氏名 |
中村 元直 |
氏名(カナ) |
ナカムラ モトナオ |
氏名(英語) |
Nakamura Motonao |
所属 |
生命科学部 生物科学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
6000014705 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2024/08/Intracellular TAS2Rs act as a gatekeeper to excrete harmful substances via ABCB1 in keratinocytes/Mori,S., Nakamura,N., Fuchigami,A., Yoshimoto,S., Sakakibara,M., Ozawa, T., Aoki,J., Inoue,A., Sumida,H., Ando,H. and Nakamura,M./Joint Author/FASEB BioAdvances
- 2023/10/Stepwise phosphorylation of BLT1 defines complex assemblies with b-arrestin serving distinct functions./Tatsumi,R., Aihara,S., Matsune,S., Aoki,J., Inoue,A., Shimizu,T., and Nakamura,M./Joint Author/The FASEB Journal
- 2023/07/Therapeutic target of leukotriene B4 receptors, BLT1 and BLT2: insights from basic research/Nakamura,M., and Shimizu,T./Joint Author/Biochimie
- 2023/06 苦味受容体を介する有害物排除機構の発見と創薬 中村元直 単著 別冊BIO Clinica
- 2023/01/Constitutively active GPR43 is crucial for proper leukocyte differentiation./Miyasato,S., Iwata,K., Mura,R., Nakamura,S., Yanagida,K., Shindou,H., Nagata,Y., Kawahara,M., Yamaguchi,S., Aoki,J., Inoue,A., Naganune,T., Shimizu,T., and Nakamura,M./Joint Author/The FASEB Journal
- 2022/07/Recent advances in function and structure of two leukotriene B4 receptors: BLT1 and BLT2./Nakamura,M., Shimizu,T./Biochemical Pharmacology
- 2022/07/Role of leukotriene B4 (LTB4)-LTB4 receptor 1 signaling in post-incisional nociceptive sensitization and local inflammation in mice/Asahara,M., Ito,N., Hoshino,Y., Sasaki,T., Yokomizo,T., Nakamura,M., Shimizu,T., and Yamada,Y./Joint Author/PLOS ONE
- 2022/05/Bitter taste receptor T2R38 is expressed on skin-infiltrating lymphocytes and regulates lymphocyte migration./Sakakibara,M., Sumida,H., Yanagida,K., Miyasato,S., Nakamura,M., and Sato,S./Joint Author/Scientific Reports
- 2020/09 Leukotriene Nakamura,M., Yokomizo,T Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology
- 2018/10 ロイコトリエン受容体 Yokomizo,T., Nakamura,M., and Shimizu,T. 共著 J.Clin.Invest.
- 2018/08 Stepwise phosphorylation of leukotriene B4 receptor 1 defines cellular responses to leukotriene B4. Nakanishi,Y., Tan,M., Ichiki,T., Inoue,A. Yoshihara,J., Maekawa,N., Takenoshita.I., Yanagida,K., Yamahira,S., Yamaguchi,S., Aoki,J. Nagamune,T., Yokomizo,T., Shimizu,T., and Nakamura,M. Science Signaling
- 2018/03 Real-time monitoring of pH-dependent intracellular trafficking of ovarian cancer G protein-coupled receptor 1 in living leukocytes, Tan,M., Yamaguchi,S., Nakamura,M. and Nagamune,T. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
- 2018/01 Na+-mimicking ligands stabilize the inactive state of leukotriene B4 receptor BLT1 Hori,T., Okuno,T., Hirata,K., Yamashita,K., Kawano,Y., Yamamoto,M., Hato,M., Nakamura,M., Shimizu,T., Yokomizo,T., Miyano,M. and Yokoyama,S. Nature Chem.Biol.
- 2017/11 Microfluidic preparation of anchored cell membrane sheets for in vitro analyses and manipulation of the cytoplasmic face Izuta,S., Yamaguchi,S., Misawa,R., Yamahira,S., Tan,M., Kawahara,M., Suzuki,T., Takagi,T., Sato,K., Nakamura,M., Nagamune,T. and Okamoto,A. Sci. Rep.
