of myocardial performance) in healthy dogs and dogs with mitral regurgitation. Teshima K, Asano K, Iwanaga K, Koie H, Uechi M, Kato Y, Kutara K, Kanno N, Seki M, Edamura K, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2007/01 Clinical significance of circulating vascular endothelial growth factor in dogs with mammary gland tumors. Kato Y, Asano K, Mogi T, Kutara K, Teshima K, Edamura K, Tsumagari S, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2006/12 Evaluation of right ventricular Tei index (index of myocardial performance) in healthy dogs and dogs with tricuspid regurgitation. Teshima K, Asano K, Iwanaga K, Koie H, Uechi M, Kato Y, Kutara K, Edamura K, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S 共著 The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2006/10 Gene expressions of canine angiopoietin-1 and -2 in normal tissues and spontaneous tumours. Kato Y, Asano K, Mizutani I, Konno T, Sasaki Y, Kutara K, Teshima K, Edamura K, Kano R, Suzuki K, Shibuya H, Sato T, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S Research in veterinary science
- 2006/09 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva-like condition in a cat. Asano K, Sakata A, Shibuya H, Kitagawa M, Teshima K, Kato Y, Sasaki Y, Kutara K, Seki M, Edamura K, Sato T, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2006/07 Periorbital cyst with bone defect in a dog. Ito K, Asano K, Urano T, Ogiwara N, Seki M, Kato Y, Sasaki Y, Teshima K, Kutara K, Edamura K, Shibuya H, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2006/05 Contrast harmonic imaging of canine hepatic tumors. Kutara K, Asano K, Kito A, Teshima K, Kato Y, Sasaki Y, Edamura K, Shibuya H, Sato T, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2005/12 Assessment of left ventricular function using pulsed tissue Doppler imaging in healthy dogs and dogs with spontaneous mitral regurgitation. Teshima K, Asano K, Sasaki Y, Kato Y, Kutara K, Edamura K, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S The Journal of veterinary medical science
- 2005/01 ルチンによる治療が奏効した特発性乳糜胸の猫の1例 加藤 友香, 浅野 和之, 並木 誠, 久楽 賢治, 佐々木 由枝, 手島 健次, 枝村 一弥, 田中 茂男 日本獣医師会雑誌
- 2024/11 Therapeutic effect of nimustine in a dog with intracranial histiocytic sarcoma Michihito Tagawa, Takamasa Itoi, Ryohei Yoshitake, Kenji Kutara, Natsuki Akashi, Ikki Mitsui, Yasuhiko Okamura 共著 open veterinary journal
- 2019/06 硬膜内髄外に発生した犬の血管肉腫の1例 久楽 賢治、前田 憲孝、神田 鉄平、大西 章弘、三井 一鬼、 宮部 真裕、清水 夕貴、岡村 泰彦 第96回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2017/02 肝臓腫瘤の造影CT 久楽賢治 獣医内科学アカデミー2017年大会
- 2016/05 腫瘍に生かすCT/MRI画像診断 久楽賢治 第15回日本獣医がん学会
- 2015/10 腹腔内に多発する異所性脾臓を認めた犬の1例. 金野敏明, 近藤広孝, 久楽賢治, 永田雅彦, 安藤純. 平成27年度関東・東京合同地区獣医師大会・三学会.
- 2015/06 特発性腎出血に部分的腎動脈結紮を行った犬の一例. 加藤直之, 石垣久美子, 久楽賢治, 関真美子, 手島健次, 枝村一弥, 浅野和之. 第90回日本獣医麻酔外科学会
- 2013/11 Preoperative differential diagnosis of canine adrenal tumors by using triple-phase helical computed tomography. Yoshida O, Kutara K, Ishigaki K, Teshima K, Seki M, Iida G, Edamura K, Asano K. The 2013 American College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Symposium.
- 2013/11 Triple-phase helical computed tomography in dogs with splenic masses Kutara K, Asano K, Seki M, Ishigaki K, Teshima K, Komazaki S, Yoshida O, Iida G, Edamura K, Nakayama T. The 2013 American College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Symposium.
