氏名 |
齋藤 文代 |
氏名(カナ) |
サイトウ フミヨ |
氏名(英語) |
Saito Fumiyo |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000357497 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2020/04 Molecular Profiling of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cells and their Application for Drug Safety Study 共著 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- 2019/10 Differential responses on energy metabolic pathway reprogramming between genotoxic and non-genotoxic hepatocarcinogens in rat liver cells. J Toxicol Pathol.
- 2019/09 Twenty-eight-day repeated oral doses of sodium valproic acid increases neural stem cells and suppresses differentiation of granule cell lineages in adult hippocampal neurogenesis of postpubertal rats. Watanabe Y, Nakajima K, Ito Y, Akahori Y, Saito F, Woo GH, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Lett.
- 2019/05 Expression Characteristics of Genes Hypermethylated and Downregulated in Rat Liver Specific to Non-genotoxic Hepatocarcinogens. Ito Y, Nakajima K, Masubuchi Y, Kikuchi S, Saito F, Akahori Y, Jin M, Yoshida T, Shibutani M Toxicol Sci.
- 2019/02 Mechanism-based evaluation sustem for hepato- and nephrotoxicity or carcinogenicity using omics technology. Saito F. Alternative to Animal Testing
- 2017/08 CSAHi study-2: Validation of multi-electrode array systems for prediction of drug-induced proarrhythmia using human iPS cell-derived cardiomyocytes: Assessment of reference compounds and comparison with non-clinical studies and clinical information. Nozaki Y, Honda Y, Watanabe H, Saiki S, Koyabu K, Itoh T, Nagasawa C, Nakamori C, Nakayama C, Iwasaki H, Suzuki S, Tanaka K, Takahashi E, Miyamoto K, Morimura K, Yamanishi A, Endo H, Shinozaki J, Nogawa H, Shinozawa T, Saito F, Kunimatsu T. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol.
- 2017/04 Investigation of the early-response genes in chemical-induced renal carcinogenicity for the prediction of chemical carcinogenicity in rats Matsumoto H, Saito F, Takeyoshi M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2016/11 Global gene expression profiles in brain regions reflecting abnormal neuronal and glial functions targeting myelin sheaths after 28-day exposure to cuprizone in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. Abe H, Saito F, Tanaka T, Mizukami S, Watanabe Y, Imatanaka N, Akahori Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.
- 2016/11 Immunohistochemistry of aberrant neuronal development induced by 6-propyl-2-thiouracil in rats. Shiraki A, Tanaka T, Watanabe Y, Saito F, Akahori Y, Imatanaka N, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Lett.
- 2016/06 Simpler alternative to CARCINOscreen(R) based on quantitative PCR (qPCR). Saito F, Matsumoto H, Akahori Y, Takeyoshi M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2016/01 Developmental cuprizone exposure impairs oligodendrocyte lineages differentially in cortical and white matter tissues and suppresses glutamatergic neurogenesis signals and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rats. Abe H, Saito F, Tanaka T, Mizukami S, Hasegawa-Baba Y, Imatanaka N, Akahori Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.
- 2016/01 Gene expression profiling of the hippocampal dentate gyrus in an adult toxicity study captures a variety of neurodevelopmental dysfunctions in rat models of hypothyroidism. Shiraki A, Saito F, Akane H, Akahori Y, Imatanaka N, Itahashi M, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. J Appl Toxicol.
- 2015/12 Applicability of a gene expression based prediction method to SD and Wistar rats: an example of CARCINOscreen(R) Matsumoto H, Saito F, Takeyoshi M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2015/12 Differences in gene expression profiles in liver caused by different types of anesthesia: cases of CO2-O2 and isoflurane. Yamashita K, Matsumoto H, Saito F, Takeyoshi M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2015/09 Cuprizone decreases intermediate and late-stage progenitor cells in hippocampal neurogenesis of rats in a framework of 28-day oral dose toxicity study. Abe H, Tanaka T, Kimura M, Mizukami S, Saito F, Imatanaka N, Akahori Y, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
- 2014/12 Gene expression profile of brain regions reflecting aberrations in nervous system development targeting the process of neurite extension of rat offspring exposed developmentally to glycidol. Akane H, Saito F, Shiraki A, Imatanaka N, Akahori Y, Itahashi M, Wang L, Shibutani M. J Appl Toxicol.