- 2017/06 Quantitative image cytometry for analyzing intracellular trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors on a chemically-trapping single cell array Tan,M., Yamaguchi,S., Yamahira,S., Nakamura,M. and Nagamune,T. Lab on a Chip (Communications)
- 2015/11 The leukotriene B4 receptor BLT1 is stabilized by transmembrane helical capping mutations. Hori,T., Nakamura,M., Yokomizo,T., Shimizu,T., and Miyano,M. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
- 2015/08 The absence of the leukotriene B4 receptor BLT1 attenuates peripheral inflammation and spinal nociceptive processing following intraplantar formalin injury. Asahara,M., Ito,N., Yokomizo,T., Nakamura,M. Shimizu,T., and Yamada Y. The Molecular Pain
- 2015/06 The atypical N-glycosylation motif of human GPR109A required for surface expression and intracellular signaling Yasuda,D., Imura,Y., Ishii,S., Shimizu,T. and Nakamura,M. The FASEB Journal
- 2014/09 Visualization of the pH-dependent dynamic distribution of G2A in living cells. Lan,W., Yamaguchi,S., Yamamoto,T., Yamahira,S., Tan,M., Murakami,N., Zhang,J., Nakamura,M., and Nagamune,T. The FASEB Journal
- 2014/01 Interplay between CXCR2 and BLT1 Facilitates Neutrophil Infiltration and Resultant Keratinocyte Activation in a Murine Model of Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis. Sumida,H., Yanagida,K., Kita,Y., Abe,J., Matsushima,K., Nakamura,M., Ishii,S., Sato,S., and Shimizu,T. J.Immunol.
- 2013/06 Discovery of INT131: a selective PPARγ modulator that enhances insulin sensitivity. J.P. Taygerly, L.R. McGee, S.M. Rubenstein, J.B. Houze, T.D. Cushing, Y. Li, A. Motani, J-L. Chen, W. Frankmoelle, G. Ye, M.R. Learned, J. Jaen, S. Miao, P.B. Timmermans, M. Thoolen, P. Kearney, J. Flygare, H. Beckmann, J. Weiszmann, M. Lindstrom, N. Walker, J. Liu, D. Biermann, Z. Wang, A. Hagiwara, T. Iida, H. Aramaki, Y. Kitao, H. Shinkai, N. Furukawa, J. Nishiu, and M. Nakamura Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem.
- 2013/01 Amino acid residues of G-protein coupled receptors critical for endoplasmic reticulum export and trafficking M. Nakamura, D. Yasuda, N. Hirota, T. Yamamoto, S. Yamaguchi, T. Shimizu, and T. Nagamune Methods in Enzymol.
- 2013/00 PLA2G3, a mammalian homolog of anaphylactic phospholipase A2 in bee venom, facilitates proper maturation of mast cells through the paracrine PGD2 loop. Y. Taketomi, N. Ueno, T. Kojima, M. Kawana, S. Tanaka, M. Sakanaka, M. Nakamura, H. Sato, Y. Nishito, N. Kambe, K. Yamamoto, M.H. Gelb, M. Arita, T. Yokomizo, K. Watanabe, M. Nakamura, T. Shimizu, H. Hirai, K. Aritake, Y. Urade, K. Morimoto, Y. Sugimoto, S. Narumiya, S. Hara, and M. Murakami Nature Immunology
- 2013/00 特異的リガンドによる小胞体蓄積GPCRの細胞膜への搬出 安田大恭、中村元直 生化学
- 2012/00 Trehalose treatment suppresses inflammation, oxidative stress, and vasospasm induced by experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. R. Echigo, N. Shimohata, K. Karatsu, F. Yano, Y. Kayasuga-Kariya, A. Fujisawa, T. Ohto, Y. Kita, M. Nakamura, S. Suzuki, M. Mochizuki, T. Shimizu, U-i. Chung, and N. Sasaki J. Translational Medicine
- 2011/08 Identification and characterization of a novel chemotype MEK inhibitor able to alter the phosphorylation state of MEK1/2. T. Yoshida, J. Kakegawa, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Hantani, N. Okajima, T. Sakai, Y. Watanabe, and M. Nakamura Oncotarget
- 2011/00 Leukotriene Receptors. Nakamura,M., and Shimizu,T. Chemical Reviews
- 2010/00 AML1 enhances the expression of leukotriene B4 type-1 receptor in peripheral leukocytes. T. Hashidate, N. Murakami, M. Nakagawa, M. Ichikawa, M. Kurokawa, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura The FASEB Journal
- 2010/00 Amino acid residues critical for endoplasmic reticulum and trafficking of platelet-activating factor receptor. N. Hirota, D. Yasuda, T. Hashidate, T. Yamamoto, S. Yamaguchi, T. Nagamune, T. Nagase, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura J. Biol. Chem.