- 2013/02 頭蓋を含む CT 撮影を行った犬の歯に対する回顧的研究 久楽賢治、石川智恵子、大風百合子、片野浩二、竹井稲子、川名友己、大橋慎也、伊藤大介、関真美子、手島健次、丸山治彦、枝村一弥、坂井学、浅野和之、北川勝人、山谷吉樹、大場茂夫、亘敏広、中山智宏1、幅田功 第21回日本小動物歯科研究会症例検討会.
- 2012/11 犬の肝外性門脈体循環シャントの新しい分類法と最適な血管閉鎖部位の検討 浅野和之、久楽賢治、坂井学、石垣久美子、関真美子、手島健次 平成23年度日本獣医師会年次大会
- 2012/10 犬の脾臓腫瘤病変に対するTriple-phase helical CT の診断精度 久楽賢治, 浅野和之, 関真美子, 石垣久美子, 手島健次, 石川智恵子, 駒崎瀬利, 吉田織江, 飯田玄徳, 枝村一弥, 中山智宏 第33回動物臨床医学会年次大会.
- 2012/02 犬の歯科におけるMPRに適したCT画像の再構成画像と臨床応用 久楽賢治, 石川智恵子, 大風百合子, 片野浩二, 竹井稲子, 川名友己, 大橋慎也, 伊藤大介, 北川勝人, 大場茂夫, 中山智宏, 幅田功 獣医内科学アカデミー2012年大会.
- 2008/09 犬の肝細胞癌における画像診断手技による早期診断法の確立に関する検討. 久楽賢治 学術フロンティア推進事業「人獣共通感染症のサーベイランス」公開シンポジウム
- 2007/09 僧帽弁逆流犬におけるアドレノメデュリン投与の循環動態に及ぼす影響. 菅野信之,浅野和之,手島健次,久楽賢治,関真美子,枝村一弥,田中茂男 第144回日本獣医学会学術集会
- 2007/09 僧帽弁閉鎖不全症の犬におけるパルス組織ドプラ左室Tei indexを用いた左室機能評価. 手島健次,浅野和之,上地正実,鯉江洋,菅野信之,関真美子,久楽賢治,枝村一弥,長谷川篤彦,田中茂男 第144回日本獣医学会学術集会.
- 2007/09 犬の全肝阻血における血行動態の変化 関真美子,浅野和之,小泉裕美,菅野信之,久楽賢治,手島健次,枝村一弥,田中茂男 第144回日本獣医学会学術集会.
- 2006/09 Levovist-enhanced contrast harmonic imaging of canine abdominal masses. Kutara K, Asano K, Edamura K, Shibuya H, Sato T, Hasegawa A, Tanaka S. The 24th Annual American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine forum.
- 2006/06 フェンタニルパッチ使用例においてNSAIDsとオピオイドを併用した鎮痛効果の比較. 駒崎瀬利,枝村一弥,菅野信之,関真美子,久楽賢治,加藤友香,手島健次,浅野和之,田中茂男 第72回獣医麻酔外科学会.
- 2006/06 直腸子宮瘻管を合併するⅢ型鎖肛の症例に対し外科的治療を行った犬の一例. 石垣久美子,枝村一弥,山田武喜, 菅野信之,関真美子,久楽賢治,加藤友香,手島健次,高橋朋子,浅野和之,田中茂男 第72回獣医麻酔外科学会.
- 2006/04 犬の腹腔病変に対する超音波造影法の検討. 久楽賢治,浅野和之,加藤友香,手島健次,関真美子,菅野信之,渋谷久,佐藤常男,枝村一弥,長谷川篤彦,田中茂男 第72回獣医麻酔外科学会.
- 2006/03 犬におけるカラーMモード心エコー図法を用いた左室拡張機能評価の有用性. 手島健次,浅野和之,浅井洋介,鯉江洋,加藤友香,佐々木由枝, 久楽賢治,枝村一弥,長谷川篤彦,田中茂男 第141回日本獣医学会学術大会.