氏名 |
松下 尚史 |
氏名(カナ) |
マツシタ ヒサシ |
氏名(英語) |
Matsushita Hisashi |
所属 |
情報理工学部 情報理工学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
1000113774 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2013/03 ロボコンを通じたフレッシュマンのためのロボティクス・メカトロニクス教育-振動モータを用いた移動ロボットコンテスト- 赤木徹也、久野弘明、荒木圭典、松浦洋司、藤本真作、松下尚史、山田訓、堂田周治郎 日本ロボット学会誌
- 2012/04 Development of Flexible Pneumatic Cylinder with Built-in Flexible Linear Encoder and Flexible Bending Sensor Akagi,T., Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Fukuhara,A. Journal of System Design and Dynamics
- 2012/01 体系的工学キャリア教育とキャリアポートフォリオ作成システムの開発 松浦洋司、大倉充、荒木圭典、島田恭宏、島田英之、笠展幸、松下尚史、内貴猛、クルモフバレリー、林紘三郎 工学教育
- 2010/02 Development of Opto-Pneumatic ON/OFF Control Valve Akagi,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. Journal of Fulid Science and Technology
- 2009/03 ホバークラフト機構付き車いすの開発 田中小百合、林加代子、松下尚史、堂田周治郎、赤木徹也 岡山理科大学紀要
- 2016/08 岡山理科大学における入学前教育と高大連携の取り組み 松下尚史、松尾美香、西村次郎 日本リメディアル教育学会第12回全国大会
- 2012/11 Improvement of Small-Sized Digital Servo Valve for Wearable Pneumatic Actuator Dohta,S., Akagi,T., Masago,Y., Matsushita,H. and Zhang, Ying 5th International Conference on Positioning Technology
- 2007/12 Mechatronics education for freshmen in university -Mobile robot competition using vibration motor- T. Akagi, H. Kuno, S. Fujimoto, H. Matsuura, K. Araki, H. Matsushita, S. Yamada and S. Dohta International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics, 2007
- 2007/07 Natural flowing movement of a robot arm using proposed flexible pneumatic cylinders S. Dohta, T.Akagi, H. Matsushita and T. Nango 9th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 2007/01 ホバークラフト機構付き車いすの開発 松下尚史 平成18年度大学発新事業創出促進事業 大学発!技術シーズ発信会
- 2006/10 Development of bending actuator using rubber artificial muscle and its application to robot hand F.Zhao, T.Akagi, S.Dohta and H.Matsushita SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006
- 2006/10 Development of flexible displacement sensor using nylon string coated with carbon and its application for McKibben actuator I.Hamamoto, T.Akagi, S.Dohta and H.Matsushita SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006
- 2006/10 Development of flexible robot arm using rod-less type flexible pneumatic cylinders T.Nango, T.Akagi, S.Dohta and H.Matsushita SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006
- 2006/07 Development and improvement of McKibben artificiall muscle with a long stroke motion T.Akagi, S.Dohta and H.Matsushita International Symposium On Flexible Automation
- 2005/08 Simultaneous optimum design for the structural and control systems of the pneumatic servo type active suspension Matsushita,H. and Dohta,S. 13th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering
- 2005/08 Study on pneumatic soft actuator with flexible displacement sensor Shinohara,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. SICE Annual Conference 2005 in Okayama
- 2004/12 歩行訓練の効率化を目指した研究 松下尚史 大学発新事業創出促進事業 技術シーズ発信会
- 2004/07 Development of a rubber finger with flexible displacement sensor Shinohara,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation
- 2004/06 Development of a soft actuator with a built-in flexible displacement sensor Shinohara,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. 9th International Conference on new actuators
- 2003/08 Study on pneumatic robot hand Shinohara,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. 7th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 2002/11 Development of a pneumatic rubber hand Shinohara,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 2002/11 Development of opto-pneumatic on-off valve Akagi,T., Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Takechi,K. 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 2002/01 空気圧を利用したサスペンションの開発 松下尚史 産学連携セミナー
- 2000/08 Application of a flexible strain sensor to a pneumatic rubber hand Dohta,S., Ban,Y. and Matsushita,H. 6th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 2000/08 Optical servo valve and its optimal design Dohta,S., Akagi,T., Matsushita,H. and Nakanishi,N. 6th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 2000/03 同時最適設計法の利用による空気圧サーボサスペンションの設計 松下尚史 日本機械学会中国四国支部インテリジェント制御技術研究会
- 1999/11 A basic study on optimal design of opto-pneumatic servo system Akagi,T., Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Morita,M. 4th JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 1999/11 A compound pneumatic hand and its application to a pneumatic handling machine Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Kawamura,T. 4th JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 1999/11 Improvement of the performance on pneumatic servo type active suspension using simultaneous optimum design method of structural and control system Nakamura,M., Matsushita,H. and Dohta,S. 4th JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 1999/11 Robust control on high speed positioning of pneumatic servo system Matsushita,H. and Dohta,S. 4th JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 1998/08 Improvement of control performance of an opto-pneumatic control system Akagi,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics
- 1998/08 Improvement of the performance of vibration isolation for pneumatic servo type active suspension using a disturbance observer Matsushita,H., Dohta,S. and Noritsugu,T. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics
- 1997/11 Analysis of an optical servo valve and improvement of an opto-pneumatic control system Akagi,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. 5th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 1997/11 Study on a pneumatic rubber hand with flexible strain sensors Dohta,S., Kameda,M. and Matsushita,H. 5th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 1996/07 Development of a control system insensitive to electromagnetic hazards using a photo-fluidic interface Akagi,T., Dohta,S. and Matsushita,H. Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation
- 1996/07 Estimation of road surface roughness with disturbance observer and preview control of rear suspension utilizing its estimated information Matsushita,H., Dohta,S. and Noritsugu,T. Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation
- 1993/11 Attitude control of two wheeled vehicle model with the pneumatic servo type active suspension Matsushita,H., Dohta,S. and Noritsugu,T. 2nd JHPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
- 1993/08 Photo-fluidic interface and its application to an optical servo system Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Akagi,T. Asia/Pacific International Symposium on Instrumentation, Measurement and Automatic Control
- 1991/08 A study of photo-fluidic interface Dohta,S., Matsushita,H. and Takamori,T. 3rd International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization
- 1991/08 Vibration properties of active air suspension based on H infinity control theory Matsushita,H., Dohta,S. and Noritsugu,T. Asia/Pacific International Symposium on Instrumentation, Measurement and Automatic Control