- 2010/00 Expression, purification and characterization of leukotriene B4 receptor, BLT1 in Pichia pastoris. T. Hori, Y. Sato, N. Takahashi, K. Takio, T. Yokomizo, M. Nakamura, T. Shimizu, and M. Miyano, Protein Expression and Purification
- 2010/00 Protective roles of the leukotriene B4 receptor BLT2 in murine inflammatory colitis. Y. Iizuka, T. Okuno, K. Saeki, H. Uozaki, S. Okada, T. Misaka, T. Sato, H. Toh, M. Fukayama, N. Takeda, Y. Kita, T. Shimizu, M. Nakamura, and T. Yokomizo The FASEB Journal
- 2010/00 The transport of misfolded G-protein coupled receptors to the cell surface; Specific ligands as pharmacological chaperons M. Nakamura, D. Yasuda, N. Hirota, and T. Shimizu IUBMB Life (Critical Review)
- 2009/00 Helix 8 of leukotriene B4 type-2 receptor is required for the folding to pass the quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum. D. Yasuda, T. Okuno, T. Yokomizo, T. Hori, N. Hirota, T. Hashidate. M. Miyano, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura The FASEB Journal
- 2009/00 Transcriptional regulation of human G2A in monocytes/macrophages: involvement of c/EBPs, Runx and Pu.1. N. Murakami, T. Harayama, T. Hashidate, T. Yokomizo, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura Genes to Cells
- 2008/00 Characterization of an orphan G protein-coupled receptor, GPR20, that constitutively activates Gi proteins. M. Hase, T. Yokomizo, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura J. Biol. Chem.
- 2005/00 腎障害で発現上昇する新規ムチンMUC20 「腎臓病,診断と治療の最前線」(先端医療技術研究所)
- 2004/00 MUC20, a novel mucin-like protein, suppresses HGF-induced Ras-MAPK pathway by association with a multifunctional docking site of Met. T. Higuchi, T. Orita, K. Katsuya, Y. Yamasaki, K. Akiyama, H. Li, T. Yamamoto, Y. Saito, and M. Nakamura Mol. Cell. Biol.
- 2004/00 Molecular cloning, genomic structure and expression analysis of MUC20, a novel mucin protein, up-regulated in injured kidney. T. Higuchi, T. Orita, S. Nakanishi, K. Katsuya, H. Watanabe, Y. Yamasaki, I. Waga, T. Nanayama, Y. Yamamoto, W. Munger, H.W. Sun, R.J. Folk, J.C. Jennette, D.A. Alcorta, H. Li, T. Yamamoto, Y. Saito, and M. Nakamura J. Biol. Chem.
- 2002/00 T0070907, a selective ligand for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ, Functions as an antagonist of biochemical and cellular activities. G. Lee, F. Elwood, J. McNally, J.V. Weiszmann, M. Lindstrom, K. Amaral, M. Nakamura, S. Miao, P. Cao, R.M. Learned, J-L. Chen, and Y. Li J. Biol. Chem.
- 2001/00 Endotherin-1 stimulates leptin production in adipocytes. Y. Xiong, H. Tanaka, J.A. Richardson, S.C. Williams, C.A. Slaughter, M. Nakamura, J-L. Chen, and M. Yanagisawa J. Biol. Chem.
- 2000/00 Disruption of the epilepsy gene KCNQ2 results in neural hyperexcitability. H. Watanabe, E. Nagata, A. Kosaka, M. Nakamura, M. Yokoyama, K. Tanaka, and H. Sasai J. Neurochemistry
- 2000/00 「組織培養の技術 (第三版) 応用編」(分担執筆:レセプター遺伝子の解析法) 中村元直 日本組織培養 学会(編)、朝倉書店
- 1999/00 Genomic structure and functional characterization of NBPox (PMX2B), a homeodomain protein specific to catecholaminergic cells that is involved in second messenger-mediated transcriptional activation. M. Yokoyama, H. Watanabe, and M. Nakamura Genomics
- 1998/00 Obesity and mild hyperinsulinemia found in neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptor lacking mice. A. Kushi, H. Sasai, H. Koizumi, N. Takeda, M. Yokoyama, and M. Nakamura Proc. Natl. Aced. Sci. U.S.A.
