氏名 |
松井 利康 |
氏名(カナ) |
マツイ トシヤス |
氏名(英語) |
Matsui Toshiyasu |
所属 |
獣医学部 獣医学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
B000313605 |
researchmap機関 |
岡山理科大学 |
- 2023/09/
Treatment with Ligilactobacillus murinus lowers blood pressure and intestinal permeability in spontaneously hypertensive rats/Masashi Mukohda, Takanori Yano, Toshiyasu Matsui, Sho Nakamura, Jiro Miyamae, Kensuke Toyama, Ryoji Mitsui, Risuke Mizuno, Hiroshi Ozaki/Joint Author/Scientific Reports
- 2023/06/
Evans blue and FITC-dextran double labeling reveals precise sequence of vascular leakage and glial responses after exposure to mild-level blast-associated shock waves /Nishii K, Satoh Y, Higashi T, Matsui T, Ishizuka T, Kashitani M, Saitoh D, Kobayashi Y/Joint Author/Journal of Neurotrauma
- 2022/11 脊椎と脊髄の構造と機能 小林靖,松井利康 共著
Clinical Neuroscience
- 2022/06 脊髄・脳幹のコリン作動性ニューロンのトレーシング:伝達物質に基づく神経連絡の可視化 松井利康,小林靖 共著
Clinical Neuroscience
- 2022/02/Morphological characterization of cholinergic partition cells: a transmitter-specific tracing study by Cre/lox-dependent viral gene expression/Hongo Y,Matsui T,Nakata T,Furukawa H,Ono T,Kaida K,Suzuki K,Miyahira Y,Kobayashi Y/Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger
- 2021/09/A temporal Ca2+-desensitization of myosin light chain kinase in phasic smooth muscles induced by CaMKKß/PP2A pathways./Kitazawa T, Matsui T, Katsuki S, Goto A, Akagi K, Hatano N, Tokumitsu H, Takeya K, Eto M./American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology
- 2021/05 脳神経の機能:体性・臓性をめぐって 小林靖,松井利康 Clinical Neuroscience
- 2021/03 Postnatal testicular development and actin appearance in the seminiferous epithelium of the Habu, Trimeresurus flavoviridis Kurohmaru M, Matsui T, Igarashi H, Hattori S, Hayashi Y Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
- 2021/02 Tinnitus rat model generated by laser-induced shock wave; a platform for analyzing the central nervous system after tinnitus generation Niwa K,Mizutari K,Matsui T,Kawauchi S,Satoh Y,Sato S,Shiotani A,Kobayashi Y Auris Nasus Larynx
- 2020/12 Species- specific and heterogeneous distribution of sialoglycoconjugates in primary olfactory center of three species of Asian salamanders (Cynops) Matsui T, Komamoto K, Igarashi H, Kurohmaru M Tissue and Cell
- 2020/10 Suppression of inflammatory genes expression in the injured host intestinal wall during Mesocestoides vogae tetrathyridium larvae migration Hayashi K, Sugisawa R, Saito T, Matsui T, Taniguchi Y, Batanova T, Yanai T, Matsumoto J, Kitoh K, Takashima Y PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
- 2020/10 TrkA inhibitor promotes motor functional regeneration of recurrent laryngeal nerve by suppression of sensory nerve regeneration Suzuki H, Araki K, Matsui T, Tanaka Y, Uno K, Tomifuji M, Yamashita T, Satoh Y, Kobayashi Y, Shiotani A Scientific Reports
- 2020/10 脊髄小脳路の解剖 松井利康, 小林靖 脊椎脊髄ジャーナル
- 2020/08 味覚の受容と伝導路 小林靖、松井利康 JOHNS (Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery)
- 2020/03 Characterization of glycoconjugates and sialic acid modification in the olfactory bulb of the Chinese fire-bellied newt (Cynops orientalis) Matsui T, Komamoto K, Igarashi H, Kurohmaru M Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
- 2020/02 Neurochemical characterization of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons expressing organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) Matsui T, Nakata T, Kurohmaru M, Kobayashi Y NeuroReport
- 2019/09 Distribution of actin filaments in the seminiferous epithelium of the Habu, Trimeresurus flavoviridis Kurohmaru M, Matsui T, Igarashi H, Hattori S, Hayashi Y Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
- 2018/06 有機カチオントランスポーターの局在と機能 松井利康、小林靖 Clinical Neuroscience
- 2018/05 Glycoconjugate expression in the olfactory bulb of the premetamorphic larva of the Japanese sword-tailed newt (Cynops ensicauda) ToshiyasuMatsui, Yasushi Kobayashi Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
- 2018/02 Heterogeneous expression of glycoconjugates in the primary olfactory center of the Japanese sword-tailed newt (Cynops ensicauda) Matsui T, Tanaka K, Kobayashi Y Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
- 2018/01 Inferring cortical subdivisions based on skull morphology Kobayashi Y, Matsui T, Ogihara N Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans
- 2017/09 シリケンイモリ(Cynops ensicauda)の嗅球における糖鎖分布の組織化学的同定 田中久美子, 松井利康, 小林靖 防衛医科大学校雑誌
- 2017/06 Cortical bone trajectory for thoracic pedicle screws: Technical note Matsukawa K, Yato Y, Hynes RA, Imabayashi H, Hosogane N, Asazuma T, Matsui T, Kobayashi Y, Nemoto K Clinical Spine Surgery
- 2017/06 網様体の比較解剖学と脊髄からの連続性 松井利康, 小林靖 Clinical Neuroscience
- 2016/09 Distribution of Organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) in monoaminergic and cholinergic axon terminals of the mouse brain Matsui T, Nakata T, Kobayashi Y Neuroscience Letters
- 2016/08 Pathophysiology of the inner ear after blast injury caused by laser-induced shock wave Niwa K,Mizutari K,Matsui T,Kurioka T,Matsunobu T,Kawauchi S,Satoh Y,Sato S,Shiotani A,Kobayashi Y Scientific Reports
- 2016/06 Value of a novel PGA-collagen tube on recurrent laryngeal nerve regeneration in a rat model Suzuki H,Araki K,Matsui T,Tomifuji M,Yamashita T,Kobayashi Y,Shiotani A Laryngoscope
- 2015/01 Neuroprotection by JM-1232(-) against oxygen-glucose deprivation-induced injury in rat hippocampal slice culture Ogura T, Hamada T, Matsui T, Tanaka S, Okabe S, Kazama T, Kobayashi Y Brain Research