- 2014/10 CARCINOscreen(R): New short-term prediction method for hepatocarcinogenicity of chemicals based on hepatic transcript profiling in rats. Matsumoto H, Saito F, Takeyoshi M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2014/09 Downregulation of immediate-early genes linking to suppression of neuronal plasticity in rats after 28-day exposure to glycidol. Akane H, Saito F, Shiraki A, Takeyoshi M, Imatanaka N, Itahashi M, Murakami T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.
- 2014/08 Expression alterations of genes on both neuronal and glial development in rats after developmental exposure to 6-propyl-2-thiouracil. Shiraki A, Saito F, Akane H, Takeyoshi M, Imatanaka N, Itahashi M, Yoshida T, Shibutani M. Toxicol Lett.
- 2013/06 Methacarn as a whole brain fixative for gene and protein expression analyses of specific brain regions in rats. Akane H, Saito F, Yamanaka H, Shiraki A, Imatanaka N, Akahori Y, Morita R, Mitsumori K, Shibutani M. J Toxicol Sci.
- 2011/10 New short term prediction method for chemical carcinogenicity by hepatic transcript profiling following 28-day toxicity tests in rats. Matsumoto H, Yakabe Y, Saito F, Saito K, Sumida K, Sekijima M, Nakayama K, Miyaura H, Otsuka M, Shirai T. Cancer Inform.
- 2009/11 Discrimination of carcinogens by hepatic transcript profiling in rats following 28-day administration. Matsumoto H, Yakabe Y, Saito K, Sumida K, Sekijima M, Nakayama K, Miyaura H, Saito F, Otsuka M, Shirai T. Cancer Inform.
- 2009/04 A stable human progesterone receptor expressing HeLa reporter cell line as a tool in chemical evaluation at the different cell-cycle phases. Mori T, Murata M, Yoshino T, Nakasono S, Saito F, Takeyama H, Matsunaga T. Toxicol Lett.
- 2009/01 High mobility group box associated with cell proliferation appears to play an important role in hepatocellular carcinogenesis in rats and humans. Suzuki S, Takeshita K, Asamoto M, Takahashi S, Kandori H, Tsujimura K, Saito F, Masuko K, Shirai T. Toxicology.
- 2008/09 Novel method for evaluation of chemicals based on ligand-dependent recruitment of GFP labeled coactivator to estrogen receptor displayed on bacterial magnetic particles. Yoshino T, Kaji C, Nakai M, Saito F, Takeyama H, Matsunaga T. Anal Chim Acta.
- 2008/06 Development and application of a stable HeLa cell line capable of site-specific transgenesis using the Cre-lox system: establishment and application of a stable TNFRI knockdown cell line to cytotoxicity assay. Saito F, Yokota H, Sudo Y, Yakabe Y, Takeyama H, Matsunaga T. Toxicol In Vitro.
- 2008/04 Reporter gene assay against lipophilic chemicals based on site-specific genomic recombination of a nuclear receptor gene, its response element, and a luciferase reporter gene within a stable HeLa cell line. Mori T, Saito F, Yoshino T, Takeyama H, Matsunaga T. Biotechnol Bioeng.
- 2006/12 Application of RNAi inducible TNFRI knockdown cells to the analysis of TNFalpha-induced cytotoxicity. Saito F, Yokota H, Sudo Y, Yakabe Y, Takeyama H, Matsunaga T. Toxicol In Vitro.
- 2005/04 Characterization of an exchangeable gene trap using pU-17 carrying a stop codon-beta geo cassette. Taniwaki T, Haruna K, Nakamura H, Sekimoto T, Oike Y, Imaizumi T, Saito F, Muta M, Soejima Y, Utoh A, Nakagata N, Araki M, Yamamura K, Araki K. Dev Growth Differ.
- 1999/12 Arginine-55 in the beta-arm is essential for the activity of DNA-binding protein HU from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Saitoh F, Kawamura S, Yamasaki N, Tanaka I, Kimura M. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.