- 1998/00 KQT2, a new putative potassium channel family produced by alternative splicing: Isolation, genomic structure, and alternative splicing of the putative potassium channels. M. Nakamura, H. Watanabe, Y. Kubo, M. Yokoyama, T. Matsumoto, H. Sasai, and Y. Nishi Receptors and Channels
- 1998/00 Stimulation of G-CSF gene expression in the macrophage cell line by contact with extracellular matrix proteins and a pre-B leukemia cell line. Y. Aoki, D. Hirano, H. Kodama, Y. Nishi, and M. Nakamura Cytokines
- 1997/00 A simple, rapid and specific radioreceptor assay for platelet-activating factor. Y. Aoki, M. Nakamura, H. Kodama, and T. Shimizu Adv. Exp. Med. Biol.
- 1997/00 Cloning and characterization of a murine platelet-activating factor receptor gene. S. Ishii, M. Nakamura, I. Waga, K. Kume, T. Izumi, and T. Shimizu Adv. Exp. Med. Biol.
- 1997/00 Isolation of a cDNA encoding a widely expressed novel zink finger protein with the LeR and KRAB-A domains. M. Yokoyama, M. Nakamura, K. Okubo, K. Matsubara, T. Matsumoto, and A. Fukushima Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 1997/00 Lysophosphatidylcholine transduces Ca2+ signaling via the platelet-activating factor receptor in murine peritoneal macrophages. T. Ogita, Y. Tanaka, T. Nakaoka, R. Matsuoka, Y. Kira, M. Nakamura, T. Shimizu, and T. Fujita Am. J. Physiol.
- 1997/00 Molecular cloning, organization and localization of the gene for the mouse neuropeptide Y-Y5 receptor. M. Nakamura, M. Yokoyama, H. Watanabe, and T. Matsumoto Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 1996/00 A murine platelet-activating factor receptor gene: cloning, chromosomal localization and up-regulation of expression by lipopolysaccharide in peritoneal resident macrophages. S. Ishii, Y. Matsuda, M. Nakamura, I. Waga, K. Kume, T. Izumi, and T. Shimizu Biochem. J.
- 1996/00 Cloning and Functional Expression of a cDNA Encoding a Mouse Type-2 Neuropeptide Y Receptor. M. Nakamura, Y. Aoki, and D. Hirano Biochim. Biophys. Acta
- 1996/00 Functional coupling of Adenosin A2 receptor to inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade in guinea-pig neutrophils. D. Hirano, Y. Aoki, H. Ogasawara, H. Kodama, I. Waga, C. Sakanaka, T. Shimizu, and M. Nakamura Biochem. J.
- 1996/00 Induction of IL-6 production by bone marrow stromal cells on the adhesion of IL-6-dependent hematopoietic cells. H. Ogasawara, T. Tsuji, D. Hirano, Y. Aoki, M. Nakamura, and H. Kodama J.Cell Physiol.
- 1996/00 Molecular cloning of a human neuro D cDNA from a neuroblastoma cell line specifically expressed in fetal brain and adult cerebellum. M. Yokoyama, Y. Nishi, Y. Miyamoto, M. Nakamura, K. Akiyama, K. Matsubara, and K. Okubo Mol. Brain Res.
- 1996/00 神経ペプチドY (NPY) およびその受容体 中村元直, 清水孝雄 血管と内皮
- 1995/00 Expression of Human Platelet-activating Factor Receptor Gene in EoL-1 Cells following Butyrate-induced Differentiation. T. Izumi, S. Kishimoto, T. Takano, M. Nakamura, Y. Miyabe, M. Nakata, C. Sakanaka, and T. Shimizu Biochem. J.
- 1995/00 Identification of two isoforms of mouse neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptor generated by alternative splicing: Isolation, genomic structure, and functional expression of the receptors. M. Nakamura, C. Sakanaka, Y. Aoki, H. Ogasawara, T. Tsuji, H. Kodama, T. Matsumoto, T. Shimizu, and M. Noma J. Biol. Chem.
- 1995/00 Platelet-activating factor receptor. T. Izumi, T. Takano, H. Bito, M. Nakamura, H. Mutoh, Z. Honda, and T. Shimizu J. Lipid Med.
- 1994/00 A radioreceptor binding assay for platelet-activating factor (PAF) using membranes from CHO cells expressing human PAF receptor. Y. Aoki, M. Nakamura, H. Kodama, T. Matsumoto, T. Shimizu, and M. Noma J. Immun. Methods.
- 1994/00 Cloning, expression and tissue distribution of rat platelet-activating factor cDNA. H. Bito, Z. Honda, M. Nakamura, and T. Shimizu Eur. J. Biochem.
- 1994/00 Structure and function of platelet-activating factor receptor. T. Shimizu, H. Mutoh, I. Waga, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, and T. Izumi "Molecular Basis of Inflammation" (Navarro, J. ed)
- 1994/00 Three-Dimentional model of the human PAF receptor. A. Kajihara, H. Komooka, K. Kamiya, T. Yoneda, S. Yoneda, M. Nakamura, T. Shimizu, and H. Umeyama J. Lipid Mediators Cell Signalling
- 1993/00 アフリカツメガエル卵母細胞の実験 中村元直, 清水孝雄 実験医学 増刊号(情報伝達系基礎実験法)
- 1993/00 Characterization of Prostaglandin F2a Receptor of Mouse 3T3 Fibroblasts and Its Functional Expression in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes. A. Nakao, T. Watanabe, S. Taniguchi, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Shimizu, and K. Kurokawa J. Cell. Physiol.
- 1993/00 Isolation and properties of platelet-activating factor receptor cDNAs. M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Matsumoto, M. Noma, and T. Shimizu J. Lipid Med.
- 1993/00 Two different promoters direct expression of two distinct forms of mRNAs of human platelet-activating factor receptor. H. Mutoh, H. Bito, M. Minami, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Izumi, R. Nakata, Y. Kurachi, A. Terano, and T. Shimizu FEBS Lett.
- 1993/00 Two distinct signal transduction pathways for the activation of guinea-pig macrophages and neutrophils by endotoxin. I. Waga, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, I. Ferby, S. Toyoshima, S. Ishiguro, and T. Shimizu Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
- 1993/00 バイオマニュアルシリーズ3、遺伝子クローニング実験法 (分担執筆:アフリカツメガエルの卵母細胞を用いたレセプター遺伝子の発現クローニング) 中村元直 羊土社
- 1993/00 血小板活性化因子 (PAF) 受容体と情報伝達機構 中村元直, 清水孝雄 BRAINテクノニュース
- 1992/00 Characterization of platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor in the rat brain: PAF mobilized intracellular Ca2+ in hippocampal cells. H. Bito, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Izumi, Y. Seyama, Y. Kudou, and T. Shimizu Neuron
- 1992/00 Endotoxin transduces Ca2+ signaling via platelet-activating factor receptor. M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, I. Waga, T. Matsumoto, M. Noma, and T. Shimizu FEBS Lett.
- 1992/00 Molecular cloning and expression of platelet-activating factor receptor. Z. Honda, M. Nakamura, and T. Shimizu J. Lipid Med.
- 1992/00 Platelet Activating Factor Receptor and Signal Transduction. T. Shimizu, Z. Honda, M. Nakamura, H. Bito, and T. Izumi Biochem. Pharmacol.
- 1992/00 Three types of Giα protein of the guinea-pig lung: cDNA cloning and analysis of their tissue distribution. C. Sakanaka, T. Izumi, M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Watanabe, M. Minami, H. Bito, H. Mutoh, Y. Seyama, M. Ui, and T. Shimizu Biochemica. Biophysica. Acta.
- 1992/00 PAF受容体 中村元直, 清水孝雄 免疫薬理
- 1992/00 PAF受容体と情報伝達機構 中村元直, 清水孝雄 治療学
- 1992/00 PAF受容体と情報伝達機構 中村元直, 本田善一郎, 清水孝雄 ASTHMA
- 1991/00 Cloning by functional expression of platelet-activating factor receptor from guinea-pig lung. Z. Honda, M. Nakamura, I. Miki, M. Minami, T. Watanabe, Y. Seyama, H. Okado, H. Toh, K. Ito, T. Miyamoto, and T. Shimizu Nature
- 1991/00 Molecular cloning and expression of platelet-activating factor receptor from human leukocytes. M. Nakamura, Z. Honda, T. Izumi, C. Sakamaka, H. Mutoh, M. Minami, H. Bito, Y. Seyama, T. Matsumoto, M. Noma, and T. Shimizu J. Biol. Chem.
- 1991/00 Positive and negative elements upstream of the meiosis-spesific glucoamylase gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. K. Kihara, M. Nakamura, R. Akada, and I. Yamashita M.G.G.
- 1990/00 Biosynthesis and function of leukotriene B4, Immunochemical study of leukotriene A4 hydrolase and identification of putative leukotriene B4 receptor. T. Shimizu, N. Ohishi, I. Miki, M. Nakamura, and Y. Seyama Advances Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, Leukotriene Res.
- 1990/00 Expression of a cDNA encoding human 5-lipoxygenase under control of the STA1 promoter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M. Nakamura, T. Matsumoto, M. Noguchi, I. Yamashita, and M. Noma Gene
- 1990/00 Solubilization and characterization of leukotriene B4 receptor-GTP binding protein complex from porcine spleen. I. Miki, T. Watanabe, M. Nakamura, Y. Seyama, M. Ui, F. Sato, and T. Shimizu Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun
- 1990/00 エイコサノイド受容体と情報伝達 中村元直, 清水孝雄 日本臨床
- 1989/00 Expression of human 5-lipoxygenase cDNA in Excherichia coli. Noguchi, T. Matsumoto, M. Nakamura, and M. Noma FEBS Lett.
- 1988/00 Purification and characterization of acid invertase from cultured tobacco cells. M. Nakamura,, M. Hagimori. and T. Matsumoto Agric.Biol.Chem.
- 1987/00 Gene fusion is a possible mechanism underlying the evolution of STA1. I. Yamashita, M. Nakamura, and S. Fukui J.Bacteriol.
- 1985/00 Diversity of molecular structures in the yeast extracellular glucoamylases I. Yamashita, M. Nakamura, S. Fukui J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol.
- 2015/12 Development of the image cytometry method to analyze g-protein coupled receptor kinetics in the cell. ○ Modong Tan, Shinya Yamahira, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Motonao Nakamura, Teruyuki Nagamune The international chemical congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015
- 2015/10 一細胞アレイを用いたpH応答性GPCRの細胞内動態解析 ○ 談莫東、山口哲志、山平真也、中村元直、長棟輝行 日本生物工学会大会
- 2014/00 Reduced local inflammation affected the attenuation of pain behavior following formalin injection in BLT1 deficiency mice Miho Asahara, Nobuko Ito, Yoshitsugu Yamada, Takehiko Yokomizo, Motonao Nakamura, and Takao Shimizu The International Association for the Study of Pain
- 2013/11 Analysis of human leukotriene B4 type 1 receptor phosphorylation sites by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE Yoshimitsu Nakanishi, Keisuke Yanagida, Takao Shimizu, and Motonao Nakamura Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Related Diseases, 13th International Conference
- 2012/00 N型糖鎖修飾が無いα2B型アドレナリン受容体の小胞体内品質管理に ついて 歌代奈和, 井村裕己, 安田大恭, 石浦章一, 清水孝雄 日本生化学会年会
- 2012/00 Phos-tag SDS-PAGE法を用いたロイコトリエンB4第一受容体(BLT1)におけるリン酸化部位の解析 中西由光, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 日本生化学会年会
- 2012/00 ニコチン酸受容体GPR109Aが有するN型糖鎖付加のための非Sequon配列の重要性について 安田大恭, 井村裕己, 石井聡, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 日本生化学会年会
- 2012/00 脂質メディエーターとその受容体研究の創薬に向けた展開 中村元直, 清水孝雄 (シンポジウム世話人) 日本農芸化学会 シンポジウム講演
- 2011/00 G蛋白質共役型受容体ファミリーにおけるN型糖鎖修飾の小胞体搬出に 及ぼす影響 井村祐己, 清水孝雄,中村元直 2011年度日本生化学会年会
- 2011/00 ロイコトリエンB4第一受容体の遺伝子発現調節機構の解明 吉田(橋立)智美, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 2011年度日本生化学会年会
- 2011/00 短鎖脂肪酸を認識するG蛋白質共役型受容体の血球内での発現制御に 関する解析 宮崎陽造, 吉田(橋立)智美, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 2011年度日本生化学会年会
- 2011/00 結晶化のためのロイコトリエンB4受容体(BLT1)の熱安定性と抗BLT1 モノクローナル抗体の作製 堀哲也, 菅原光明, 中村元直,横溝岳彦,清水孝雄, 宮野雅司 2011年度日本生化学会年会
- 2010/10 Gタンパク質共役型受容体(GPCR)研究の細胞内輸送制御を目指した研究 中村元直 広島大学大学院先端物質科学研究科、 分子生命機能科学セミナー
- 2010/04 Importance of Helix 8 for ER Export of Leukotriene B4 type-2 Receptor Yasuda,D., Hirota,N., Hashidate,T., Shimizu,T., Nakamura,M. ASBMB
- 2010/04 Requirement of conserved amino acid residues residues for ER-export and recycling of platelet-activating factor receptor Nakamura,M., Hirota,N, Yasuda,D., Hashidate,T., Yamamoto,T., Yamaguchi,S., Nagamune,T., and Shimizu,T. ASBMB
- 2010/04 The expression of leukotriene B4 type-1 receptor, BLT1, is facilitated by AML1 in leukocytes Hashidate,T., Murakami,N., Shimizu,T., and Nakamura,M. ASBMB
- 2010/00 GPR109a受容体の非典型的な配列に付加するN型糖鎖修飾の重要性 安田大恭, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 BMB2010日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会合同年会
- 2010/00 HL60細胞におけるロイコトリエンB4第一受容体の転写制御 吉田(橋立)智美、清水孝雄、 中村元直 BMB2010日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会合同年会
- 2010/00 Quantity and quality regulation of leukotriene B4 receptors M.Nakamura,, T.Hashidate, D.Yasuda, T.Shimizu Keystone Symposia
- 2010/00 Roles of 12-HHT/LTB4 receptor, BLT2 in murine inflammatory colites 奥野利明, 飯塚佳子, 佐伯和子, 清水孝雄, 中村元直, 横溝岳 BMB2010日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会合同年会
- 2010/00 炎症性腸疾患モデルから明らかになった12-HHT/LTB4受容体BLT2の 抗炎症作用 奥野利明, 飯塚佳子, 佐伯和子, 清水孝雄, 中村元直, 横溝岳彦 第7回東京呼吸器リサーチフォーラム
- 2010/00 結晶化に向けたロイコトリエンB4受容体の大量発現と精製法の確立 堀哲哉, 佐藤陽, 横溝岳彦, 中村元直, 清水孝雄,宮野雅司 BMB2010日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会合同年会
- 2009/12 GPCR研究の新展開 中村元直 山口大学医学部遺伝子実験施設セミナー
- 2009/00 GPCRが有するHelix 8の小胞体搬出における意義 安田大恭, 奥野利明, 横溝岳彦, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 Gタンパク質特定領域・膜輸送複合体特定領域合同若手ワークショップ
- 2009/00 Requirement of Helix8 for ER export of leukotriene B4 type-2 receptor D.Yasuda, T.Okuno, T.Yokomizo, N.Hirota, T.Hashidate, T.Shimizu, M.Nakamura, The 5th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on PharmaSciences”Bioactive Lipid Molecules and Transporters,
- 2009/00 白血球走化因子ロイコトリエンB4受容体であるBLT1の遺伝子発現制御 橋立智美, 村上尚加, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 日本生化学会年会
- 2009/00 2つのロイコトリエンB4受容体におけるN型糖鎖修飾の意義 安田大介, 清水孝雄,中村元直 日本生化学会年会
- 2008/00 G蛋白質共役型受容体が有するHelix8構造の小胞体搬出における重要性 安田大恭, 廣田信哲, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 日本生化学会、日本分子生物学会合同年会(横浜)
- 2008/00 LTB4/12-HHT受容体(BLT2)が有するHelix8の細胞内輸送に置ける 役割 安田大恭, 廣田信哲, 清水孝雄, 中村元直 第3回東京大学生命科学研究ネットワークシンポジウム
- 2007/12 GPCR, GPR20の機能解析 馳桃子、中村元直、横溝岳彦、清水孝雄 日本生化学会、 日本分子生物学会合同年会
- 2006/09 脂質認識GPCRに近縁なオーファンGPCR, GPR20の細胞内シグナル伝達解析 馳桃子、 中村元直、横溝岳彦、清水孝雄 日本生化学会
- 1995/00 A simple, rapid and specific radioreceptor assay for platelet-activating factor Y.Aoki, M.Nakamura,, H.Kodama, T.Shimizu 4th International Conference on Eicosanoid and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer
- 1995/00 Cloning and characterization of a murine platelet-activating factor receptor gene S.Ishii, M.Nakamura, I.Waga, K.Kume, T.Izumi, T.Shimizu 4th International Conference on Eicosanoid and Other Bioactive Lipids in Cancer